So, how is this possible?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Darkark, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Silv Augur

    Good to know... I was concerned after the cheese grater comment the other day :confused:
    Elricvonclief, Lonye and Darkark like this.
  2. TarewMarrForever Augur

    I hate to be a doom and gloom guy, but each hour that goes by without an announcement, is another hour that I get more and more worried that this isn't a bug-fix issue, but a rollback / data restoration issue.

    Hopefully I'm wrong and it's just that they are so short-staffed and all knee-deep in the problem, that updating people as to the status isn't a priority...

    I guess time will tell. ;-)
  3. Greenhorn Journeyman

    Be happy, that means you won't loose your augs because they try to correct the issue they created with not really testing the stuff... so to speak: the fix of the fix which is not so fix as the fix itself ;)
    Hiladdar likes this.
  4. Darkark Augur

    Worried how? Like rolling back to TDS worried? Arx Mentis raids this Sunday, please be on time! :)
    Faana likes this.
  5. Silv Augur

    If that were the case I would hope my character was just permanently deleted and lost.
  6. Thawg Elder

    can you even imagine the cluster that is the DBG office....or cubical......or basement?
    Ellise and Bronut like this.
  7. 1018_01 Elder

  8. Silv Augur

    I honestly just imagined a bunch of people eating pizza waiting for system restore to finish. :p

    Edit: And because humor eludes many of you... I'm sure they actually are working pretty frantically on it heh
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  9. Derd Augur

    O the outrage.... imagine if they HAD actually left it in beta for the last 3 months. I much prefer being able to do stuff and letting them work on bugs than having nothing at all to do.
    DruidCT likes this.
  10. Thawg Elder

    I,m juat playing on a TLP server, although i have other characters in the 80's. I cant imagine what you folks at lvl 105 have gone through over time.
  11. Billary New Member

    Ahh just like 12 years ago, when i quit playing last time. 18 hour patches , then mini patches everyother afterwards for a week. The whole time forums were full of whiners and complainers looking for free time . God i missed Evercrack
  12. 1018_01 Elder

  13. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    This feels so.... Classic EQ! Patch... emergency patch to fix the patch. Then another patch.
    Restac likes this.
  14. Taiqwon Augur

    To be fair, configuration management has been a historical problem for Verant/SoE/DBG. Very often they would have code on test and couldn't replicate what they had there when moving it to live servers.

    As far as going live with known bugs that are on test and have been reported on test? :confused: No idea. A million reasons why it could happen but none are reasonable.
    Silv likes this.
  15. Time Burner 2 Augur

    Theory - they seem understaffed. Where are they going to get the $ for devs when they are getting no new subs, and haven't raised the sub rate in what, 10 years?
    Ellise likes this.
  16. Restac Journeyman

    lol I was thinking the same exact thing. O a new xpac.. 8-12 hours down. Then tomorrow another 4-6 hours to "fix" it. oh wait.. 3 more hours to fix the fix.
    In reality that's why I thought they had a test server. Push the updates to test for a week, see what happens, if its broken, fix it, push it back to test for a couple more days to you know "test it out" then if it works.. THEN push it to live so we don't have this issue of downtime on top of downtime to fix things that should never have gone live if they weren't working properly to begin with.
  17. Silv Augur

  18. Iila Augur

    Silv likes this.
  19. Iila Augur

    If only someone had posted about getting blank and unclaimable rewards on the first page of the test server thread.

    But alas, there was no way to predict this happening before the patch went live.
    Ellise, Axxius and Sancus like this.
  20. Hiladdar Augur

    Regarding why the server went down a few minutes after it went up and is still down:

    This was a known issue, by the player base. Why the patch was rolled out is anyone's guess. Bottom line, once the first person logged in and had stuff deleted that was not suppose to be deleted, that required bring the servers down.

    This is a multiple hour fix, since toons that had stuff deleted need to have that returned back to the. Most likely DBG has to roll the database back, identify and fix the script which erroneously deleted augs, and test it.