DBG: Easy fix to stop boxing violations

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Fell, Jun 13, 2021.

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  1. Gnothappening Augur

    They are fulfilling the promise. Truebox is one per computer. Promise fulfilled.

    Six boxes aren't an army. It is a single group of six toons. As for selling loot. I trade some loot to buy others. If I get lucky and have an item drop I don't want I can trade it for an item I do want. This server is random loot so anyone can get anything if they kill a level appropriate mob. No more having to camp Djarn to get boots.

    I will give you this though, you are right in that I don't run a six box just for the sheer love of playing. I do it for the love of not playing with people like you and the original poster. Now I can do any camp that a regular group would do and see the game, and not have to let annoying people into the group. That is the part you are missing. We get to exclude people we don't like and not have to worry about group efficiency while still being able to drop a box and invite anyone we actually do like.
  2. Fell Augur

    Sorry, no. Every person boxing six is violating the terms of service. Every one. You're either "using third party software", or using "a method which sends keystrokes to multiple computers". At least be honest.

    Furthermore, the promise of truebox isn't in the minutiae of the TOS, but rather that DBG is taking steps to reign in boxing. They're doing so because of widespread customer demand. DBG knows their customers don't like the rampant boxing. You know it as well, as much as you attempt to deny it here.
  3. That Guy Journeyman

    I would say you are the one who needs to be honest here. I two box, on a laptop and a desktop. Most boxers I encounter both on live and TLPs play 2-3, and mostly so they can play when they want where they want with their available timeslots. People play from all around the world and there isn't always a large pool of players to group with. Or for people like me who rather not have to deal sometimes, find a quiet corner someplace and grind exp away on our own terms, or be able to do group content with fewer people. None of this is against the terms of service. It seems it isn't the duo/trio boxers like myself you dislike, but all boxers in general.

    So, let me ask, what is it precisely you expect to happen? For conversation sake, lets say any and all boxing was prevented by any means you like tomorrow. What do you think would happen? It wouldn't suddenly be like it was in the early 2000's with 50+ people on LFG where everyone held hands and everything smelled like roses.

    First many people would leave. Not just the boxers, but likely more nonboxers due to it being even more difficult for single character players to find groups. Secondly, it would be felt in the economy. This can be good or bad. But it wouldn't be a magic fix where everyone was suddenly equal. If anything the gap between the have's and the have-nots would only widen.

    So my advice is, unless they come out with a server that is "one account per IP" or something of that nature, boxing is here to stay. Like it, or leave it as you please. My suggestion though would be to focus on yourself and your own style of play, rather than insist hundreds of other people are all wrong and we must all enjoy the game precisely as you do. You do your thing, and I do mine. And we will either agree or ignore one another, and I don't particularly care one way or another.

    TLDR here is - boxing likely isn't going anywhere. So better toughen up buttercup and perhaps stop angst-ing over how other people choose to play in a 20+ year old game.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  4. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Dear OP, Google the term "Wall Hack"

    illegal software can just relocate a character, Changing follow would do nothing.

    As for your "wink wink" comment.

    Some people work in offices that have multiple PCs, Some people in computing, like ITs and such, have tons of hardware floating around. My wife and I have years of our old PCs and laptops, retired from administrative duties, still able to run EQ. I have 2 PCs on my desk and a 3rd on the table next to me. In our home office, some 9 PCs all needing a single repair to put back online.

    Many such cases.

    (Cases, a computer pun, sorry.)

    *Not sorry)

    Oh and we pay currently 5 all access monthlies. Sometimes as many as 10 up at once.

    Support the game you love.
    code-zero likes this.
  5. Accipiter Old Timer

    Later on mages get a group CoH. It's fabulous.
  6. Gnomie Denser than most

    I've already posted in this thread that I 6 box, with my 6 computer screen shot. I pay for all my accounts with a credit card, not Krono. There is a HUGE difference between someone who boxes 6 different characters, and a Krono farming bot.

