Constructive feedback on Mangler and Selo

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Risiko, Feb 12, 2019.

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  1. Thalliius Augur

    Don’t worry, I don’t take you seriously either.

    I never said FV attracts more people to a server, I said throw it on Mangler so that the dozen or so posters on this board will go there and double the servers population. Have you been living under a rock these last few days? It’s pretty clear to see how bent out of shape a small group of people are about not having one of the servers with FV loot rules

    I have no interest in the FV loot rules. I don’t think it would be a deal breaker for me if they added it onto Selos, but I think it would be a huge mistake and I hope they don’t even seriously consider it

    Mangler is a mess and needs any help it can get at this point
  2. beefeater_dp Journeyman

    Everyone can safely ignore these polls, as they are being manipulated. The agendas wanting to be pushed have thousands of votes. The agendas that have real people (not bots) clicking on them, have around 150. The polls for "Do you agree with Mangler" vs "Do you agree with Selos" or "Do you agree with FV ruleset" for example.

    Before the poll was manipulated, FV ruleset was the overwhelming majority "yes". Suddenly, thousands of votes later, it's "No" and everyone approves of Selos as is.

    This is why DBG doesn't allow polls on its forums. People put their own interests ahead of what the population actually wants.

    Pirlo and Barton like this.
  3. Mashef Augur

    So much feedback on everything. Another idea for Selo could be to keep 1 month unlocks until GoD opens to get through the re-hash content and get people into stuff they haven't done then expand release timers to 10 to 12 weeks so you can enjoy later expansions. I'm not even pro later expansions but if I'm going to check them out a server like Selo where I skip through 1 year of non-sense (classic to Luclin) is the only way to do it.
  4. Hawer Lorekeeper

    I agree, the polls are worthless now. Initially as the first hundred or so votes came in they were all pretty much in line with what the majority on the forums have been arguing for the last several days. Then the polls suddenly jumped up by hundreds or thousands all for one category, such as the Selo pull that is over 2,500 votes now. Its unfortunate as voting would be a great way to judge how a fan base is leaning, but unless you can be sure who and how many times a person votes, the numbers just get warped to someone with an agenda and the information is completely irrelevant.
  5. likestobox Lorekeeper

    The faster the unlock of servers the quicker the true box fan clubs will be back on these forums wanting another server with fast unlocks.....Since I think this might be the last of the TLP servers to come out can we actually get a unlock that fits with casual players? There is no reason to have a TLP server that unlocks fast and doesn't allow boxing. If you want faster unlocks and later starts corinav is at Pop. Ragefire unlock schedule wasn't bad, it gives people time to have some fun in that expansion then take a small break(accounts active still) to actually get RL stuff done before the next expansion goes live. Having 1 server at 1 month and the other at 2 forces will burn people out, and when they feel like they are getting behind they will quit.
  6. Barton The Mischievous

    Polls that only last a few days and some that were manipulated by thousands of bot votes and already closed ----- Are worthless.
  7. Risiko Augur

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    All I'm saying is that you might want to keep watching that twitter account because a little birdie tells me that big things will be coming soon that you wont ever read here.
  8. Ceffener Augur

    More than the poetry?
  9. Risiko Augur

  10. Risiko Augur

    I'm just kidding. Nothings going to happen. Nothing at all. Don't keep watching it. Nothing to see here.
  11. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I've got the perfect rule set addition for casual whales.

    Pay 20 krono to permanently kill another character you despise. :D
    chumpy likes this.
  12. ECrack Augur

    See you say that, but here you are with 3-4 paragraph responses. Cheers.
  13. Brunlin Augur

    Just give Mangler, Agnaar xp, and on Selos slow the unlocks to either 6 or 8 weeks....good to go
    Umul likes this.
  14. Rolento23 Journeyman

    Having played on every TLP since Ragefire and Lockjaw days. I will also like to add my disappointment in Mangler. Selos with its rule set doesnt interest me or my friends, BUT at least its different and something fresh and new.

    Mangler on the other hand... Its just another clone of the last 2 TLPs, with even worse EXP rates. I love EQ1 but making a server with even more punishing rules and slower exp then any other server, on top of having NOTHING new to bring to the server. Needs to be addressed.

    I would be on the side of if the rules, lockouts etc are the same. Just increase exp rates to Agnarr level. People dont want to slog through classic all over again and grind out 1000s of AAs at insanely terrible speeds.

    Personally I would love to see some more unique rules to Mangler. People bring up FV loot rules all the time, Id be on board for that. At least its different! Just like PvP would be as well. Im not saying you have to do either of those options, BUT at least it gives a unique twist to the server like you did with Selos
  15. Proggers New Member

    All I really want to ask for is the ability to dual box on my single computer. I don't want to box 20 accounts but 2 shouldn't really be that big of a deal. GL to the rest of you with all of your wants/demands.
    Umul likes this.
  16. CrescensX New Member

    The problem isn't you. When they turn off the truebox code(which doesn't 100% stop people from boxing on 1 pc anyways) they open the floodgates. Most people like you would take advantage and play 1-3 accounts and it would not be that terrible of an experience. However, there will be people that are playing 20 accounts and those people tend to be very disruptive. So there is no gentleman's agreement here, where DBG lets boxing but everyone only boxes 1 or 2 accounts. So if you only want to box 2 characters you will have to do it the slightly more annoying way, so that the 20 boxer guys will have to either break the rules and risk getting banned or have 20 laptops which sounds like a nightmare anyways.
    Yinla and Proggers like this.
  17. Trebor Journeyman

    Can I suggest buying a really cheap laptop? I have a ton of fun 2 boxing a druid/chanter, and EQ can run on just about anything. I have 0 interest in doing anything beyond 2 boxing. Anything more and you start to not invite people in, and this is a social game lol.
  18. Umul Augur

    3 is the sweet spot imo. Lots of flexibility and many many times, I kick a box and OOG support while a player hops in my group.

    Also add 4 weeks to Selo unlocks and bump Mangler xp seems to be the consensus Devs.
    Crayon123 likes this.
  19. Proggers New Member

    I fully understand that point. However at the same time it isn't hard for DBG to monitor those abusing the rule and banning those accounts as needed. There aren't more than 2 or 3 people that will run a full on army.
  20. CrescensX New Member

    The EQ team is a small team so anything requiring more Customer Service support is just a bad idea for them. I would also be skeptical that the number of people "over" boxing and being disruptive with it is only 2 or 3 people on the server.
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