Changes on Firiona Vie

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Aghinem, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Piestro Augur

    These potions were specifically intended to be granted once. Right now people have to use unintended gameplay (borderline exploit) to gain basically unlimited amounts of potions. Experience is supposed to be easier to gain on FV, but not to the level that these potions allow. We're bringing it back to where it is supposed to be. It's easy to say that I like it the way it is, and that's valid. Some folks would like a lot of things. Some make sense from our perspective, some don't. If we wanted 4x experience on FV we could do that. Allowing unlimited potions claimed in a semi exploitative way isn't a good way of doing that.
  2. Chikkin Augur

    Alright. Thanks for responding. I still don't understand the why vs. "not what we intended" but you can't really explain it any better. Plus I realize you do your best to represent the team as a whole.

    Comment - I guess what threw me off was with future heroic characters, and auto grant of 4500-5500 AA was this new vision of "gosh we don't want new players to be overwhelmed by the seemingly unattainable levels or AA". So to me, "anything that makes it faster, without cheating" ... at least for the FV and Zek (and Test) servers seemed like a perfect fit.

    Question - Speaking of which, do I remember right? FV and Zek are 150% or 1.5 exp, and Test is actually double? That same rl buddy I mentioned and I have recently came back and been playing. He didn't know about the Test server, we may actually go there and play for the faster exp rate is why I ask. We only play with each other so the small population isn't a concern.

    Comment - I do appreciate you taking the time to respond here. I see the edit on earlier post, won't happen again.

    Question - Out of curiosity. Since MMO player bases at times are worthy of social experiments. What in your personal opinion, do you think would happen if there was a new "Triple or Quadruple Exp Rate" server. Do you think a large number of players would flock there? Even then, do you think they would stay longer than 2-4 weeks of the initial new-server rush? I figure you know the playerbase well enough to make a good educated guess.


    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Makavien Augur

    Hmm Axxius I moved multiple characters to find groups because I could never get them in Triton? Because one of my friends from BB was playing on fv at the time.

    And I moved from my home server Bristlebane to raid on Povar because Pouty did not like me and would never let my app through.

    So no there is never just 1 reason someone moves to a new server even one like FV. And even multiple characters.

    But again the potion thing does not hurt me so /shrug.

    It also isn't intended because you have to use a new character over and over and over if you are into that kind of thing.
  4. Rainbowdash Augur

    "Oh no! The tradeable potions are going no trade! Next they'll be doing it to all our raid gear we bought! Better transfer off FV to another roleplay server to do all that roleplaying I most definitely do!" - Every post in this thread
    moogs, Axxius, Tarrin and 1 other person like this.
  5. Chikkin Augur

    lol, that silly roleplay stuff, it just gets in the way of my drop-able loot server. Would you believe I had to spam a language the other day so my buddy and I could talk when vent wasn't up?

    No Sarcasm either. :cool:
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    How about, we just make the Kunark Anniversary quest repeatable? So that you don't have to make a level 1 toon to turn it in on and sell them on FV and so that players on other servers can use the quest again...
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  7. Aghinem Augur

    I don't think that has anything to do with that Alicard. I've done server work and the create of a character and deletion of a character do not stress out the server load. If it did, I'd suggest new hardware for SoE because that is just sad.

    What truly angers me about this is the fact this change was eloquently slipped in and I happen to discover this through chance after the fact I had already purchased some potions for myself and my fiance, not through any announcement. Had I not discovered this, I would have been stuck not being able to give these to her.

    I really want to know from the developer's mouth a true blue reason why this change is necessary. This change will absolutely serve no purpose whatsoever other than really tick off the vast majority of the FV community. I have seen many people as it is on general chat, guild chat, zone shouting, etc threatening to cancel their subscriptions because of the existing changes about to be made to the various swarming abilities, and in my opinion, I think this will be the straw that breaks the camels back in terms of tolerance of all these changes.

    I really hope Sony realizes that they are dealing with not only the oldest, but some of the most loyal player bases an MMO has ever had. Other than Ultima; EverQuest in the eyes of many is the first true MMO. These changes you are making, the focus shifting on EQNext and Landmark, your company is shifting the priority away from your main demographic of players - and that is your existing players.

    Lets be real, if anyone knew a month before the release of Call of the Forsaken what they know today, do you think you or anyone would have paid $39-$59-$79 for the expansion? I personally feel I made the purchase under false pretenses, and that is a dangerous thing if many others feel the same as I do. People don't pay subscriptions to have things taken away from them; they pay to have fun in ways the game has always provided.

