DPS Checks are costing you money.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ratbo Peep, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Brohg Augur

    WHY indeed? WHY not just set all the mobs' hp to 2 (whoops, probably bug on damage shield) 20000, and have 30 items drop in each chest? WHY should rewards be metered to to fill a raid force after "x" months of success? WHY should "a raid force" be anything but someone shouting that they are one from a park bench in Prague? WHY should we call a dps test "arbitrary" but not similarly describe how much the boss hits for? WHY should you get to enjoy 14 hours of raiding a week, but RoI only gets to enjoy 3 hours and gets the same rewards? They pay the same for the game!
    Belexes and Venau like this.
  2. Reval Augur

    He was the straw man all along.
  3. Reval Augur

    I'll make this a bit easier for you.

    I already stated the blueprint for the game in this manner. Tanks end up being important to raids for the gear they have and their aa's and consistency. You don't need 30 tanks. Your raid doesn't need to have 30 tanks. Healers need to be consistent, and have good aa's and reasonable gear. You don't need 30 healers.

    This makes it reasonable for a guild to get enough of them.

    When you consider how hard a mob hits, you consider that vs a single tank. That means probably 4-6 people are playing warriors, and they are held up to that standard. The 8'ish healers in that area also are held up to the other side of that standard. That's a set standard for probably 14-18 people. You can get 14-18 people that are pretty good and it's not that hard. And they are people that don't usually go to other guilds in a way that's gonna crush you. They're a pretty stable bunch of folks generally, because they know this responsibility is there. They hold up the guild in a lot of ways. They should be applauded.

    The thing with dps is that it is fluid between about 30 people. Do you get that? Instead of something simple like "oh you have a good tank", you're now dealing with something complex. How well do the 30 people involved in dps work. And given I've been in several hour long groups where some dingus was holding 20k dps while I was at about 180k dps the whole time, you have to acknowledge that the level of difference between dps players, and to be fair sometimes classes is astronomical.

    That's why this is a much worse bar to put into place. You're never gonna please everybody. Content that is challenging for Brohg could be much too easy for me. And in reality the lack of challenge for me is fine because I'm gonna do great dps either way. But content that is challenging for me would crush poor Brohg into pieces and drive him to do things like play World of Warcraft in shame and disgrace. I don't want to hurt Brohg, he seems like a good guy. Why does Brohg want to hurt those that are below him? I mean if I really felt like I wanted to be challenged, I could set my own dps check, and say if we aren't enough dps, we have to drop the event and reget it. So I can challenge myself if I want to. There's literally no issues here given that this is a game.

    And don't act like RoI completing events faster isn't a reward instead of a penalty. That's one too many straw men. I know a lot of people that joined a top tier guild just because they didn't have the time for all that. It was the only way they could keep playing because they needed at least half of their weekend.
  4. Phrovo1 Augur

    Get over yourself. All you've done since you started posting in this thread is talk about how much of a god you are at EQ and how everyone is wrong. You made that analogy about taking the easy road? Why not take the hard road and join every family raiding guild in the game and teach the dps how to play their class. Should be easy for someone like you, a god at EQ? Oh right, even if you do that there will be countless people who do not even bother trying to put whatever advice you give.

    EQ is a very easy game. Even with basic knowledge about a class, a person who is willing to apply it will do at least decent with it. Any dps class can do at least decent damage if played even somewhat correctly. A raid of 54 decent players should be able to clear at least t2 of EoK (even finish EoK). Problem is, there are people who do not want to try. That's why they don't deserve to finish. EQ is basically just a game of applying yourself. Precision only really matters if you're talking about maximizing a raid's performance.
    Belexes, Calinae and Cicelee like this.
  5. Reval Augur

    That's the point Phrovo. Stuff like this is elitist. You're saying unless they as a guild can do exactly what your guild can do in a large way, they don't even deserve to play the game, or see the raids.

