Is LockJaw still viable?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Devanie, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Gremin Augur

    Well damn folks. Guess everyone else should just pack up and go home, we are not doing raid targets at all and contesting mobs so we are not a raid guild.....
    Simone likes this.
  2. -wycca Augur

    Not sure where you get your info, but the guild did not implode. What we did was read the Phinnie announcement, and had a meeting with our officers where all but *1* decided we should move to Phinnie. We setup a new guild structure, and yes, as a by-product, our leader, who didn't participate in that discussion, and who was fond of taking month-long breaks, did change.

    So sure, we were saved by....deciding to repeat classic and kunark? Lolz. No, we simply realized that 3 month unlocks were preferable to us as players, and that RF/LJ were going to have the life sucked out of them by Phinnie (and whatever comes next). In fact, it was a great decision - we're having a blast, we're 3-4 split raiding instances for extra challenge & extra loot - ie Phinnie is a ton of fun, it's a thriving server with a ton of guilds, and turnover is incredibly low. I think every TL member who is now in AoS would agree it was a great move.

    So yes, I guess if you want to say "we imploded and were only saved by" sorta lines, then the same thing applies to pretty much every LJ guild, because they were failing on RF and were only saved by moving to LJ where there was no TL - amirite? See how ridiculous that logic is?
  3. Tudadar Augur

    I remember you posting you wanted your guild to stay out of things and raid a expansion or two behind and not contest things. Theres nothing wrong with that.

    Was kinda surprised you guys stayed though especially since you said you dont raid w/ boxes. It seemed like phinny would have been perfect for you guys.
  4. Simone Augur

    Tudadar you really have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the current population on Lockjaw or the raid scene there so you really ought to quit commenting as you really just look like a fool to those of us who are still playing there.
  5. Tudadar Augur

    Really? You guys are thankful for being allowed to kill scraps so dont bother with trak. You guys were thankful in classic too so you were ok with whatever. Its not hard to realize you guys have an understanding. People could easily see this in classic too. You used to love the small population on vulak which is fine but you dont need to try to fool people that lockjaws population is booming.

    I doubt your members are happy just sticking to sev / couple mostly classic loot table dragons / vs here or there / useless faydedar but thats your/leaderships problem. I dont see how you dont have a trak kill or even contest or probably even track for it / bound nearby almost 3 months in. Lots of people used to think of you guys as a capable guild in classic and theres no reason to have done so little in a low pop low competition server like LJ. Its a good thing you guys have a specialty time zone.

    On vulak faceless at least tried and contested lots of traks...even though they lost the majority (if not all) of dps races... what do u guys do... you take charity mobs while not asking questions and stay out of the way.

    EQ is 15+ years old. You can act one way all you want but many players can tell BS when they see it. There is no reason to try to create an illusion.

    If you still think i dont know what im talking about please tell the world why your guild cant hang.
  6. Tudadar Augur

    Although you do kinda back up my point. If merge happens w/ no instances do u guys even kill anything other then faydedar/posky? So of course youll try to talk up the population and hope for no merge.
  7. Simone Augur

    We have contested Trakanon a few times. Currently Trakanon is spawning far outside of our prime time so it's not really possible for us to make an attempt at him. If Trakanon is up at 4AM PST we'll be there to get him but currently that seems unlikely due to his spawn times and the narrow window in which he can spawn. Venril Sathir has the same issue though we have managed to get him 6 times since sometimes people just randomly leave him up. This seems to be more of a game design flaw than anything since other mobs have a spawn time that makes them spawn at more or less the opposite time of the day each time they are killed; not true with Venril Sathir and Trakanon.

    So yeah we might have a "specialty time-zone" but that is actually what is currently preventing us from actually having a chance at Trakanon right now. So short of his spawn time being changed to make him more random or frequent we're unlikely to ever see him in our time slot anytime soon.
  8. Tudadar Augur

    So in three months its only been up in your time zone 2-5 times? Do u have trackers sitting at spawn point daily? This is either your best excuse or serious game flaw you should be trying to fix. Im sure only a few people know which it is. I personally think its just a coverup excuse and dont think you actively track it / bother with it. I dont see it not being up more then once a month in your time zone. A good amount of times its up for over a hour and your saying it wont not only spawn but also be up in a 6 hr time frame is hard to believe.

