Krono are Now Available!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Piestro, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Zantor Augur

    I think SoE should add varying levels of Kronos, basic ones like they do now and some with SC added to them, say like 200, 500 and 1000. Pricing on them is accordingly with the SC bonus added to them.

    Many people in game are still looking to buy gamecards that have bonus SC to them. Others are worried that they will get ripped off trying to buy a GC with SC added to it. This way would solve a lot of solutions.
  2. Riviera New Member

    I have been an accountant for decades. I know how debits and credits work. The reality of how you immediately take our money, and find it nearly impossible to provide us a game negociable currancy is beyond literal or imaginary understanding.

    Shame on you Sony or SOE or whoever owns the entity that runs Everquest these days. The float and money you make from it is not worth the negative good will from players who have sufficient cynicism to suspect that for a pittance of overnight arbirtrage you are trading away your players confidence. It cannot be very much money.

    The even scarier prospect which might also be the case, is gross negligence of an asset. Safeguarding company assets (intangible in this case), which is the primary duty of management seems core to the lag, delay, whatever you wish to call it that causes a delay in imaginary funds paid for by real funds not being depositied as quickly to our imaginary accounts as you grab our real funds whenever we are on the other side of the coin.

    Play fair Sony,

  3. Siddar Augur

    The reason for the delay is fraud protection. People using stolen credit cards on ftp accounts buying krono then shifting krono through a trade with someone else into plat to launder the purchase. Krono is the only market place item that can be traded that I can think of. So delay between purchase and that credit card purchase clearing the bank is the reason for the delay. Not a effort to gouge a few extra pennies by delaying delivery for a few hour.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Ishtass like this.
  4. Piestro Augur

    This is basically correct. It's just fraud prevention.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    LoN packs as well, purchased with Station Cash (whereas Krono are straight money)
  6. Lerilon Lorekeeper

    Do we have to wait for April 2nd for Krono to be 14.99? Or will you do that now for the players?
  7. elmysterio1981 New Member

    Bought a Krono at 11:15am and now almost 1pm and it has not shown up yet, this amount of time seem normal?
  8. Riou EQResource

    It can take up to 24 hours