Pet Mitigation Ninja nerf

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vincecross, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. Poydras Augur

    Uh huh so the soloing cleric was dotting the mobs eh?

    You might be able to keep that mouth of your under better control if you stopped projecting stupidity and ulterior motives on everyone you disagreed with. I leveled a mage alt too. Everyone did. We called it EZ mode because it was so easy. /pet attack. /cast nuke to get xp (perhaps just a clicky for weaker mobs), sit back down. You are in denial which just makes you more frustrated.
  2. Dre. Altoholic

    Well, then.
  3. Ootax Augur

    Your the idiot here going on nerd rage. We're not talking about 10+ years ago we're talking about now. And up until this fix a mage could solo almost any group content w/the pet alone, not even needing nukes. It's not even a debate, find mob, send pet rinse repeat no downtime at all. At least when other classes solo they have to actually put some working, now a mage does too which is the way it should be. I'm just gonna let you do your nerd raging because you can't play you class in easy WoW mode anymore.
  4. Bignheavy Lorekeeper

    Haha, optimal rotations for classes in WoW are hands down much more difficult than EQ. Playing EQ isn't necessarily hard, it's having the time & putting the effort into playing it. Let's not act like playing classes in this game are "hard".
  5. Hokkus Journeyman

    Your experience in playing a mage is radically different than mine. The statement below is not consistent with the game I played and certainly not in classic and Kunark. Maybe some mages with their epics and significant buffs could do this, but even when I had a mage on a live server with a merc and a top of the line focus item, I could not do this.

    "Your the idiot here going on nerd rage. We're not talking about 10+ years ago we're talking about now. And up until this fix a mage could solo almost any group content w/the pet alone, not even needing nukes. It's not even a debate, find mob, send pet rinse repeat no downtime at all. At least when other classes solo they have to actually put some working, now a mage does too which is the way it should be. I'm just gonna let you do your nerd raging because you can't play you class in easy WoW mode anymore."
  6. Weverley Augur

    It's samething on live.Every time there's 1 little things done about pets the mage army comes and try to argue that they are not that op.
  7. Drexll Augur

    Necro pets were nowhere near as powerful as mage pets. It's crap that the devs always lump the 2 in together.
  8. Weverley Augur

    Necro don't use their pet the same way mage do.You are the 1 kiting and your dot are much more important part of the kill then what the pet is doing damage wise.
  9. Sanctuis Journeyman

    Let me get this straight.

    The problem was individuals were able to 6-box mages and beat raid content by themselves. The solution was to either allow only one account per computer or to nerf pet mitigation...

    Daybreak did BOTH?????

  10. Risiko Augur

    You're statements nothing more than lies.
    Adonhiram likes this.
  11. Adonhiram Augur

    Risiko, don't feed Ootax, he is trolling all pet related threads spamming in an agressive way mages were ovepowered and pets godlike and the nerf therefore was a fix. Do not react to his provocations, Riley tested for us already :)

    I prefer to discuss with reasonable and rational people I won't agree with but where a polite exchange of arguments on a civilized basis is possible, and there are several in this thread who at least accepted to discuss, Moranis for example who put some effort in the nuke analyzis mage/wizard, he also brought up some interesting points.

    Let's wait for Velious when shamans will be the only (?) class able to solo the lesser Western Wastes dragons, than we'll summon some cake and beer with Bristlebane's Bundle, sit down and relax reading the thread about "Shamans solo dragons WTF" and have a good laugh when remembering this thread.
  12. Hokkus Journeyman

    The beauty that was once EQ has faded and all that is left are RMT farmers and those that can't seem to move on. It's almost like the movie Sixth Sense. My subs expire in 91 days, so when Velious launches on Phinny I won't know. For 16 years I have enjoyed this game. But not any more. Einstein once said that the test of insanity was to continue to do the same thing expecting a different result. For me, its time to break the insanity and move on. Best wishes to you all.
  13. Syrup Augur

    Bye new member, you will forever be in our hearts and minds.
    Adonhiram likes this.
  14. Lyrical Augur

    You have a total disdain for a class so much that you make things up. One way you say mage pets could solo yellow and red cons. Then you say mage pets could solo efreeti. Like you are trying to get people to think that a low level mage could come in and solo a yellow or red con efreeti with just the pet. This is so not even close to its laughable.

    Pets were nerfed 2 or 3 months ago already. At this time the pet was not soloing dark blues without heals over about level 20. So this giant myth that you keep harping on WAS OVER before this last nerf. This last nerf took mages that were much more inline with what you are talking about being fair, and made them so pitiful that the class isnt worth playing.........other than farming low level content for RMT. I got up to my 22 mage pet in runneye. Had 2 of them. They are level 24. So when I pulled a dark blue level 22 gobin into camp. And dont slow it. Both mage pets would die without heals before the 2 level lower mob would die. However, I could tank up to 6 dark blue goblins with my bard with my mages nuking them dead one at a time and my bard would still be alive without a heal in the time it took my mages to nuke 6 mobs to death.

    This is what I use to calculate the difference. Never ever in EQ history not one time has a bard been able to tank better than the class known for its pets, best pets. Its a friggin bard. Are you seriously willing to sit here and tell me that a level 22 bard, should be able to tank about 200% better than a level 24 mage pet?
  15. Adonhiram Augur

    Ugh, Lyrical, you fed him...
  16. Angered Augur

    I have some how made it to level 42 almost 43 on mage and my friend is a necro as well! We have seen both sides of the sword at this point! Were Necro / Mage pets to 2 too over powered? YES It was honestly a joke and leveling on Ragefire was 100% cake compared to what he have now....

    They lost tankyness but still dish out the DPS the 42 fire pet I scribed was such a major impact everyone in my group was like??? are you over nuking and I said no I shm buffed the pet and he was dealing the DPS (not as much as the SHM/ENC hasted charm good god)

    The pets can not take hits as well as they could.. How ever I have not made a pet with a focus item nor have gotten the last tier of earth pet too see if it can tank... (ill have purchasable focus items if not POH / Fish boys Staff)

    Now could this be a simple fix with the focus items? Does it add enough to make the pets a little better but not raid changing?

    Heres my question my old earth pet full SHM buffs could take a HOLE MOB NP with 1 Summon nuke and 0 heals how much has this changed???

    Should the foucs items for the mage / necro (necro book hate) be buffed slighty? incase the over all effect to add some power or where are we at really?
  17. Adonhiram Augur

    Hm. The level 41 water pet should be higher dps than the level 42 fire pet. And fire pets become chain nukers at level 52 only. And there are no purchasable focus items except the Diamond Prism of Companionship which comes with LdON. Nice try, New Member, lol.
  18. Poydras Augur

    Uh 6 dark blue mobs? Think you had a lucky streak of misses there. Or the mobs were limited on the aggro list somehow, I seem to recall weirdness like that in runnyeye where a train comes but only a couple at a time attack.

    But bards are not squishy anymore, they had their mitigation boosted bigtime and are probably on par with monks as 2nd tier tankability. No means to generate much aggro of course. But they can definitely take hits.
  19. Moranis Augur

    Off-topic, but Bard songs generate pretty insane aggro from the few times I was able to group with one.
  20. Weverley Augur

    We had a bard on my double xp group upper guk/lower guk and boy did he was getting aggro shammy was healing warrior mostly so i had to heal him quite a few times specially when there was like 3 or more.Glad to say bard didn't died once.
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