Please do something about Cazel

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kaizaki, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If you don't care why do you keep going on about how all these other pieces are nodrop? This item has been tradeable since it was introduced and there is no reason to change it now especially when there are other ways to go about fixing the issue.
  2. EFKAB New Member

    I was just noting the inconsistency. I'm not asking for them to make it no-drop. I've been asking as have many others to adjust the spawn time to something more reasonable.
  3. Tweakfour17 Augur

    I think the counter argument beyond 'don't touch muh classic!!1!' is that "reasonable" is a slippery slope. Is 4 hours reasonable? If they did as was suggested and made 4 hours the ceiling for all epic mobs, how long do you think it would be before another post like this one popped up with "zomg, 4 hours is insane, I have a wife and kids and a job and I can't no life it for 4 straight hours only to have someone dps race me!!!"
    As a community we're never happy, there is always going to be a bottleneck somewhere the quest line and there will always be someone waiting behind the pillar to dps race you for it so they can sell it.
  4. Demetri Augur

    As a rule of thumb - most games use something less than a workday for a reason - so that someone can in theory, work, sleep and with the time remaining have a chance at doing something like this. You shouldn't require time off to camp a spawn like this - assuming you're catering this game at all to normal working adults vs. retirees and man-children.

    And you'll note almost every epic spawn fits that criteria now with a few noteworthy exceptions - including Miragul and Cazel.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    My point is what exactly does noting that it is tradeable and other items are not have to do with a fix for this besides nerfing it on every server by making it nodrop?
  6. Fred_Bear Lorekeeper

    Why do you all still play on this server?

    If you hate the server rules so much, or hate the boxing armies and krono sellers, move to a more fun server.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Having issues with a single camp doesn't mean you have issues with the server as a whole. Also trying to bring up issues that you or other players at all shouldn't be considered an problem.
    Demetri likes this.
  8. Fred_Bear Lorekeeper

    I don't have problems with any of these.

    I'm just curious why people consistently complain about the servers they choose to play on.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They are not complaining about the server, they are complaining about a single issue on the server and it is in fact an issue that has nothing to do at all with the server rules. The only problem is there is a high demand for an item which causes a lot of people to want to farm and sell it which could happen on any server.
    Demetri likes this.
  10. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Never personally timed it but from reports here it can be as low of a respawn as 2 hours? 2 - 23 seems to be the consensus which is a huge window but potentially spawning alot more than once a day if true
  11. Demetri Augur

    Why did I fix the flat tire I got on my car instead of just junking the entire thing? That's the same reasoning you're using here.

    Having 1-2 issues with something usually means you should try to advocate for those issues fixed, rather than just tossing the whole thing.
  12. Demetri Augur

    Average for the timeframe when I was tracking it and shmoozing with everyone that got a kill before I gave up caring was over 14 hrs - there has not been one under 5 hrs that has been reported to me out of nearly 20 kills. I'd have to look back but I think it was 4 that fell between 6-8 hrs - out of nearly 20 that I'd tracked.

    So no, it doesn't really fit that formula.

    And top end of the scale is probably 24h BTW - unless he doesn't spawn in picks - because there was a known pick that lasted for 23h20m without a spawn.
  13. Atomos Augur

    I don't think this would happen at all, and is instead an exaggeration. I was going to say 6 hours myself, but I'm OK with 4!

    I think one of the biggest things that needs to go away with any rare spawn is variance. It sounds good on paper - it's there to prevent people knowing exactly when something is going to spawn. But honestly, knowing exactly when something is going to spawn is way more casual friendly, less time consuming and frankly more entertaining. If Cazel were popping every 4 or 6 hours or whatever right on the dot, it would be easier for people to get an adequate force there, on time, with minimal sitting around doing nothing, and as soon as the mob is dead, win or lose the DPS race everyone can go back to actually playing the game afterwards.

    Sitting around waiting for hours and hours on spawns is hardly video game material, I think at the very least removing variance would make everyone happier. The main benefit of variance is towards people who have the time to sit in one place for hours and hours. But most of those people are boxing at multiple camps too in order to maximize their profits so /shrug.