    I started Boxing when I played on Coirnav, because later in the server, there was just no way to get a group due to the low population. One by one, over a year or so, computers until I had 6. Now I box because it's more enjoyable to me than sitting around LFG.

    Even on Mischief, I have a SK that I told myself I wasn't going to box to level, and I spend 90% of the time trying to find groups, which just isn't fun to me.

    Although I 6 box often, I hate seeing AFK mages at every rare spawn camp. And even the 6 box crews of like 4-5 mages and a cleric annoy me. I personally think you are directing your anger at the wrong people. The Krono farmers aren't the ones playing a variety of classes in a pre-made 6 box crew. (I play Warrior, Monk, Wizard, Enchanter, Bard, Cleric). They are the ones who have 6 mages spread across 6 picks at rare camps, afk farming the nameds.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    That's your takeaway? Talk about confirmation bias.
  8. Accipiter Old Timer

    Once /follow is gone so is stick. How stupid do you think these people are? Now you've ruined it for everyone and didn't gain a thing.
    Bardy McFly and code-zero like this.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    Yeah, I stopped reading there. Clearly no reason to continue reading the rest of the drivel.
  10. Accipiter Old Timer

    Yeah, I haven't been able to get it to work either.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    I'd ask for your source but clearly you are just making this up. Make a poll, prove your point.
  12. Accipiter Old Timer

    Confirmation bias again. You no doubt join "no boxing, no outside help" groups. If you are group leader you almost certainly insist on no boxers in your groups. So now you have six people who are aligned in their thinking regarding boxers. It's pretty clear how the group chat will go.
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  13. Fell Augur

    Did you miss the part where I said "six boxing"? Reading comprehension FTW.

    Then do it on a server that allows unrestricted boxing. What's hard to understand about that?

    People boxing six on a truebox server are doing it to monopolize spawns and farm loot for sale. If you really wanted to simply "play by yourself without relying on others", you'd be on another server.

    The entire point of the first "M" in MMO is widescale interaction between players. You, sir, have forgotten that.
  14. Zansobar Augur

    It's not how many will quit, it's how many customers boxers keep from subbing in the first place.
  15. That Guy Journeyman

    1. No, I didn't miss the part where you said 6 boxing, nor did I miss the part where you wanted to remove the /follow command, which does indeed affect me.

    2. I do play on a server that allows boxing, which is all of them. Reading comprehension FTW?.

    Perhaps "you" couldn't play multiple computers at once. Some of us are quite capable of doing so. Heck, I played 3 masterminds at once on 3 different accounts in City of Heroes. Here it's child's play by comparison, with the use of macros. It isn't difficult to "pilot" one computer, turn your head 45 degrees to the left, press "1" on one keyboard, then turn your head 180 to the right, and press "1" on another keyboard, then look back to center and keep playing your main focus. All of this took less than 2 seconds to do. Rinse repeat as needed.

    Maybe you cant multitask that well, but some of us certainly can. Myself I have only managed 3 at most. But I wouldn't be surprised if people could do it with 8 or more.
  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    I would say most boxers are in between your two extremes. As I play, I accumulate platinum. At some point I trade some of that platinum for krono. I use that krono for monthly memberships. Probably most boxers do it this way. A krono farmer, in my view, is someone who farms krono to RMT.
  17. Fell Augur

    The flaw in your logic is the belief that no chat exists beyond group chat.

    The vast majority of players on a truebox server dislike widescale boxing. That's the entire rationale behind the server's existence. I know this. DBG knows this. And you know it too.
  18. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    /stick is a Dark Age of Camelot thing, not an EQ thing AFAIK.
  19. Nolrog Augur

    You don't speak for most players and you are making an argument you have no way of proving, and which I believe is false.
    That Guy likes this.
  20. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    Man I'm terrible at six boxing since I've never farmed items for sale.

    Ok I'm done here, you're just trolling, the only people stealing named mobs in every camp were solo necros for the first three weeks and you just pretending that isn't the case is hilarious.
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