New World drops

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fransisco, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. Axxius Augur

    Is EQ the real life?
    Is it just a fantasy?
    Caught in the endless grind,
    Our escape from reality.

    Mama, just killed a mob,
    Put a sword against his head,
    Pressed 'Attack', now he's dead.
    Mama, the mission had just begun,
    But now I've got this uber drop on my hands.

    Mama, ooh ooh ooh...

    I see a little silhouetto of a dev,
    Elidroth, Elidroth, will you do the rollbacks?
    Thunderbolt and lightning,
    Very, very frightening.
    (Prathun) Chandrok
    (Prathun) Chandrok
    Ellyra Dzarn Aristo

    Nothing really matters,
    Anyone can see,
    Nothing really matters to me.

    Anyway the grind goes.
  2. Warfare New Member

    I am requesting a dev / admin to post on what is really true as far as these items. Are they being removed? If so, all of them or or just a few and will players get reimbursed?
  3. Derd Augur

    5000 mobs a week is "casual" now? We raid 3 nights group 4 avg two hours usually its about 120 mobs. That includes time gathering deciding what we are doing etc. At 30 sec. Per mob whixh for a group geared casual seems fast but ill give that to you. Is 41 hours of killing and with randomess thrown iin, you might still notget a drop. Doesnt seem casual to me.
  4. Tasmanian Journeyman

    I would like a GM response seeing as contacting sony via phone did me no good.
  5. Porterz73 Augur

    Hmmm I recall a rather long winded reply to one of my earlier posts saying there was a 99.5% chance nothing would be done and ill-gotten items would remain in the general population... Sooo odd I can't find that reply now.

    "I find you lack of faith disturbing"

    Congrats Dev on doing the right thing
    1). Keep the items as rare chase items
    2). Destroy the Ill-gotten ones
    3). Fix the problem (Fingers Crossed)

    I feel bad for those who paid for them and are gone but when you buy stuff from the back of a van don't be too shocked when the cops come knocking on your door.
  6. Tasmanian Journeyman

    On Zek, my magician
  7. Mikestab Elder

    I did get mine from "problem" NPC's but I put some time in to get them. If they were dropping at a higher rate than was anticipated typically this would be something they would retune after and leave in game. I guess they thought it was balance breaking?
  8. Idee New Member

    I'm sorry... if you spend that kind of money on gear I think you may need to rethink your priorities before running to your lawyer, on the other hand, if you can afford to hire a lawyer for this issue then you can probably afford to spend/lose that kind of money.
  9. Tasmanian Journeyman

    Its not about what I can or can not afford. Its the fact that krono's add monetary value to items in everquest. And for them to basically steal my krono's from me is theft.
  10. guado Augur

    stop policing this thread and tell your boss to tell his/her boss that there's an issue that needs some attention.
  11. Trajet D'Or Augur

    It's moreso 100k (Or Whatever Appropriate Number) mobs a week for the server so 20 (OWAN) new items. Next year at this time you have 1000 (OWAN) on the server and 2 years from now you have 1250 (OWAN) of the current drops and 1000 (OWAN) next expansion rare drops...

    2011 expansion: 80/18 h2h
    2012 expansion: 85/18 h2h (Epic is 87/18)
    2013 expansion: 90/18 h2h
    2014 expansion: 96/18 h2h
    2015 expansion: 104/18 h2h
    2016 expansion: 114/18 h2h
    2014 rare drop Tritum: 116/18 h2h

    Think how many Tritums and 2015 and 2016 rare drops might be in circulation on your server 3 years from now. Obviously these drops might be a window in future group gear progression, same as OMM monster missions were a window into Underfoot group gear being a very large upgrade over SoD group gear but if group gear progression stays anywhere near the status quo you'll gradually reach the expectation for "serious" players to have raid weapons, an expectation that obviously already exists on FV for better and for worse.
  12. Pirouette Augur

    Absolute insanity. Who thought deleting items from people's bags was a good idea? Seriously. I hope anyone who had the misfortune to buy one of these items to be refunded. It's one thing to punish the farmer, another to punish the people who bought from him. You guys are well aware that most players don't read the forums to understand the risk they are taking in buying the items. Who do you think is hurt more by the action? The guy who spent a couple days killing the same npc over and over again (honestly a minimal loss of time) or the people who bought them? You just created a HUGE CS mess for themselves.

    Also... Magister Knife was buyable through /barter but none of the other items were. Either none of them should be /buyable or all of them...Just saying.
  13. Ayoheee Augur

    So, pretty much looking for someone from SoE to explain why items are being deleted, and whether or not they're gonna stay deleted.
  14. Stonereq Journeyman

    It is robbery. Period. At the worst part is SoE Can't even INFORM the paying subscribers what is going on. I see alot of subs going bye bye over this if you screw people outta items they bought.
    Pirouette likes this.
  15. Trajet D'Or Augur

    /barter list gets populated by a patch after the item has dropped or been created on your server to prevent almost all items from a new expansion being immediately viewable using /barter on FV.

    So Magister Knife was the only item that dropped on your server the first day. After the next patch all the items should appear on /barter.
    Pirouette likes this.
  16. Tasmanian Journeyman

    Loyal everquest subscriber since 2001. I own 4 accounts that I suscribe to monthly. Spend lots of money on station cash a year, just to log in and see my items get deleted 1 by 1 from my character armor slots. No notice from a gm or nothing just delete, delete, delete, delete. My raid ornament on my main hand weapon was deleted in this process. A raid ornament that my guild has only seen 1 of ever.
    Axxius, TheQxx and Ayoheee like this.
  17. guado Augur

    loyal member and you never use the forums? ok buddy
  18. Stonereq Journeyman

    If the items were tuned to high they better be replaced with the proper items. These items were meant to be in game. They were announce they were dropping. So anyone reading patch notes knew that they would be available. To take and delete any items like this is just foolish and if not fixed I see ALOT of people dropping subs.
    Pirouette likes this.
  19. tarquinn21 Elder

    This is mind boggling. I have 2 pieces equipped that I looted myself and they haven't been deleted yet but I guess I should expect it. At the very least I quickly logged in just now to remove my augs to save some hassle there. But MAN the fireworks when people get home from work or log in later on or whatever and haven't been reading this thread up-to-date.
  20. Stonereq Journeyman

    I am a loyal member and hardly ever check forums as most of the time it is people flaming like this whole post turned into.
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