Stonewood Bow Staff and Plane of War Progression

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by WDWolf, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Uuvin Augur

    even if it wasn't what they envisioned, they know its happening now. as a parent, you don't always know what your kids will do with anything they are given, but once you see them with it, you know when to step in and stop things. so, this is what they see and are obviously ok with. maybe its just 1 huge psychological experiment we are all participating in. go conspiracy theorists! like tossing a ferret into a kindergarten classroom.
  2. Marmar New Member

    I just had to do things that would get me arrested in 49 States to get a bow... Now I feel dirty, thanks SOE!
  3. Coruth Augur

    Just make it take any elemental bow in the combine and call it a day.

    Spread people out/add spawns
  4. Sinzz Augur

    my money is on said ferret!
  5. lolly Elder

    Ok - I'll just add my feelings - dont recall ever feeling the need to do that before
    Have played without years off since 2000.
    Many things about this game are great, some things less so.
    This is the worst decision by the devs ever.
    It is bringing out the worst in people.
    Requiring a very rare drop from a limited amount of mobs that take like 15 mins to respawn was a terrible decision - there is a lot of bad feeling generally in the playing community i know - the winners are the few people camped on spawn sites with seemingly some automatic kill thing - and a few very rich people . So the devs are favouring the rich and the bad.

    i like Uuvin's post above - surely even if they could not predict what seems like an inevitable outcome, then they should at least - as responsible people (literally they were responsible) they should have stepped in quickly and done something.

    Devs you got a lot of people excited about this new zone, but in many cases that excitement has turned to anger and frustration.
    noclue likes this.
  6. Hiladdar Augur

    Whow, this thread is up to 17 screens loads of information, and yet I have yet to see developer address this, while the massive recourses are being applied to the useless client bloat referred to as welcome screen, with multiple Sony representatives commenting on.

    Easy solution, get rid of the client bloat thingi, and address your customer base concerns with something that could not be stress tested on test due to it's limited population base compared to the production servers. I like some of the recommendation which involve spreading the player base to several zones which have such models, having a rare no-trade questable bow drop in PoW, or using other similar items from PoP as part of the quest.

    Having level 20+ level 100 in level 65 zone, ruins the playing experience of level 62-70 player base who choose to play in that zone.
  7. noclue Elder

    excellent idea
  8. zerowaphex New Member

    I understand that there might be a wish to slow the rush to the new zone.
    However, these mobs are permanently camped.
    Since the number(of bows/staffs) for sale keeps going up,
    I can only deduce that the drops aren't going to flag your average player.
    Maybe show us a little love?
    Please open it up for the rest of us.
  9. MiataDriver Augur

    Now we get blocks for the average player not just the raiders... awesome idea Sony
  10. MiataDriver Augur

    This will certainly make the plat farmers happy
  11. Kukaw Augur

    I logged into zone 3 times so far(for no more than an 1hour total time). I am the most average-to-underaverage player( I dont even have a toon over 85). I killed a treant 3 times and got 2 staffs. Yes they are camped hard but not 100% for 100% of the time. Maybe I am just lucky /shrug.
    O and this was late morning/early afternoon today Saturday on Bristlebane.
  12. MiataDriver Augur

    They were when I checked on emarr a few times.
  13. Yaldin Journeyman

    Seeing as the mobs can be camped permanently by less than stellar characters solo - I don't think upping the drop rate will fix it a heck of a lot.

    On The Rathe, they're not only camping the bow staffs, they're also buying up any staff that sells below a certain price point to eliminate competition...these guys know what they're doing to ratchet item values high - a couple of people have been doing it to the krono for a few months.

    The BEST solution, is to change this to a group quest rather than a solo quest. If they change the quest requirements, I see people getting all uppity about their investment in time in the quest in its current form and in some cases, krono/plat.

    If you open it up to group, you make each staff go a lot farther, and make it so people can pool their resources to flag the unflagged without generating more profits for the plat farmers via more drops from the same perma camped mobs - and make it in people's interest to share staffs and sell spots which would go for a lot less than a solo rare quest item.

    Also, as the new sub zones require 2+ groups for non trash mobs, it seems to make a lot more sense to flag groups than individuals.
  14. 1andOnly Journeyman

    The whole thing just reeks of opportunism. SoE is definitely winning on krono sales no matter who loses.
    Flagging for this zone should have been done with actual challenging group content, not by "feeding the pig".
    Remembering how thrilling it was back in the day, to finally beat the 'samples of corruption' mission for original ToB flag, first came to mind.
  15. Kelefane Augur

    PoEarth is locked down and perma camped 24/7 on Bristlebane. KSing is rampant. OOC fights are rampant. Its a huge bowl of negative confrontation in the zone right now.

    If the devs wanted the social aspects to shine with this stuff, its not happening. Its bringing out the worst in people. This is 2014 where the entire social dynamic of this game has changed. This isnt 2003 anymore. So if this was to bring back that "social feel good" community stuff of EQ a decade ago, its backfired tenfold.

    Anyway, im avoiding it all right now personally. Ive grown too old in this game to be getting into negative confrontations with random idiots.
    JacklSK, Garshok and Leerah like this.
  16. Leerah Augur

    I heard that guides are going to start giving out bows for their events!

  17. Vlerg Augur

    if you get stopped by the bow, you'll have a bad time Inside...
    Leerah likes this.
  18. Leerah Augur

    How about 3am?
    Too bad I'm sleeping through the nights now.
  19. Lobot Omy New Member

    I think they should allow all planar bows to be used for the quest, BUT increase the number that need to be turned in for completion; E.G. 1 Stonewood Bow or 5 Plane of Water Bows or 1 Obsidianwood Bow or 2-3 Plane of Air Bows or 3ish or so Nightmarewood Bows to complete "Tithes of War".

    Restricting it to just one zone has jumped Krono prices on my server by 100k. I guess mission accomplished....
  20. Dazzler Twodirks Lorekeeper

    Omeed was just having his weekly twitch chat with players for Landmark.
    I brought this issue to his attention and explained hoiw it is being ignored.
    He said he will pass it on to the right people to get looked at.
    Garshok likes this.