    In the end, my opinion is Firiona Vie just needs to be left alone. Yes, there are experience bonuses and many other things - but that is what separates that server from the rest. That is what makes it what it is. As it has been mentioned in the aforementioned posts by Dexar and Septix, its the small subtle changes that occur under everyone's nose that will eventually have a large impact on an entire community.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Chikkin like this.
  8. Makavien Augur

    Yeah I would not have bought it either. Especially since the warrior nerf when the preorder page said We would be getting fixed not broken even more.
  9. Chikkin Augur

    Why not have a vote! Limited to one character per account, said character would have to be a certain level, 50, 60, 75 and a gold account, or whatever. That was good stuff what you guys did with the voting in the TLP.

    Here's an idea for a new ruleset, a "Voting Server". It would start with a vote of what kind of server it would be, and then in the game every single thing, issue, complaint, or whatever could just be a vote. By every single thing, I would mean patch type changes or proposes. Not some vote spam thing that someone will say "oh ya, then I'll login and have 20 things to vote on everyday".

    Wouldn't that be cool?
  10. Edrick Augur

    When I went to bed I did not expect to wake up and find people complaining about this to make it up to three pages.

    This was an obvious oversight by SOE, they have acknowledged that and corrected it. Reduce your dosage of Berserker Forum Rage pills and adapt, this isn't a big deal. When they start making prestige items no trade on FV I'd say an argument of changing FV's ruleset would have more weight to it.
  11. Abazzagorath Augur

    I find it funny that people who knew they were exploiting the task by making new level 1s over and over and then deleting them after trading the potion are this upset about it. You had your fun, you took advantage of it, deal with it, seriously.
    Sinestra, moogs and Elricvonclief like this.
  12. alicard Elder

    I for one used the Scholarship Exploit for many years on FV. I know it has to have an effect on the servers because during the times when the most people are deleting and creating characters I would create one and it would take a couple minutes to submit the name for approval. It would continue to do this over and over as I was deleting and forming more.

    Early in the mornings I never had this issue when creating characters. It would mainly happen on weekends and in the evenings until 3am Eastern Time. This issue never has happened during the rest of the year when the Anniversary isn't running. I also create a lot of characters during the year to seperate the loot I sell and keep people from being familiar with a certain seller/buyer. People like to hate on the ones that are always undercutting prices.

    As to being the reason that the Scholarships were finally nerfed is speculation on my part, but since this quest has been petitioned, posted, and complained about for years. I can't think of any reason why now is any different then before. I remember two years ago I petitioned because someone that was camping bloodgills for over 24 hours bringing in another character to grab extras and continued looting. I petitioned that they need to make the collector items lore so that people can't keep doing this. My petition was returned with "No change is needed because it is functioning as intended."

    I used it when it was there but I will finally be able to enjoy other things during the anniversary instead of making 1000 of those potions!!!
  13. Vlerg Augur

    Those potions just created endless grief and drama during the anniversary period anyway. General flooded with people complaining on how soandso '' is stealing my bloodgill camp'' , AFK boxer ( with that one little special program ...) monopolizing some camps for the entire duration of the event. people training the quest NPC...

    Those being no-trade just gonna reduce the drama a little bit on FV... something that server very much need.
  14. alicard Elder

    Agreed Vlerg!! As I added to my post above, I will be able to actually enjoy the anniversary this year. Seeing all the new things added and other quests I never did because I was all about the potions.
  15. Axxius Augur

    What exactly stopped you from enjoying the anniversary events until now? Why were you 'all about the potions'?
  16. alicard Elder

    When you spend every second in Everquest doing potions for the entire Anniversary and making yourself sick by the end you don't have time to even look at a quest. We even had double exp. last year and I didn't log in a single character that wasn't doing the potion quest. My issue: yes, My disease: yes. If it was there again this year it would have been a repeat performance.

    Do you know how long it takes to create over 1000 potions in a month? Collecting the items, organizing the character bags and creating 1000 characters and moving the potions? Answer: A freaking long time Hahaha.
  17. Axxius Augur

    No, I mean why do it year after year? You already had more potions than you could ever use. Were they selling for such huge amounts that you couldn't resist the greed? Or why?
  18. alicard Elder

    Yes, both actually. I created 1400 last year, bought another 2000 and made over 70 million profit (started with 50 million). Buying them at 20-30k during the anniversary month and selling them for 50k for most of the year. Also used a lot to level/AA my mains and alts (10 characters). Now I have 120 million for the new gear that comes out for my characters. I would have used most of it for components and scholarships this year but now I will just look for gear.
  19. phraxasthereal Journeyman

    of course, the potions are pretty huge part of FV economy. Talking bout an item that sells anywhere from 50-70k, which any1 on the server is more then willing to pay to help grind out AAs or levels because you know the wall of AAs is a lot to handle, even after they auto grant us AAs, still a lot to deal with.
    moogs and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  20. Iila Augur

    It's FV, of course they sell.

    How much plat would you pay for 5 hours of double exp pots exp on live?
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.