Cases where game masters will not intervene

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Numiko, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. minishot New Member

    this is what I got told when my char disappeared

    Response SOE Customer Service via Email 03/07/2015 04:15 PM

    The character was transferred to the Firiona Vie server. Unfortunately it looks like it has since been deleted and sadly, we will not be able to restore the character.

    The Daybreak Games Team
    Auto-Response 03/07/2015 03:42 PM
    This automated response is directed to help us accurately assist you as quickly as possible with your Character issue.

    If you are petitioning about a rename, please note that CS does not offer name changes. However, you may purchase a ‘Bottle of Amnesia’ in the /Marketplace for 1,500 Station Cash to accomplish this goal.

    For all other character issues, please be sure to include the exact name of any spells, skills or abilities that are of concern to you and how they should theoretically work.

    Thank you for taking the time to update any needed information. A Game Master will be addressing your issue as fast as humanly possible.

    If you are receiving a response that has nothing to do with your issue, it’s because you picked a category when placing your ticket that is not relevant to your issue.


    EverQuest Management

    Customer sirbuddrick soe via CSS Web 03/07/2015 03:42 PM
    i logged on today and my ranger on tunare is gone I have played minishot for over 2 yrs. idk if I was hacked or what but I had to recover my pw from email cuz it was changed and my char is gone. Ive put a lot of work into minishot and I just want him back the way he was on 3/6/15 plz
    Hiladdar likes this.
  2. minishot New Member

    Idk how but my char got hacked and they basically told me 2 yrs of work on my ranger and im out of luck
    Hiladdar likes this.
  3. Bamboompow Augur

    Battleaxe said: “Requiring players to play in level appropriate content if they want decent experience isn't a Daybreak mistake.”
    So by that logic, if I burn my neighbor's house down on purpose but then get my name legally changed before he presses charges, than all is forgiven, right? Since its a new name and in Battleaxe world, changing a name forgives all past transgressions. Its still Smed in charge with the same, although somewhat reduced crew. There is just a different group of suits holding the pink slips. Smed and the gang still own all the history of EQ from a "if you do something dumb or brilliant, own it" point of view even if the paychecks have a different signature on them now.

    Poyzen Frawg and Ferry-Tunare like this.
  4. Kellaer Augur

    Fix this immediately. Daybreak, you're the worst.
  5. Mediik Augur

    I hope you filled out a customer satisfaction survey Mini. I'm sure they read those. If nothing else is sacred, player characters should be protected. The fact that it's just GONE is astounding.

    I'm flabergasted that they won't do anything. Feel Free to roll another character my A**
  6. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    If it is true that they won't recover a hacked and deleted character (the most severe form of in-game abuse) then we are near the end....

    Daybreak's counter might be that they can't distinguish between "hackers" and "exploiters" (apparently some players will transfer to FV then file a fraudulent claim to cash in on FV economy). This would easily be resolved by either a hard limit (1 recovery per year) or an investigation.

    Tin foil hat: A few dozens of characters go "missing" over the course of several months...And it isn't hackers...
    Hiladdar and shik like this.
  7. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    You have got to be kidding me, nothing we can do my rear. DBG get off your lazy butts and help this guy. He is a friend and very upset over the situation. Its complete and utter lazyness not to help him.
    If this is your plan for EQ's future you may as well shut down the servers today.

    I see this happening more and more now that thieves....yes it is theft, can get away with it unscathed.

    Get out there track down who the items were traded to on FV and BAN the heck out of them.
    Caell, Hiladdar, Imrahil and 5 others like this.
  8. shik Elder

    RIGHT? it's so easy to track who is doing this nefarious .
    Daybreak better step in and fix this NOW.
    Restore the deleted characters, ban the offenders
    Caell, Hiladdar, Vrinda and 2 others like this.
  9. Daislet Augur

    This is a worry.

    I don't want my character transferred to FV to be stripped of it's gear and sold for $$.

    Please don't allow transfers to FV to help deter this.
    Caell, Hiladdar, Vrinda and 4 others like this.
  10. minishot New Member

    they can search the ip address and tell its not an exploit they even tried to change the email info for my account
    Hiladdar, Yinla, Daislet and 2 others like this.
  11. shik Elder

    Honestly its about instilling confidence.
    I don't feel 100% confident continuing to invest the amount of $$ I regularly do in a game or a company that allows this to happen;
    that simply doesn't set right some egregious wrong.
    I don't need everquest, everquest needs me.
    So they need to really be careful when they get too cavalier about what they think is an acceptable risk with their "customer service"
    Caell, Hiladdar, beryon and 1 other person like this.
  12. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Except there is now someone who is unable to play EQ. Like the PoK revamp, this policy was not well thought out. The poor wording is evidence of that.
  13. Kellaer Augur

    The dude answering the petition saying "we will not be able to restore" is wrong. They can. The tools to do that didn't disappear when Daybreak took over. What is accurate is "we are not going to restore your character."
  14. Aaliyahkenz Journeyman

    I have been an EQ subscriber for years now (since the end of 1999)...can you please tell me why we are even paying $15 each month per subscription (that's $120 for my husband & me, since we pay for 8 accounts) if there is no access to ACTUAL Customer Service??? This new policy is just plain ridiculous. The only thing that will be accomplished by this is even more subscriptions being cancelled. I have no idea what this new "Daybreak Game Company" plans to do with the game that we've all come to love so much for so long now, but this is NOT the action they should be taking. If anything, you would think they would do everything in their power to KEEP subscribers, not push more away! Good going! :mad:
    Caell and Ferry-Tunare like this.
  15. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Whoever conceived this policy should not be in charge.
    Caell, Hiladdar, Vrinda and 2 others like this.
  16. trueheart Lorekeeper

    if they do sucha thing to me i would do a reverse charge on my credit card for them not providing service they offered
    Hiladdar likes this.
  17. Kellaer Augur

    I get that changes were necessary during the downsizing. I know that it would not be realistic to expect the same fast customer service we used to get. A reasonable approach to this would be to tell players to expect longer processing in their petitions and more scrutiny will be applied to cases that might take a while. However, simply telling people who have paid money for this game for years, and even since the game started that you WON'T RESTORE CHARACTERS DELETED DUE TO HACKS EVER is simply an act of MALICE.

    This isn't a single player game, or something like Diablo where characters have a couple dozen hours put into them. People have hundreds, some even thousands, of days put into characters. Callously telling people you will not lift a finger to help restore characters destroyed by hackers is the most thoughtless thing I can think of!
    Caell, Hiladdar, Vrinda and 7 others like this.
  18. Dandy Augur

    It sucks what happened to Minishot, but is this actually a common problem? This is the first time I've heard of this happening (the FV transfer thing).

    Been playing off and on since 2001 and I've never had an account/character stolen. I do know one person who got ripped off years ago. They learned the hard way not to give out their password.
  19. Povarmonk Elder

    So this still isn't another nail in the coffin for EQ or what? All I know is if it quacks like a duck it usually is a duck.
    Ferry-Tunare and Aaliyahkenz like this.
  20. ModRanger Lorekeeper

    If you can't guarantee the safety of my characters, I am gone.
    Hiladdar, shik, Barton and 6 others like this.