    We no longer have to sit for hours and hours (days?!) at most raid targets because of DZs, but that does not affect epic targets like Cazel, Lord Bergurgle, or Miragul. I think it is completely bananas and frankly insulting for any spawn to be longer than 6 hours. MMOs have this longstanding but thankfully fading away history of requiring that the game consume your life to be able to acquire the best items or do some of the content. But to me, sitting in a spot staring at the screen for hours doing nothing does not feel like "effort." It does not feel like a video game. I don't mind an area where we are clearing trash like for Pawbuster for example, but man, I don't know how anyone could let stuff like Cazel or Miragul continue to be.

    Anyway, all of my suggestions from these various threads all wrapped up here:


    1. Leave the spawns as is but make them drop like 3 of the item instead of one, that way the campers actually have reason to cooperate (the point of the game) instead of hate each other (creates toxicity).
    2. Reduce epic respawn times especially for the epic spawns that haven't been decreased yet (or decreased enough), increase spawn chance for epic spawns that have a PH
    3. For Mischief specifically, add epic non-forced spawned mobs to random loot. An option instead of adding them into the rare creature pool with everything else of a similar level is to just have Classic share a pool with all the Classic epic named, and Kunark with the Kunark ones. But maybe just all random loot is better. Forced spawned mobs aren't part of this of course (except some of them already are so WHO KNOWS).
    4. Make the entirety of the epic quests forced spawns and loot locked. :D:D:D

    A mix of the above could also be good. But regardless of any change, get rid of "variance" and "windows" because this is a video game not a job. At least for most of us.
    Stymie likes this.
  14. EFKAB New Member

    I'm having a hard time understanding the objections to this beyond the whole "this is how it's been for 20 years, we can't change it now" mentality. The problem with that mentality is that 20 years ago, alot of us were still living with our parents. Outside of working at taco bell for a few hours a day, we had nothing else going on so we could easily sit and camp a spawn for 24 hours. Now those children are adults, most with jobs, families and other responsibilities that prevent them from being able to sit in front of a computer with 5-10 friends for several hours in hopes of having enough dps to take the mob from someone else's group.

    I know some of you don't like that. I realize some of you may still work at taco bell a few hours a day and live with your parents so you're able to camp something for 24 hours and I'm happy for you if that's what makes you happy. However, please understand that your situation doesn't represent the majority anymore.

    Classic was great, but it was a different time and much different circumstances for the majority of players. Triconix pointed it out very elegantly earlier, when epics came out, we didn't have maps that showed exactly where the ground spawns were, we didn't have 100+ wiki's telling us every single step, we didn't have these bottlenecks because we didn't have this many people on the same step at the same time.
    Stymie and Demetri like this.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Changes to reduce the spawn time or give it more opportunity to spawn are a good thing for a lot of old quest mobs. So much of the difficulty in some of the old quests is around spawn time which in the end is just a time sink not difficulty.
    Stymie likes this.
  16. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Sadly if you spend long enough time on these forums you will see it is not an exaggeration, even at 4 hour max people would still find some reason why its not perfectly suited to them.

    Lots of people with "real" jobs and families managed to complete their epics, let's not call anyone who plays more than you or finds the spawn up some form of neckbeard/taco bell worker living in mom's basement/ insert random nerd insult here.

    Whats a reasonable amount of time between spawns for you? Should there be a variance so you have to wait around but prohibits a farmer from gating in 30s before spawn or should it spawn down to the very second each time?
  17. Nyvlag Elder

    I really love these threads because it puts the microcosm of EQ TLPs on display.

    You get about a half dozen people making a reasonable request, generally with some reasoning and evidence behind why they would like it changed.

    You get 2 or 3 people coming in screaming, "BUT MUH CLASSIC"

    You get 2 or 3 people making complete bad faith arguments (Hint: These are the ones selling the spoon for 15KR).

    You get 2 or 3 trolls (me)

    And you get Waring stating a that this sounds like something that should be in the bugs forum. (No dig Waring, I love it, I used to do the same thing a long time ago with all the epic stuff).
    Stymie likes this.
  18. bardybard Augur

    I am curious... do you know why spawn time variance was introduced to EQ in the first place?
  19. bardybard Augur

    You don't have to play EQ either. You can play games that more to your pace, plenty of options out there.
  20. EFKAB New Member

    I could say the same to you babybard. If you want things to be like they were 20 years ago, there's options for that.