Massive pet destruction

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by disgruntled, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Dre. Altoholic

    Consider a lower tier tank wants that gear and all the pet classes are gobbling it up due to the wipe, just so they can supplant tanks in groups by pet tanking named.
  2. GoneFission Augur

    I guess. I have tradeskill toons such that all I need are the raw materials, and that's plenty expensive for me. On Bertox right now, there is a single dimensional piece for sale, and it's a belt they want 15k for. A few months ago, I put up arms, hands, belt, and chest. The prices ranged from 2k for the belt to 6 or 8k for the chest. I wound up giving them to my pets because no one bought them.

    Bert is a bit of a backwater, though.
  3. fransisco Augur

    Dre, no pet can replace a tank:
    1. Pets have ZERO ae agro. They can only hold agro on a single mob.
    2. Any player burning even moderately can pull agro off of a pet.
    disgruntled likes this.
  4. Piemastaj Augur

    I do find it funny that when our actual spells are broken, there are maybe 5 total posts about it. But having a pet disappear is so catastrophic to players when their entire purpose is to not stay around forever, otherwise they would not be allowed to die.

    Yeah, losing a fully geared pet is probably inconvenient (unsure, I do not gear my pet up) but you would be in the same boat if the pet died also. What should the blame be then? It would leave you in the same boat your in now.

    There are actually numerous broken things with our class at the moment, so you can call people jerks for saying this is insignificant, but it is. I would actually flip it the other way and say people voicing concerns over this and not say our broken Monster Summoning spell for the last month would be more out of line. Or, how about our broken Alliance spell that legit just got fixed with this patch. Maybe how about pet DPS in any type of raid setting? Just to name a few.

    This thread is literally a waste of time, far bigger issues going on with our class for this to have multiple pages is an insult.
  5. p2aa Augur

    I was in FM the other day, and one mage said in ooc that his pet was tanking better than his SK box. His SK had like 4,5 k AC if i recall what he said.
    If i was a pet class, I would certainly not complain about pets right now after this patch.
  6. Kunon Augur

    I was in FM the other day too and one Warrior said that he was outdpsing his Mage, Rogue and Monk boxes even after the patch. If I was a warrior I certainly would not be complaining about anything right now.
    Raytan, disgruntled, Cicelee and 4 others like this.
  7. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I was in game some random day too and one player said his main played better than his alt.
    I think we need to complain about absolutely everything right now.:p
    Thancra, Janakin and fransisco like this.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I was in FM one day and someone told me their druid who wasn't even logged in was out dpsing the whole zone.

    The new "One day at band camp" :)
  9. eqzekisdead Augur

    It is no big deal but it really shows daybreaks incompetence.
    disgruntled likes this.
  10. fransisco Augur

    I was on the forums one day and someone said mage pets are better than tanks.
    Everyone laughed...
  11. Kittyzerk Lorekeeper

    I was once top dps ... Oh wait i still am LOLZ
    kizant likes this.
  12. segap Augur

    Well, I was in FM the other day, and killed two named with my group geared SK box tanking before I noticed I forgot to unsuspend my healer merc. Don't think tanks are hurting all that much.

    The difference could very well be how well the SK is being boxed.
    Cicelee likes this.
  13. Dre. Altoholic

    You say that, but we all know there are plenty of folks out there building groups around pet tanks.
    Gundolin likes this.
  14. ShadowMan Augur

    Around mage pets. Possibly bst pets but I doubt it.

    There is zero reason to have a necro pet tank even after these changes as the necro tanks better than his pet without the need for spamming 3 other gimmick spells to get by.
  15. fransisco Augur

    How is it a problem if someone builds a caster group without a tank?
    Thats no different than using a tank merc. They still are not using a tank class.
  16. disgruntled Augur

    It would be only a page long if you and the three other didn't feel compelled to comment on something that doesn't affect you.
    Cakekizy likes this.
  17. disgruntled Augur

    You raid and you have one pet and prob. only one account. Your game life is very different from the majority of us. You could have spent those 3 mins. learning how the other 98% live.
  18. disgruntled Augur

    All servers. The lost man-hours and the expense is the real issue. Whereas if ONE person who did the patch took a few minutes to be more careful, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    Speaking of patch screw ups, we still have an almost empty guild plot numbered 1 (It used to be II) and the original number 1 is now number three.
  19. IblisTheMage Augur

    Instant micro meme...

    Sheex, where art thou? This invites a pic plus texts as only you can make :)
  20. Cicelee Augur

    My game life is different from the majority? I find myself killing monsters and completing quests. What is the other 98% doing?

    And FYI I have a box account now. And I raid but don't have the EM24 pet yet. Not sure what either of those have to do with spending a couple minutes to resummon and gear up a pet, but OK.

    You are mad cause you gave your pet some gear (either tradeskilled or bought) and lost it. Guess what? I sometimes give my pet arms and legs that I make for it, and have lost them. Did you see me come to the EQ boards and whine and cry about it? I made some more and moved on with life...

    hash tag twotothreeminutesmatters
    kizant and IblisTheMage like this.