Ragefire Exceeded Expectations - What Now?

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Maginus Lorekeeper

    Yep let it die like other servers have died and merged with those servers.....nothing new
  2. Doss Mode New Member

    I just want to say thanks for RUINING the true EQ experience.... no seriously. That nostalgia only lasted a weekend. You instance the noob zones, I can deal with that and understand the overpopulation, now you want to expand and have more zones instanced.... AND you want to make a whole brand new server??!?!? Get ready to play BY YOURSELF, ONCE AGAIN... it is now Solo EQ once again... THANK YOU FOR totally putting me off to the possibility of enjoying EQ like i did back from 1999 to 2001... I was really all in until this post... Take your money and now 2 server fulls of money and shove it back up the hole it came from... peace.. forever... (and i never post on forums, but this is one of those times you just gotta log in and speak your mind.)
  3. PPQ1 New Member

    This thread is pretty damn entertaining. Keep it up, guys. :)
  4. Glistarian Augur

    You're just arguing for more lewtz.

    It's transparent as can be.
  5. Kahna Augur

    Is that a bad thing? We have three times the population and half the time to gear them up before Kunark. I don't see a problem with more loot.
  6. Doss Mode New Member

    All this zone instance and new servers just allow people to MAX lvl extremely quick. The whole fun of the game is the adventure there, plus the people you meet... You are laying the grounds for everyone to MAX lvl real quick and become bored or demand an expansion... WTF is this ??? Where is the fun??? You tell me what will be fun, because you can't even expect old EQ to be popular and you OWN the damn game... The disconnect between companies and their patrons is ever so obvious...

    ***The people that cry and demand these features don't even enjoy the road to MAX lvl... they don't even enjoy the true EQ experience, and those are the suggestions that you choose to act upon... soo sooo sooooooo SAD.... ima go back to my regular life and forget that this ever happened....
  7. Kasuka Lorekeeper

    I'm assuming you enjoy the long queues and not being able to find enough scraps to level off of when you do get on? I personally work 10-12 hours a day, 5-6days a week. I enjoy being able to get on after work for a little bit and make some progress. That right now is REALLY hard to do, if not impossible. Yesterday had 2 profitable/enjoyable hours, but that was it. Most of the time I get home, jump into queue, and then am falling asleep by the time I get on.

    Tonight I had some extra play time - I spent half of that in queue, and when I was able to get on, my family and I spent 2 hours tonight trying to get some experience. We were trained 4 times, out DPS'd by kill stealers twice, and then spent the remainder of the time picking off scraps for a whopping single blue worth of experience. Anything that allows me to play the game I paid for is a good thing, and it know I'm not the only one. The population will decrease eventually, it's inevitable, though with situations like this, it'll happen much sooner.
    Peri likes this.
  8. Doss Mode New Member

    So sad we actually had a populated and fun server to play on for almost a week and now it gets taken away because the company that owns this game has GREEN EYES!!!
  9. Vaclav Augur

    It really isn't actually - I'd rather have fewer toxic encounters than I've had so far. (Zero over item dropping camps mind you)

    Too many people sharing something and some people will choose to not share - either stealing mobs, cursing people out, training people, or otherwise.

    People tend to be more respectful when they're not crowded. I like being polite and being treated politely in return, the more breathing room given the more likely that wish comes true.

    [Frankly on "more lewtz", I've suggested in the past myself that if loot saturation is a concern make loot only drop in the Prime instance - I could honestly care less about loot]

    PS - It's clear you love antagonism, it's transparent as can be.
    Kasuka likes this.
  10. Vaclav Augur

    Assuming history as a guide you'll likely barely notice the difference in population after Lockjaw comes up.
  11. Doss Mode New Member

    That is the true EQ experience brother, how else would you of liked your night to go??? Let me try to imagine... I went to the dungeon, I made it to room #1, I sat here for 45 minutes killing mobs with ease, I am now level 30, I would like to have some cheese with my family and come back to kill some more... I go to sleep thinking how awsome that was that I killed mobs for 45 minutes straight.. I can't wait to do it again in the morning................ LAAAAMEEE!!!!!

    Your story about getting screwed and trying to log in through the queue is much more exciting than the boring alternative you propose.... Wake up family man and CARE about the EXPERIENCE more than the LEVEL of your CHARACTER.... What are you here for anyway? Carebear WoW?
  12. Kasuka Lorekeeper

    Sorry, I don't take trolls seriously. You want that experience? Here's a suggestion: log into the queue screen, take a screenshot, and save it. The next time you're looking for that "EQ" experience, just open it up and stare at it for a few hours.
    Maginus likes this.
  13. Glistarian Augur

    I've had zero toxic encounters, and a good number of pleasant ones.

    Perhaps I'm just smarter about how I play to get the results I want.
  14. Glistarian Augur


    Remember. Most of the people making this server so popular are people who previously left over your past mistakes.

    The extent to which you repeat those mistakes is the extent to which you will lose us again.

    And we won't be coming back again.
    Legand likes this.
  15. Doss Mode New Member

    It is funny that you think only trolls ENJOY A CHALLENGING GAME... Even if the challenge comes from overcoming other REAL PLAYERS... Just because you work and have a family with "little time to spare on the true EQ experience." Does NOT mean you have to judge me as a troll. You feeble attempts at hunting in a challenging game is the reason why as a human race we are failing to grow.
  16. Eskey Journeyman

    You completely misunderstand the EQ experience Doss Mode... The Classic EQ experience was about the community. It was about knowing you couldn't do anything worth while alone so always making a point to make friends. It was about never being labeled a kill stealer or ninja looter for fear of being black listed by the SERVERS community.

    What seperated EQ from WoW and everything that followed is that your reputation was more important than your gear. At least until the PoP/Gates era. What made EQ such a wonderful game that has us coming back after 15 years is the good memories. That's not to say we didn't have our trials and lose our corpses a dozen times, but we all found a way to get along.

    There is no getting along when you can box enough characters that 3 people can clear the raid content. You don't have to worry about your reputation or what people think of you. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want and there are absolutely no consquences because you and your 3 boxer friends have no limitations.
    Pukk, Fallfyres and Maginus like this.
  17. Vaclav Augur

    What level are you right now? I'm betting you're likely still in the instanced wonderland - and not dipped your toe into the waters of Crushbone, Mistmoore, or even Qeynos Catacombs that I've had toxic encounters in. (Or you're in the top 1% of people leveling where you're unconcerned because there's no real competition)

    I've taken to killing obscure city spawns that no one knows about to avoid toxicity - because at L25 basically everywhere you go has about three times what each zone can handle.
    Kasuka likes this.
  18. Kahna Augur

    This is almost funny. Saying you will quit if they open another server and instance a few more zones so more people can play. They lose your sub and gain 1500 more. I'm sure they are shaking in their tennis shoes.
    Kasuka likes this.
  19. Kasuka Lorekeeper

    No, I judge you as a troll by your attitude and vocabulary. To me, you are just an angry 13 year old boy who was grounded for using "adult language."
  20. Glistarian Augur

    Yeah, you're making bad choices.

    Nothing Daybreak does is going to help you if you keep making bad choices.
    code-zero likes this.
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