Surprise Patch Tomorrow & XP Improvements

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. guado Augur


    We are far beyond mortals at this point. We are even more powerful than our gods! :)
  2. Lonestar Elder

    Can someone post how the exp is after this patch. I completely abandoned EQ after the nerf and would love to come back but would like a player response before jumping back in.
    Diptera likes this.
  3. moogs Augur

    Kindly check post #112.
  4. Makavien Augur

    I think the developers need to look outside the box here why are people looking for ways to go around the slow ways of gaining exp ? Because max aa is an almost absolute needed thing to be anyone in this game . Why are people chaining moles to level bloodstained shoulders because even with a full group in current content the exp rate does not compare to wasting their time running moles.

    You guys control the trends create more worthy trends and then people will do them.
    Don't expect people not to go the fastest route to the goal because they will. Every minute they are in eq they are not taking care of other things in their life.

    All the new games get it . The fastest most productive route is always going to be the most popular route.

    Also if your wondering why eq has been bleeding members by the boatload look at why we lost tons in God / Uf/and now again Tds same mistakes repeated.
    beryon and Iila like this.
  5. Nolanite New Member

    If you had said "the unpopular xp nerf has been reversed" at least on my count you would have made 4 immediate xpac sales and two one year subs for my two expired accounts. But no, we get a bunch of waffle speak with words like 'significantly' and 'dramatically' and when asked point blank: is the xp nerf reversed yes/no/howmuch we get no answer. First assumption is: what do they have to hide and how long is it going to take to find it. I will of course be watching for trusted sources to say what has been done with the nerf and grouping for 101+ and below toons. You could have generated a lot more good will by just saying straight out what was done. Something given grudgingly or only in part doesn't garner the same appreciation as an open full out gift (if saving your game is something you want to call a gift for us).
    beryon likes this.
  6. Biltene Kingslayer

    Post #112 is a post that notes how much xp was gained in a DH HA for a 105 cleric with Lesson on. I believe the post you're referring to is asking about the pre-CotF xp nerf for players over 101, so that post is irrelevant.
  7. Mayfaire Augur

    I am lol at seeing all the peeps still complaining. The patch is live. This is what people have been saying they wanted for X numbers of months. Why are you here complaining? You got what you said you wanted, now go play! :eek:

    Lawd, I don't envy the folks that have to work on this game at the moment. The team is cut, so they are each probably having to do the work of 2+ ppl, and a large part of the player base has fits and tantrums on them on the regular. You poor people, here's some /hugs! :D
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Zujilli like this.
  8. Barton The Mischievous

    Hey! I resemble that remark, I like to think of my fits and tantrums as halfling logic thank you very much. Don't you have something to tank? :)
    Elricvonclief and Mayfaire like this.
  9. Mayfaire Augur

    LOL :D

    Hey bud!

    I would be tanking, but I am having a problem patching atm. But I am NOT complaining about it! haha.
  10. Barton The Mischievous

    Heya May I need to resub and buy expansions now that the Team delivered on the xp would be nice if a sale was in the works for the Anniversary (hint hint wink wink nudge nudge cough cough)
    Mayfaire likes this.
  11. Mayfaire Augur

    You need to get your butt back to the game!! I have spoken to a number of the old Indub folks who have returned recently. :)

    Hey, I know. let's just hijack this thread with our huggy reunion, it'll make it seem so much friendlier, lol. :p
    Barton likes this.
  12. Biltene Kingslayer

    Back when I was a more casual player, during DoN, I think the only DoN mission I ever did was Creator, because that's all anyone ever wanted to do, it was quick, easy, and offered a decent amount of crystals for the time invested. When I finally decided to knock out the actual DoN progression, I was pretty shocked at just how many different missions that were available. Some were super easy, but yielded little currency, some had a lot more to them but weren't worth the effort. All anyone wanted was to do the most bang for their buck.

    Back when Monster missions first came out, and the xp gained in the Highpass MM was insane, that zone was a virtual hotbed of activity. I think at times, the whole stinking server was in the zone.

    Point is, if there are one or two missions that have vastly better return on time than others, that's the majority of what the playerbase will do, no matter what you guys actually want us to do.
    moogs likes this.
  13. Thunderkiks Augur

    Thank you for all you do for us Daybreak and devs. The XP fix is working great.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  14. Kumudil Journeyman

    XP-Improvements ?
    Zone: Ethernere Tainted West Karana
    Questgiver: Marla Gaslow
    Task: A Helping Hand

    Scope: farm Splinter of Potency while gaining AA-Experience

    Yesterday did this Task 2 times, 2 times I got 30 AA (without the use of Lesson)

    Today after Patch:
    First Task: did all Tasksteps without Lesson.
    Just bevor final hail launched "Lesson of devoted"
    Task gave me 40 AA's on final Hail.

    Second Task: This Task started with 29 Minutes of lesson to go. About 10 Minutes bevor final hail, Lesson went of. (Char waited in GL for the Tasktimer to run down to be able to start second time with Lesson active). So most kills where done with Lesson active. Task gave me 20 AA's on final Hail.

    Bevor today's patch 30 AA without Lesson of devoted involved
    After this patch 20 AA without Lesson on final hail, 40 AA with lesson active.

    Conclusion: without lesson aktive at final hail, I got 50% less of experience for doing this Task compared to yesterday.

    I would like to know if this was the Intension of this "XP-Improvements"?

    For me it Looks like XP was toned down by 50% while now allowing double XP on final hail only when Lesson active.
  15. slick New Member

    20 AA's. 30 AA's. 40 AA's, does it matter? This is easier than WoW now. Get the TLP open!
  16. fortuneteller Augur

    First 20 instead of 30, you say toned down by 50%, as far I can calculatte thats not 50%, but 33%.
    Second, you sure you did not have one of the daily yesterday, with the bonus on, which you did not do today ?
  17. Numiko Augur

    the recruit a friend xp bonus is not affecting the amount given at the final hail, so not all exp bonus things are working with the changes.

    my non RoF accounts got exactly the same amount of exp as my two RoF accounts.
  18. guado Augur

    They just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper, don't they?
  19. Weverley Augur

    I'm trying to imagine if daybreak would give hard numbers this thread would be how come i'm not getting those numbers and the discussion would derail on technicalities like do you have lesson or bottle on at what time did it finish and it would go on and on and even the nasty people would say daybreak is counting us stories. Leave the boat while it still on.The way i see it wouldnt solve anything just more discussion .Oh and i forget the part why do i need lesson or bottle when i hail instead of when i kill. We could start another thread just about that lol.Remember they are trying their best and for that thank you holly and group that work on that.
  20. gnomeboss Augur

    last night, full group of 105 in rof, light blue mobs gave 3 to 4 percent at 100 percent aa. today, full group of 105 in rof, light blue mobs gave 8 to 9 percent at 100 percent aa.
    moogs, beryon, Mayfaire and 1 other person like this.