    So if in 3 months if its only been up ( not just spawned but also up ) in your time zone a couple times maybe you should make a thread about it and get it fixed.
  9. Simone Augur

    I think it's been over a month since last time Trakanon was up during our guild's prime time.
  10. Tudadar Augur

    How many hours do u consider prime time? 6? Members arent willing to attempt it if its slightly outside of prime time / on a weekend?

    Not sure why i havent seen your guild make threads about this possible flaw.

    Maybe you guys should try to recruit some more players from the booming lockjaw population to have a bigger raid window :p Or maybe a few officers / players willing to call / lead a raid if certain people arent on.
  11. Simone Augur

    If it was slightly outside of prime time it wouldn't be such an issue but it's like 3AM or so Taipei time when Trakanon's window opens which is just not really doable for us.

    You don't see our threads because we have better things to do than create a bunch of drama in the forums. We're not a bunch of whiners like some people.
  12. Tudadar Augur

    I dont believe your excuse at all. Either way I still dont consider it a raid guild anymore and its obvious why your trying to talk up lockjaws population.

    When your used to being on vulak type servers maybe it clouds your judgement on what a raid guild is.

    Also its leaderships responsibility to do whats best for its members. If you dont have time to make a thread maybe you need some new people in leadership. (This isnt the case though since I was right about what I said earlier - it was the exact same way in classic in order for your guild to be allowed to get kills)
  13. Simone Augur

    We're definitely a raid guild and we're definitely looking out for the best for our guild. Socking for hours or Batphoning at odd hours of the night is not good for our members. Causing drama on the forums only creates tension between our guild and others when it's always far more beneficial in the long term to try and maintain friendly relations with other guilds on the server.

    You only don't believe me because you have no concept of what's actually happening on Lockjaw server right now and prefer to display your own ignorance by spouting a bunch of nonsense on the forums.
  14. Tudadar Augur

    How is asking for them to look into traks window if it really is a issue causing drama on the forums? You guys gonna come out swinging?! Its like your afraid to sneeze because of what would happen if you did. You could also petition it or bug report it under the radar or pm a dev.

    When I see healthy relations I just see charity uncontested engages. So anyway what was I so wrong about that I was making myself look like a fool other then you considering your guild who is contempt with low end charity kills a raid guild?

    Is population booming that you can fill out raids? When it spawned a month ago in your window were you ready for it and beat it or do you need dozens of things to align properly?

    Im sorry to inform you of this but most of the guilds on the server left despite your attempt to maintain friendly relations.
  15. Raejin Lorekeeper


    Phinigel looks more appealing everyday :(
  16. Simone Augur

    Not really. Did 84 days an era during Vulak'Aerr not really interested in repeating that.
  17. Pikallo Augur

    Hard to take anyone serious who doesn't know the different between there and their.

    Regardless, the guild did not implode lol. We would likely still be there as the top guild had we not made the conscience and logical decision to move to Phinigel. It was no secret the long Kunark vote was deflating, but there were plenty of folks still there hanging around and riding it out until Velious. If Phinigel were never released, I'm confident TL would still exist as the #1 guild on RF (with or without Thraka). We had(have) plenty of committed players who would have kept the ship sailing.

    I find this comment hilariously hypocritical given the fact your saving grace was fleeing from TL on RF and moving to LJ.
  18. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Fixed that for you. Sorry, couldn't resist. Glass houses and all that.

    Glad to hear DHS is doing well. Had good experiences with them during my time on Lockjaw.
  19. Pikallo Augur

    Lol fair enough, the difference was I was typing quickly and it was a typo as opposed to using the complete wrong word. Either way, I'm not trying to be grammar police, just that the case of their/there/they're is particularly annoying. The primary point was addressed in the subsequent paragraph.
  20. Vaclav Augur

    You also misspoke conscious as conscience... ><

    Did a double whammy of grammar errors in that response to a grammar error. D'oh!

    I don't care though - just pointing out the irony to it. (And yes, it's probably not irony - but you know what I mean!)