Game Update: Thursday, October 10 @ 6am PDT

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Piestro, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Draego Augur

    Now we just need the Giant Realistic Flying Tiger from Uncle Grandpa.
  2. Draego Augur

    Yeah and well it kinda still isn't 10AM PST, yet now is it 10AM PST = 12PM CST and I'm only showing 11:45AM.
  3. hawkeye376 New Member

    we aren't on PST we are still on PDT for a few more weeks
    Lily likes this.
  4. Gragas Augur

    Actually up but locked my bad.
    Bauer likes this.
  5. Kevln New Member

    I'm sure we will be getting another ETA soon this sucks now.
  6. Tanit New Member

    And let the nerdrage begin in 3...2....1....
  7. Draego Augur

    PST PDT either way its still Pacific time, but I will cede your point there.
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Now that we have doubled our estimated downtime and still have no end in sight............
  9. Zarakii Augur

    /nerdrage /em gets the caps lock ready
    Bauer likes this.
  10. robbuo Lorekeeper

  11. Draego Augur

    No, no thats just too easy......

    Meh what do I care since you're including yourself, LOL, as time began the second you posted.
  12. Gragas Augur

  13. Lyddea New Member

    Give them a break. Remember a month or 2 ago most of the team was laid off. Probably only 1 person who is doing development now.

    Im sure they are working as fast as possible.
  14. Zarakii Augur

    lol good one gragas
  15. Tanit New Member

    I was being sarcastic. Hanging here is much better than Tv. *smirk*
  16. Toquillaw Augur

    Piestro PROMISED us that he would apply new spit and polish to the old hamsters. I take him at his word. The spit and polish is really important, so the hamsters run smoothly and cooly (I like Arctic Silver Hamster polisher), but Piestro might use some cheap halfling knockoff and now he has to reapply it.

    And they might have forgotten to clean the dust out of the hamster wheel (tech people call them "heat sinks").

    Always happy to edjamacate you guys. :p
    KC13 and Tanit like this.
  17. Kandykiss Journeyman

    First off, let me say thank you for all that you do. It really is appreciated. I know it can't be easy because I'm sure that, more often than not, you have negative experiences with players. I know you are really busy, but yes, continued ETAs of when servers will be up, unlocked, and playable, might quell some of the more negative voices during downtime. Which, I am guessing, at this point is probably your biggest problem with players. These days you guys are excellent at helping with in game issues. I haven't had a guide or GM tell me "no" in years.
  18. Tnedra New Member

    Maybe the extra downtime is to fix the stupid server status pages
  19. Stubar Augur

    People getting freaked out!!!

  20. Draego Augur

    OMG, thank you I needed that pick myself up off the floor laugh.