Big Gnomes, Big Problems - Feedback request

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Augur, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Falos Augur

    I just wanna say thumbs up on the dev communication in this thread. The mission may have started out in a less than ideal state but I've always felt it's not the problems that matter - it's how those problems are dealt with that count.

    Done a great job at listening to feedback and implementing changes in a speedy manner for this mission.
    Augur likes this.
  2. Augur Developer

    Thanks, Falos. I really appreciate the kind words.

    I'll be working hard to make sure that my next piece of content hits live servers in a much better condition than this one did, but I'm really happy with how we quickly we were able to turn around and fix the problems with this mission.

    Thanks again to you and everyone else who submitted feedback and bug reports to help us find the problems and correct them.
  3. Kurayami Augur

    Still a slight problem w/ the mission, it doesn't have any option for Kurayami to get an unlimited charge giant size item! Going to dash my dreams of entering every zone w/ a /shout Hey Hey Hey........... It's fat Kurayami! Say it isn't so Augur.
  4. Malbro Augur

    I've done this twice now, big gnomes, big problems, and it was a blast.
  5. Augur Developer

    Haha, well as an ogre, nothing's really stopping you from shouting that right now. We decided to not offer the growth potion as a permanent item because of the immense size that it makes you (it takes half your race's size and adds it to your height). That allows it to be used pretty obnoxiously in certain scenarios.

    I think you mentioned the permanent shrink item earlier--the difference here is that it's difficult to grief other players with a tiny character, and pretty easy with a giant-sized character.

    So our options were either: make the size change very small and make the item permanent, or make the size change large but make the item consumable. We thought it would be more fun to have the large height change, even if only for a limited time.
  6. Tobynn Augur

    An additional thing I wanted to point out about this mission ... the person in giant form is too far away to loot any items from the chest. Stand right on top of the chest, duck, sit, doesn't matter, still too far way. Clicking off the Big Boneded buff does not revert the player to normal size. Must camp or zone in order to become normal size again in order to loot the chest.
  7. Kurayami Augur

    Only reason I'm an ogre is Giant wasn't listed as a playable race! Anyways I can understand that, but why not make an obnoxiously long/hard quest towards an item of this type, the grow on the outside of the mission isn't too bad really, nothing at all like me on my horse in the mission. Is really just a golem/steamsuit size grow capable of using a horse.
  8. Kurayami Augur

    Easily fixed w/ any illusion item, I like going from giant down to brownie, lol.
  9. Tobynn Augur

    The chest cannot be looted if you are giant form -- its called a bug. Whether certain players can manage a workaround to overcome that bug is entirely irrelevant.
    Fenthen likes this.
  10. BoomWalker Augur

    Agree the garbage of only getting potion of growth in the chest just adds to the number of buggy quests/missions recently released.

    Not looking for an aug on each mission...but to get just potion of growth...and nothing else is a joke....broke mission...more broke content.
  11. Tobynn Augur

    I keep runnin' through this mission hoping to get potions. From ten runs I have seen 3 launchers, 3 traps, 3 meta-rats, 1 poly-clockwork and 4 augs ... wru potions?!? I can make standard grow potions on my shammy, but these aren't standard grow, these are supersize-me potions. The potions are the only thing I want now, the rest rots ~ bleh. teh RNG hates me.
  12. Jyve Augur

    It's the launcher that keeps eluding me. Alts all aug'd up, they all have the clockwork, 2 grow pots, and rats. BUT NO LAUNCHER! yet.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Thank you for clarifying that for us.
    Augur likes this.
  14. Uxtalzon Augur

    Ohhh so this grow potion makes you grow much larger than Anizok's, for instance? :3

    And for griefing with large races, if a player wanted to, they'd make an Ogre Shaman and get to level 20 and there you go. In the case of missions and such, just the small effort of earning an unlimited growth item would sort of mean you're a bit too dedicated to EQ than to grief with it.

    But anyway, an unlimited grow item from an event like that would be too easy. I was more like, OH YEAH *smash through wall like the Kool-Aid Man* when I saw the icon and name, but was sadfaced when I saw the charges. But oh well!
  15. BoomWalker Augur

    What gives you brownie illusion? I missed that one...I want that one...
  16. Kurayami Augur

    That one is LoN only I'm afraid. I had to blow around 2.5-3 mill plat or so to acquire mine.
  17. Tordail Elder

    I attempted this tonight with two guildmates. We never made it past the bunnies; the instance locked up and crashed as we started attacking the first burning bunny. I had to use Return Home to escape the instance's evil clutches.
  18. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Aside from not being able to loot the chest if you are the Giant for the mission - well done on this mission. I would love to see something like this in the future. The quick adjustments made to it as you received feedback really is something we as players can get excited about and appreciate. Our very old game can still have great support.
  19. Braveheart Augur

    Drop a camp fire, gate out, fellowship back in; then you can loot the chest.
  20. Shirion New Member

    Clicking AoN worked fine for me.