    You know how annoying I sound? That's what you sound like when you're on the other side of this to anyone who isn't. Just giving you a taste of yourselves. Get over yourselves.
    Jefferz and Jhenna_BB like this.
  6. Reval Augur

  7. Brohg Augur

    That the current bar to pass for "gets to do everything", vis-a-vis raid dps, is arbitrarily set by developers at about half the full potential of about two-thirds of a raid force, doesn't feel wildly unfair. That's my judgement.

    Getting loots without meeting the challenges isn't succeeding.
    Belexes likes this.
  8. Calinae New Member

    My eyes are bleeding
  9. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Everyone gets to play the game. Everyone doesn't get to see everything, no one is simply entitled to see it all, no matter the skill level. The nice thing about EverQuest is every expansion players get more power and get see everything if they choose.

    And yes, you certainly have been annoying since joining this thread.
    Belexes, Sancus, Reht and 2 others like this.
  10. kizant Augur

    Reval is hilarious. The funniest part about his trolling is that it's indistinguishable from his normal posts.
  11. Schadenfreude Augur

    Belexes, Sancus, gotwar and 1 other person like this.
  12. shiftie Augur

    I miss raiding. Seeing as how I don’t have time to raid and upon character creation I chose a hybrid tank/healer combo that also swings a weapon and for the sake of inclusivity in the raid game should be able to claim these Uber loots as my very own hereby contend - I should be able to solo these raids.

    For the little people, for the underprivileged raid forces; for my very own content exploration. We all paid the same money give me my loots and stop oppressing me!
    Belexes likes this.
  13. gotwar Gotcharms

    This thread got spicy

  14. Candaan New Member

    I hope that more than 11,000 views and 16 pages on this topic will get some Dev's attention.

    There is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed. Other than the elitists trying to protect their turf, many others are asking for help with what they see as an unnecessary obstacle. There should be a way to allow more people to experience content while still giving elitists special gear to distinguish their higher end abilities.

    I think the best suggestion has been tying the DPS checks to achievements, and not just completing the event. This won't hurt the elitists, they will still have the same challenging event to gain the achievements, so they won't lose anything, but others will have a chance to complete the event too, even though they won't get the achievement and the special achievement augments.
  15. Cicelee Augur

    The Elitists vs The Entitled

    Sounds like a WWE Survivor Series match...
    Maedhros, kizant, Calinae and 2 others like this.
  16. Belexes ForumQuester

    What do you do when people say it isn't fair they can't ever get those special things? :)

    There is a slippery slope here.

    Protecting turf? I am in no elite guild and I don't get that. I don't get the whole need to be first on server or first in game thing. What do you get for it? Money? Extra gear? You get to brag, that is it.

    Tell me what turf they are trying to protect? The turf that their ego lets grow rampant and unchecked? Are you saying you want to take your lawn mower and knock that down, because your turf is stunted and malnourished? Are you are jealous of their long and luxurious blades of green turf they feed with their enormous nerd egos? :)
  17. Cicelee Augur


    Developers want a raid force to defeat their event in 22 minutes. It is their event, that is how they want it done. How do you propose, outside of a DPS check, that they can ensure a raid force completes the event within 22 minutes as per their vision and design?
    Belexes likes this.
  18. Bahdah Augur

  19. Belexes ForumQuester

    I'm thinking us little people need to elect Reval to take control of EQ and be our savior. He will install the badly needed Everquest welfare program us non elite players will need in order to get the stuff the elite players have.

    I want to bask in the glow of Reval's benevolence!!
  20. shiftie Augur

    People keep throwing around the word elitist

    Let’s do math

    54 raiders minus 3 tank groups

    36 raid spots
    Minus 1 healer per group
    Minus 3 enchanter spots for the sake of being fair

    27 classes now in the raid with one function hit the 2.2 mil mark as mentioned in this thread as the benchmark

    That’s approx 82k dps per player

    What do these classes burn for
    What do they auto attack for

    And this assumes the tanks healers and enchanters do 0 dps

    My group geared Paladin sustains at a minimum of 35k with 0 support on live mobs. I would estimate these dps classes autoattack for ner that 82k dps.

    The problem here is people want to bring a raid force with too few people the amount of dps required here isn’t even close to elite
    Reht and Belexes like this.