Ragefire Exceeded Expectations - What Now?

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Mayfaire Augur

    Not ALL boxers use ISO or anything else. In fact, most do not. Yet, there are god-knows how many people in this thread asking for all boxing to be banned either on Ragefire, or the new server or both. People are actually making the ludicrous suggestion to limit IP addresses to one account, to the great detriment of many players, boxers and non-boxers alike.

    If you read my post just one short page back, I said I play three toons on Ragefire. I am sincerely trying to understand how normal, non-botted boxing effects you all so much that you want to not only dictate how others play the game, (some of) you want to go so far as seriously hindering the log in ability of families/room mates/etc.

    Is the problem that you all do not understand that boxing and botting are two different things?
  2. RazberryRanid New Member

    all this talk about boxing. I wonder what the actual figures are on boxing. I find it highly selfish of those who do box by taking up a player slot on the server that could be used by someone else.

    It brings up the question would another server be necessary if people were not chaining multiple computers to be used by one person at one time.

    At any rate. I will play on both servers most likely. I guess it depends on which one I can log into consistently.
  3. Eskey Journeyman

    Mayfire I don't think most of us want boxxing banned. Most of us just want a server where every person in a group is a real human being. I have boxxed in EQ most of the time playing, I understand the allure to it. However most of the people who came back and are causing the que, aren't here to box. We are here to have the group friendly enjoyable gameplay experience.

    As for your question about families. There is no solution that can stop boxxing and allow families from the same household to play. It is unfortunate but there simply isn't one. However there are 17 other servers (including Ragefire) where you can play.

    We are asking for one server where boxxing is not allowed. I am sorry if it interferes with your family but you have 17 other options. Currently we have 0.
  4. Zendaar New Member

    There is the slight problem that I lack a legitimate (safe and affordable) method to obtain Titanium, so no, I won't be playing P99. I box a cleric for my magician on two computers. I don't use any software to help me play the game except Gina, and I never have. I do object to to the scenario of one person controlling 6 boxes using a single keystroke. It's an unfair advantage that can be used to keep other players from from desirable drops and flags. And don't tell me I can do the same if I am only smart enough. I don't want to cheat to win.
  5. Eskey Journeyman

    An example mayfire... Just today I ran into a guy boxing 2 mages and a druid. Who walked up and KS'd the evil eye from a solo druid. Shortly after that another boxer (mage/mage/mage/mage/mage/cleric) walked up and outright stole an xp camp from another group because he had more firepower.

    Yes an entire group of real people could do the same thing, however it's far less likely when you can overcome your reputation by paying for more accounts.
  6. Zendaar New Member

    I was thinking it would be nice to restrict transfers to level 10 or less. I know this might not be possible.
  7. Mayfaire Augur

    Well, I think people are making a big assumption that if the devs make it hard/impossible for people to box, they will then be eager to group with you. Some people just don't want to group with strangers or in pug groups, so they can very well just roll a toon that is easily soloable (mage or necro). I don't get why y'all want to force people to group with you who may not want to, sounds like a miserable time to me, lol.
  8. Mayfaire Augur

    I personally have had this type of experience far more from groups of real people. Most boxers that I encounter/know usually try and snag their one camp and stay there because it is hard to move multiple toons from place to place.
  9. Metrav Journeyman

    The Combine Launched with The Sleeper.
    Fippy got Vulak..

    And Ragefire will finally get Lockjaw.

    I notice a disturbing trend.

    Making Lockjaw have the same ruleset as Ragefire may need to be looked at a bit more closely. I think this would be a great opportunity to release a new server using the 2nd choice from the polls.

    This would more evenly split the populations and help players decide which server they want to play on based on those needs.

    Forcing the same ruleset will ultimately cause a situation where there will be a call to merge the 2 servers in the future. If it's a different ruleset from the get go - this will never be an issue.

    Opening a second server is a way to give the people exactly what they voted for to begin with.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  10. c313 Augur

    All I can see is

    Enjoy the barren waste known as Lockjaw for those who plan on playing there.
  11. Zinth Augur

  12. Craigas New Member

    Please DO NOT allow server transfers. I do not want to log in on day one of Lockjaw to find that the bosses have already been killed by level 50 mage transfers
    Cloudous and Fallfyres like this.
  13. Grisnkh Lorekeeper

    Every server that's been made has been boxing. Every server is dead.

    Coincidence? lets try something new.
    complexication likes this.
  14. Mayfaire Augur

    Every server that's been made has has people on it. Every server is dead.

    Coincidence? lets try something new. :cool:

    Every server has had LOTS of similarities. The single most glaring one IMO has been that every year the game and graphics have somehow gotten older, as have the player base.

    But y'all almost have me convinced. I am kinda wishing that the devs would go ahead and do what you want so we can put this boxing-is-the-antichrist nonsense to bed once and for all. :p
    Pukk likes this.
  15. Beggly Augur

    I don't box usually, though I can, I have several other accounts. I just don't like to box. On the other hand, I can't argue against the cash Boxers bring in for EQ, and though I have seen posts about others having problems, I have not had any.

    I don't know if you could effectively ban boxers, even with the different IP address requirement. People who know how would just route through different addresses, and you would not solve any problems, just make boxers even more annoying than they are already.

    Oh, well, it's not a problem I can help solve, so I'll just ignore it and applaud from the sidelines if a solution is ever found.

    Oh, and as for the KSing, Training, etc., poo happens. You just have to get over it. I don't do any of those things, either, and personally, haven't been victimized more than I expect to be.
  16. Archess Elder

    Fixed that for you, P99 is an option for you.
  17. DragonFire New Member

    Every server is dead because EQ is great for the first few expansions then becomes uninteresting. Every classic server was full at its release (and well populated through PoP or so). Every progression iteration has been populated for the first few expansions. P99 has its own healthy numbers.

    It's not about boxing. It's about the fact that a lot of us simply find the game boring past a certain point and leave until some new progression/classic iteration happens.
  18. Immortan New Member


    This may have been brought up but, 3 things to do to make a better server, Add more GMs, Remove Krono, and shut off the universal chat system.

    thanks bye
    Fallfyres likes this.
  19. Zendaar New Member

    Not for me. The draw was the journey.
  20. Vindor Lorekeeper

    DBG you must allow free character transfer or lockjaw will be stillborn.
    Mezrah and Gskiel like this.
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