Can't create a character + login queue

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MaestroM, May 24, 2017.

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  1. begin123 New Member

    I've literally been in queue for 20 minutes with a message that told me it was "4min." There is no 'average wait time.' Instead, there should be a queue number. Perhaps next time you decide to launch a new server, you should consider making 1-3 servers that are identical with the plan to merge them into one another by either Kunark or Velious - This makes sense! Instead of dropping one server for 50,000 players to join simultaneously, which doesn't.

    This is sad. I don't know what you expected to happen, but this clearly wasn't it.
    Vikkar likes this.
  2. midlifedwarf New Member

    now i gotta figure out how to tell my boss that I am feeling better after asking for the next 3 days off due to a staff infection. I'm not even sure if he will buy it and I can't burn my paid time off just sitting around the house watching BBT RERUNS. At least give us an answer DBG! My job is on the line here :( smdh
  3. Cynix New Member

    Why are the duping threads being deleted?
  4. Hicyn New Member

    Mepps ...let us know when y'all are going home for the night so we don't all just wait here waiting for no fix to happen. Thx.

    Sincerely, a PAYING customer for 14 years 342 days
  5. mercille New Member

    You have to give them credit, they are bringing back lots of memories of sitting in queues and cursing, yes?
  6. Arrk Augur

    Not in after the lucky login server restart.... I am talking about you are put in the queue and then the game let you in.
  7. Rovguy Journeyman

    There will always be a different subway.
  8. Mashef Augur

    Might be time to take to Twitter. Usually making things public gets results.
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    The problem is not that its one guy getting a bag.... its the fact that it is plastered all over the streams and forums and there are hundreds of people online right now doing it.

    Bags that are no drop, fine... but 40 slot bags full of cash items? that effects the economy. Maybe duping krono? This server will be screwed, the economy cannot recover from that. Just think about this.... 1 40 slot bag with cracked staffs is 40pp. Now just add numbers to it....
  10. ianchudson Journeyman

    I thought P99 was bad, I think even Rogean could do better than this. DBG is embarrassing. It's no wonder that they told Rogean + Nilbog they couldn't make more servers.
  11. Jaqen New Member

    2 hours and still can't get on the server
  12. Basak Augur

    Got in 3 times now - Every time I take a step forward I am booted to server select.
  13. Ellise Journeyman

    Because they were dupes? :D
  14. darkprince6969 New Member

  15. Fethos Lorekeeper

    Got in twice. Once to create character, then crashed. Again and am now playing. Level 4
  16. Syraniss New Member

    Take it down and announce the reset... with all the problems and the duping on top it must be done. Waiting will only make it more painful, pull that bandaid fast and hard and get it over with before things get worse.
  17. Daia Spiritlight New Member

    Now, maybe I'm slow. BUT the whole point of getting in a queue is that your wait time goes down the longer that you remain in it. I am doing that. And every time I refresh by hitting OK, it tells me that I am still in the queue. This is great news.

    What is not great is that since I the last time I got on queue (again) the wait time has gone up from 3 minutes, to 8, to 10, to 11, to 13 and now to 16 minutes. Surely, the server isn't allowing newer people on before those who are patiently waiting, is it?

    [OTOH this is bringing back some serious old school memories - like from back in the 1999-2001 range].
  18. Sniggz Elder

    No - the queue isn't real. It's only there to stop people from spamming login. The only time anybody gets in is when they restart the login servers.

    Either way, there's severe duping going on including 40 slot 100% weight reduction bags, so it honestly doesn't even matter.
  19. Daia Spiritlight New Member the time it took me to post this, the queue is now *19 minutes*!
  20. Merothasweyles New Member

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