New Player... should I TLE on Mangler?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Saints, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Saints New Member

    Defeated by the action bar!
    -Well, almost... it took a lot of searching to find I could just click and hold on it to remove a skill... I probably shouldn't admit this.

    Playing a bit now on a TLP server, so naturally a bunch more questions.

    1. Borderless Fullscreen Window option, or just Borderless Window?
    -I did some searching and found that some kind of multibox tool allows for that. I'm not really interested in anything like that, and I believe multi-boxing isn't permitted on TLP servers so I don't really want to run anything like that.

    2. Quest Journal - does it work?
    The few minutes I messed around on live quest were showing up like crazy in there. So far in the Qeynos Aqueducts the guildmaster gave me a few task for a staff, some clothes, and to talk to someone else - none of which seemed to show up in the Quest Journal.

    3. Is it worthwhile to make some of the scourge armor and Staff of the Bloodsabers from the Necromancer trainer?
    -Probably because I don't know where to go, this seems like a bit of a hassle from the start up.

    4. If I understand correctly, in EQ2 Qeynos is basically the 'good' area and Freeport is 'evil' - is that the same here?
    -I became a bit confused when making a necromancer and selecting the deity.

    So far, I have survived all my encounters with these pesky sewer rats, this is great!
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    1) Alt + enter should be the default toggle between windowed and fullscreen.
    2) Quest tracking page does not work for any old school quests. It first comes into play for some group tasks in (I believe) Omens of War expansion, and then becomes the standard for all quests from The Serpent’s Spine on. Older quests you just need to track/remember progress on your own.
    3) Worthwile just in the sense it gives you something to do to get started. As for how long you’d keep the gear, that depends what server you’re on. It’s still pretty decent gear on Coirnav.
    4) I know nothing about EQ2, but in EQ Freeport and Qeynos are both good cities controlled by humans, with small underground evil sections in the sewers/aqueducts.
  3. Radlin New Member

    I agree with this. People go into these threads with an unintentional elitist tilt. Guilds will either pounce instantly on each expansion unlock, or will dissolve and quit. I don't think that will be the reality. I will be on Selos. I will not be racing. I will be in a raiding guild...and that raiding guild may always be an expansion or 3 behind. That is the way EQ always was back in the day.

    There are racers, and their are cruisers. I think Selos will be a place where the hard core guilds and the casual guilds can separate themselves across several expansions. I think EQ works best when you have two or three expansions that guilds are grinding in. Yes...even with /pick. I think this is the way Selos will play out. You will have more available to you, but you don't have to drink from the fire hose just because the water is flowing.
    Lowlife likes this.
  4. Saints New Member

    Had an absolute blast playing some over the weekend on a TLP server!!
    Setup the UI, tried out the fishing (it is what I expected, and that is fine), died leaving the sewers, threatened by guards, murdered while afk by Darkpaw, and spent way too long trying to get back to the Necromancer Trainer by entering the sewers in North Qeynos... but I got there eventually.

    Thanks for all the help in getting me settled, I'm really grateful that I was to get this all sorted out before the launch of Mangler.

    Thank you for the reply. For this setup I'm not looking for Fullscreen mode, but actual Borderless Windowed mode as Fullscreen doesn't lend itself well to my ALT+TAB lifestyle.
    I have doubts there is anything simple to use (without an asterisk/hoops to jump through), so I'm going to settle with Windowed mode
    Koshk likes this.