An Update to Selos and Mangler - Coming March 16, 2019

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roxxlyy, Feb 22, 2019.

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  1. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    Preach it brother!
    Yimin likes this.
  2. FubarEQ Journeyman

    This is enough to make most people happy. Really disappointed neither get FV loot but overall it's a good compromise. We get 1 race server for hardcore poopsocks and a server that Coirnav should have been.
    SweetLaxTho likes this.
  3. Faidaen Lorekeeper

    I get that not everyone is going to get what they want in a server, and in a business as this is, DBG has to turn a profit, and they feel by the account of feedback they've received; that these two are the best options. I know there are lots of other comments on here, for our or "your" choices in servers, but at the end of the day we do not control what is produced.

    The issues I have; is this "big" restriction of boxing on either servers or even no FV loot rule set. Players do like the old school feel (why we're playing), but sometimes it nice to allow something different. FV loot rules is always been something I think is very cool! I've dabbled here and there on FV, I've enjoyed the freedom of passing gear down too alts. The ability to use AoC's is just something well, we all love it! Not sitting around for those pesky raid mobs to be up or having a call list like the old days (I mean we're not in 99 anymore, but we'll always have those memories), but allowing an actual schedule on your/our own time is great. The fast rate exp and less downtime for raids is very very cool! Those are two features anyone would love to have across any server of course!

    Boxing, well let's face it, this is a major part of the game regardless of rulesets or what some individuals may or may not think. People can still box on multiple machines if they choose, I mean some guy was running 24? Something crazy like that. Or people can simply two box, which is fine too a point, but not a lot is accomplished overall. However, I don't see the need for now the a total of five newer servers all being Truebox? I play a lot of odd hours, or sometimes gone for days/weeks, I like to login and play, not saying I won't LFG, but I don't always have 45 minutes to lfg in an hours playtime. And i'm sure at the launch of the servers the 45 minute wait time won't be nearly that, but there are slow times on all servers regardless of new or not. Now, that's on me and my schedule not saying everyone is the same way, and before someone says "play on live" well I like options, why? Cause its my game just as much as it your game, and I respect what you have going on and your opinion.

    Hopefully the next round of servers will offer a little more something outside the new "norm" as it seems with truebox. There can only be so many truebox servers after all, as one opens populations goes from one too another, which is thinning out numbers. I hope/wish the new servers best of luck on the future, and hopefully they'll have a strong launch. Personally, I will be waiting for the next or if there are next servers or server coming out to be a little more too my liking. But, we never know what happens in the EQ world, for all we know something new can open up next month!

    Be safe and happy hunting!
    Eangel and Jogath like this.
  4. Liliun New Member

    A little longer on the unlocks for Mangler would have made it more "ultra-casual", but I'll take the changes and not look a gift horse and all that. Thank you.
    Jogath likes this.
  5. xxar Augur

    I have a legit question . I did not play on other TLP's such as Ragefire or LJ. What will mangler's exp rates be roughly compared to Corinav or Agnar? I ask because there saying it is based on those 2 above servers that I have not played on. Faster / Slower then ag or cori?
    Those are the two server's I am familiar with .. thanks :)
  6. Eangel Elder

    You guys can't allow for one new progression to be non-truebox or even 2-3 clients per machine? Boxing has been around for over 15 years in this game and has been part of what made EQ great, you could choose to box or not. You guys decided to listen to the vocal whiners that can't solve their own problems by trying(and succeeding) in forcing everyone to play 1 client per computer. I guess at least now you all will get more Krono sales from all the RMTers on truebox servers selling loot that they will be monopolizing. Whatever keeps EQ going, right? Pure trash.
    Yimin and Jogath like this.
  7. Yimin Augur

    Selo is a Truebox server and, once the server catches up to the present era, will become a standard Live server.

    So why go there if it will just become like normal blue servers ! The reason I love the Quram idea was you got extra special stuff for your main character !

  8. Skauri_BoxofKurage New Member

    Define True Box:_____________
    Some people seem to think that means you cannot box, I think it means something else. Can a Dev please define what is meant. From what I see players are assuming different things by that statement.
  9. Ceffener Augur

    One client per machine, the way it was for (I forget how many years).
  10. Ranvir New Member

    Selos: No change.
    Mangler: Faster XP rate and removed additional death XP penalty.

    It seems the biggest change is only in the wording on how the servers are presented. Am I missing something?
  11. Xplodr New Member

    You guys need to STOP starting over every TLP!! Conbine all the dead TLP into one server and make a server per expansion so we can play in whatever era we like and move past them if we choose to.
    1. Make 1 server per expansion with AoC and normal rules
    2. Allow players to server xfer up to the next expansion ON THEIR OWN TIME if they choose to.
    3. Make them all access only.
    Craigas likes this.
  12. Ceffener Augur

    So you want 25 new servers.
    Craigas and SweetLaxTho like this.
  13. Craigas New Member

    Is it just me.... or is Selo EXACTLY the same as before, except they dropped the description of "casual" from it...? The changes on Mangler means it also drops the description of "hardcore."

    After all the complaints.... I see people saying they hit it out of the park. Please... someone explain what actually changed to change your minds.
  14. Craigas New Member

    First time I've heard this idea. I love it.
  15. Craigas New Member

    I love this idea, but I doubt it would ever happen. They make bank with every new server release.
  16. Ceffener Augur

    One crowd was happy with Selo and now Mangler doesn’t suck.
    Yinla and Ishbu like this.
  17. Jogath Journeyman

    It could be done by era. Server "one" is original content, Kunark and Velious (pre Luclin, 'original' content). That would be TLP and stop at Velious. Server "two" could be Luclin + PoP ('god content'?), Server Three could be GoD+OoW ('dimensional' or whatever?) etc etc and batch them that way. Similar level cap / raid difficulty or something. That doesnt totally hold but you get the idea.
  18. Islapped New Member

    Good Job, DBG! I was one of the people critical of the last announcement. The changes you made to Mangler make it pretty close to the option I was hoping for. I'll be playing it. Thanks for listening to your customers!
    Holyreptar likes this.
  19. Jadefox Augur

    Pssst, DBG. Over here. Keep quiet.

    I'll buy 5 Krono if you'll let me make a Beastlord day one on Mangler.

    Think about it.

    --Secret Jade
    Yimin likes this.
  20. Crowfeather New Member

    Sounds perfect. Good job DBG and thanks for listening to the players and re-working these server rulesets.
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