TDS Ultra rares in herocis is a myth (at least in this thulia HA)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by rune00, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. rune00 Augur

    I have 50k kills between me and a close friend in the "A Fateful Arrival" Heroic since ultra rares "supposedly" started dropping in heroics again, and I'm telling you a fact right now:
    There are absolutely NO ultra rares dropping in this heroic.

    I don't believe we could both be so unlucky that we haven't seen ONE single drop.

    I hope this post gets a dev response from someone that knows how to use SQL to query the database to see if one has EVER dropped in this HA.

    People have been saying they do drop, but I don't believe "people" at this point...

    I want someone to actually verify it, not by looking at the code and thinking, "yes its all there they CAN drop" but actually check if they actually HAVE dropped.

    My claim of having all these kills should be easy to verify as well as check if there has EVER been a case where a ultra rare item has EVER dropped in this HA.
  2. Klaian-Xegony Lorekeeper

    I have looted some shoulders on one of my runs. It was a pleasant surprise.
  3. rune00 Augur

    Well there you go devs, all you need to do now is pm Klaian and ask him the name of the character he looted it with and then check the database if it really happened in the "A Fateful Arrival" HA. Then please confirm here and I'll accept it. I know this would be of interest to everyone else as well.

    and Klaian please let us know the name of the shoulders so we can verify them as being ultra rare.
  4. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Is that mission like the Bixie Hive one where mob spawns are triggered?

    I believe only 'base pop' mobs can have the rares, not pets/triggered spawns; to prevent exploits.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. Tiqou Elder

    I have done maybe like 50 Seductive subterfuge HA, sometimes killing more mobs than needed. I have looted 0 ultra rares and 1 (!!) briny essence from trash mobs.
  6. Iila Augur

    The OP's sample size of 50k mobs is enough that he can legitimately question if the items are dropping. (Assuming he does actually have 50k recorded kills.)

    Your sample size means roughly nothing for items with this low of a drop rate.
  7. Kiillz Augur

    I never believed they dropped either. Other day on Disrupting the Ritual I had a Centurio Visor drop, and considering my past luck ever in game, frankly didnt know what it was until I was like wow pretty good stats for a ha drop and had guild mates educate me on my noobness on what it was. But until then, i can back up the OP statement on how many kills etc without ever seeing a thing.
    Shirion and ImSorryButIHadTo like this.
  8. Goth Augur

    It was on that one corpse your forgot to loot.
  9. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    If you actually use Advanced Looting, you won't miss a corpse. ;)
    Quatr likes this.
  10. Endless Augur

    I never miss looting a corpse (old loot style), however Thulisuar HA has a lot of mobs that don't have to be killed.

    The rare was probably on one of those mobs.
  11. Devildawg Elder

    I'm curious, where did you read that they added the rare globals to the TDS HAs? I read the patch from months ago that they added the RoF-quality rares back to CoTF HAs, but nothing on TDS. I've seen 2 globals from mobs in the base TDS zones, and I've also seen 2 globals in the CoTF HAs. Would definitely be nice if someone can confirm that the newer one drop inside TDS HAs as well instead of just the non-instanced zones.
  12. Slasher Augur

    not only do they not drop in heroics they do not drop in group missions in fact the group mission in that dino zone drops no items at all you just get plat and a few others are like this also. Like the OP ive killed too many mobs to count between doing the heroics for currency or trying to get the drops off the named in them and never seen one of the rare items drop in them. Since TDS came out I've only seen them in the static versions of the zones.
  13. rune00 Augur

    I know they drop in Cotf HA's (which Disrupting the Ritual is)
    I'm 99% sure they DO NOT drop in TDS HA's

    Roshens statement:
    isn't enough for me at this point, cause I have to many kills without ever seing one to believe it... (and I use advloot)
  14. Slasher Augur

    by the time we get someone to actually look into this the campaign will be out and have more rare items that also will not drop in heroics :) This aint TLP guys.
    Iila likes this.
  15. Endless Augur

    Not sure a sample size really matters, if the chances of a rare is the same each and every kill. I mean, I realize you're getting more rolls on the die, more chances to win, but that doesn't mean you'll win just because you rolled the die a hundred million times before.
    moogs likes this.
  16. sojero One hit wonder

    Its all about probability, as you kill/loot more the chance of not getting one goes to 0 (actually just gets really really close, but never truly reaches 0). Since the chance is roughly 1 in 5000, then in theory he should have seen ~10, if only done 50, then most likely they have not even killed enough to fill the first 1 in 5000 to make it statistically irrelevant.
  17. DruidCT Augur

    I think he said he did 50 HA, not killed 50 mobs. Bit of a difference. Unless I read that wrong.
  18. Iila Augur

    There's a big difference in having enough kills to put you in the 80+% chance of having gotten a drop range, and having enough kills to put you in 1% chance of having a drop range.

    Yeah, it's still possible to not have any drops after a million kills, but at some point it's worth investigating if they're actually broken or you're getting really unlucky.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  19. Endless Augur

    I disagree.

    If the chances are the same each and every time, than 1 person can kill 100k mobs and never see a rare while another person can kill 1000 mobs and see a few rares drop. OP could have had a rare be on a mob on one of his HA's. Unfortunately, he didn't kill that mob, unless he actually kills every single mob in a "A Fateful Arrival". I mean all you gotta kill for the mission is @35-40, but there's at least triple that.

    I've googled and I've read people saying they got a rare on "A Fateful Arrival" HA, I have no reason to not believe them.
  20. Klaian-Xegony Lorekeeper

    So take this as you will, I just so happen was tracking a name in the HA at the time I looted.

    [Fri Nov 28 17:59:51 2014] Serthuliakar is ahead and to the left.
    [Fri Nov 28 17:59:51 2014] --You have looted a Privateer's Reinforced Spaulders.--
    [Fri Nov 28 17:59:51 2014] Your rage subsides.
    [Fri Nov 28 17:59:53 2014] Serthuliakar is ahead and to the left.
    moogs likes this.