instances broken?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bregan D'aerthe, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Talif Augur

    Oddly enough, we had zero issues with getting raid instances tonight. I wish I could give more insight as to what was allowing us to get them easily, even while others were posting here saying how much trouble they were having, but it just worked like it always has in the past for us tonight.
  2. Endo Journeyman

    Well, at 7pm on a Friday, I'm sure most of the devs are headed home to their families. They do have lives outside their jobs, so be patient.

    On this issue though, you can eventually get into the instances, it just takes a loooong time to get it active. Just keep trying and eventually the error msg will go away and it will let you enter.

  3. Crystilla Augur

    Issues still occuring now (for anyone reading this). Some even have guild halls now affected.
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I did Nutter Butter's task 3x yesterday and it was fine, logged out last night around 10-11pm pacific, and now my way is blocked after I receive a new task.
  5. FrankeB New Member

    Wow, ya, still not working on Drinal. I figured last night was just the hamsters being overworked with so many people running anniv missions but nope, tried at like 6am this morning and another 4 hours later and instances still busted. Last night at least they were sort of working, it just took like 5 minutes after requesting an instance for it to go live and not give you the blocked message but this morning they are just straight up not working.

    Can we at least get an acknowledgement from a dev that they are aware that instances are not working and havn't for some time now? Would be nice to try and actually do some of the anniversary stuff during the limited time on weekends I actually get to play =/

    holy crap wow ya this needs to get fixed. guild houses and old guild halls and all that typical stuff used all day is down. Unless you've had someone afk'n in your guild hall since this all started happening early yesterday evening you're screwed.
  6. moogs Augur

    All instances have been broken since at least last night on Luclin. Some other zones have also been affected, such as guild halls.
  7. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Looks like raids are a no-go for this weekend. Like, any of them, since they're all instanced.
  8. sojuu Augur

    Spam the text over and over, you eventually get it. And not sure if it made the difference or not but we made the requester the raid leader and not sure if it really did or not but it seemed to help. No need to cancel raids, its just a bit of a pain to get the task. Hope this helps at least until soe can fix it.
  9. IceSy Augur

    Bristlebane is totally broke, instance wise. I am doing a /petition. Hopefully everyone else is also. GMs see those way faster than forum threads ;)
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I finally got in by requesting the task a 4th time and spamming the "go" word, getting the "way is blocked" message about 30 or 40 times until it started to load up with the "magical presence preventing" message... and finally loading.
  11. Skittor New Member

    I hope someone is on top of this, last night was bad enough when the problem existed.
  12. Enizen Elder

    On the bright side (sort of) all the peole who HATE instances and say it takes away from the game, well you got your wish, hope you enjoy the Camp stealing, and training to follow.

    SOE please work on this!
  13. Tegila Augur

    i think this broke soemtime after 830eastern, we had no issue getting isntances up until then but after taht people couldnt get into their halls etc or theri group tasks. luckily we spent entire night in tehsame dz so we didnt have to deal with it as a raid. people still reporting this issue today on bertox
  14. Artemis-Entreri Augur

    Same thing happening on Vox server, trying to do Lost Gnomes (Hard). Got the task update (In my quest journal) after I clicked on the door to the instance, but no dice on getting into the instance itself.
    Fix Please! :D
  15. Artemis-Entreri Augur

    Quick update, just failed twice in a row using primary/secondary anchor device. Clicked yes, and nothing happened. Horrible time for this to happen on the weekend when everyone is on.
  16. Mluian Journeyman

    Xegony server, the instances will will not allow me to zone in. Not on this account, not on any of my other three accounts, not on my wifes account. "The way is blocked to you. Perhaps you would be able to enter if there was a reason to come here." Quest, Big Gnomes, Big Problems. Yes, all accounts have done Ogres at the Gates two days ago, did Big Gnomes, Big Problems two days ago as well. Spent a while at the npc, some groups are able to zone in others are not.
  17. Razzak Elder

    Has anyone heard from SoE at all about this...even just a yes we know its broken response...I'd ahte to think there all off si[pping mai tais not knowing theres an issue here
  18. Crystilla Augur

  19. BoomWalker Augur

    The game is a 24x7 environment. Claiming the devs are going home does nothing to help the community know the issue has been recognized by SOE. Those players from other than California just have to deal with the issue until the PST time folks get around to it....sad.

    The work arounds about spamming the npc can help reduce the impact if is works...but GH/GL/housing is another issue. If you are locked out of GH/GL/housing it is Origin time?

    This issue has a significant impact to the game...and needs to be acknowledged and addressed.

    Devs do not have to post 24x7 on the forums...but CSR least to inform the community that SOE knows about the issue.

    The post from SOE was over 12 hours (more like 15 hours) after this issue was raised. The post simply says they know about the issue and are looking into it...over 12 hours after the issue was raised. Assume we allow 4 hours for an issue to "work itself out" versus having SOE acknowledge the issue...that means it was 11 hours later that finally SOE mentioned they were aware of the issue. Now it is another 3 hours after the acknowledgement of an issue with no update.

    Also, since many folks in the US do not work weekends and we are suppose to let the devs have family time on Friday nights does that mean we should expect nothing to be worked until Monday PST when they get back to work? Sure, RL trumps a game...sure family and time away from work is valued. And yes, it isn't life ending.

    Now turn off your phone, TV, and internet access for 72 hours because someone went home for the weekend. It isn't that important. Nobody will die...they have a be patient.

    OR...provide 24x7 CSR support...have an issue (major? minor? non-issue?) be acknowledged within a few hours (4? 8?) of being identified. Provide timely updates (every 4 hours? 8? 12?) on the progress...

    Devs having lives and going home isn't the issue...not letting the community know the issue is known and being worked is...

    Now lets see if the other thread is updated every 4 hours with status.
  20. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Threads like these are always amusing.