Slayer Walkthough

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by krozman, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. krozman Augur

    I looked at the slayer section of my achievement window and noticed it would take a lot of planning to murder all those people efficiently. IS there a guide out there somewhere that attempts to make it work in the shortest amount of time? Links or PMs appreciated.
  2. Langya Augur

    Spoiler alert: Kill everything in game 1000+ times! Rinse and repeat! *chuckles*

    Plane of Power is good for deity slaying (Rathe Council is the easy mode). Sanctus Seru is a good spot for killing good alinement races with no faction hits. LoY zones are a good one for bad alinement (woot that "expansion" has a use now).Frogloks in Sebilis and Guk don't count as Guktans. Instances will keep you in good standing with your fellow players, so keep that in mind.

    Otherwise, just find the lowest lvl zone and swarm up a huge train and kill it. Not the most exciting way to pass one's time....
  3. Axxius Augur

    Bingo! Insta-respawn gray con deities. :D
  4. SpamFactory Augur

    plane of air spider event (right before the click up to xegony)

    spawns infinite spiders that die in like one hit. just pull the boss to the door and position him behind you (so you don't riposte the boss to death) and the spider adds will keep spawning and running towards you. you can even AFK through this since ripostes kill the adds quickly enough.

    the event does despawn after a while, but you can get like 1500-2000 spider kills per cycle.
    Ishtass likes this.
  5. SpamFactory Augur

    glykus in potactics spawns infinite boars as long as he is alive. easiest way to get 1000 boars for baconizer title.
    Ishtass likes this.
  6. SpamFactory Augur

    one of the rings in poearth spawns infinite earth elementals as long as the boss is alive. I haven't done this one long enough to see if it depops like the spider event, but it's a good source for the 10k elemental kill achievement.
    Ishtass likes this.
  7. SpamFactory Augur

    for table flipper shard's landing is best. there are about 36 skull containers and vases throughout the village on the middle eastside of the zone. 5min or so repop

    there are also insta respawn containers in the shards landing main camp. if you have one person stationed there and one person in the village it speeds things up.
    Ishtass likes this.
  8. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Post on your guild/server board that you are going to do Table Flipper and when you will be online without leaving Shards Landing. Up to 72 people can get the updates and if atleast a dozen of those actually do more than AFK it's possible to finish that one without losing your mind.

    Drawing life from a stone is a big pain, less so if you already have UF progression done. Everything else is just a question of time. 3 AFK toons with 3 mercs can grind out kills 24/7 or the more people in your group/raid the more mobs you will kill.

    For the most part focus on fast respawn or chaining instances. Paineel, Everfrost, Field of Bone and Qeynos Aqueducts newbie areas you can kill non-stop for a variety of updates. Other newbie zones too but those are the ones I used.

    Rats there is one spot in Warrens, wander around and you'll find it. Warrens Kobolds do not update the 5000 rat kills even though Kobolds are listed on that ach. Boars there is a named mob in PoTactics in the Boar Pen area, fight him but don't kill him. Gods reset Vallon Zek in PoTime after you kill his clones.

    Beyond that learn the value of auto-aggro mobs, running though a LDoN instance with high aggro radius and robust pathing so you lose few or no mobs is a great place to wrack up kills, way less aggravating than individually targetting much lower level mobs that don't aggro.

    If either your main is a Wiz/Dru or you have one on another account find places near ports for updates that you need. As a Wizard whatever else I was doing every so often I'd port to CS and AE Othmir, run to SG and AE Sirens, port to CT, abscond, zone out, AE Lizards. Those 3 things all auto-aggro for a decent number of kills but if you can't port in and out easily it wastes too much time to get there and back or wait on respawn.

    If you play an alt in anything but a full group sit your main in group out of XP range to get slayer updates but without taking any XP. If you raid think of things like how many Alarans die in SL raid or how many ants in Evantil raid and assuming you do those raids weekly let those kill counts take care fo themselves while you work on other ones.
  9. SpamFactory Augur


    I was doing dreadspire bats for that achievment until I noticed kobolds are listed as well. I stopped since you also need 5k kobolds for another achievement.

    If kobolds don't actually count for the rat/bat 5k achievement then dreadspire is a good spot. near the zone in (where redfang event is if you were doing demiplane instance, but stay in the static zone). Bats there repop in like 10 seconds and have no hp.
    Ishtass likes this.
  10. Trajet D'Or Augur

  11. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Dragons outside of Temple of Veeshan count, too. They're not just lined up in Veeshan's claw mark, but in random areas of Western Wastes at egg nests, etc. Those count as True Dragons.
  12. SpamFactory Augur

    there in one dragon that is on a 5min repop in western wastes. it's for the chanter 2.0 so it has no faction hit. it's black/purple like phara dar but has a head shaped like lady vox.
    name starts with a V. I'm too lazy to look it up.
    Ishtass likes this.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    You could be done with the dragons in just 20-21 hours!
    Esero likes this.
  14. SpamFactory Augur

    it's something to do between repops of WW :p
  15. Talif Augur

    Dragons: go group in Breeding Grounds. The elder wurms count as True Dragons.

    If you're a wizard, get the Staff of Elemental Flux. Instant cast + tab target = lots and lots of quick agroing of low level mobs. Add in a G15 keyboard or something similar and you can agro grey cons all day.

    VZ in Tactics was how I got one of the first Godslayers in game. Kill all but the final one, fade, reset, rinse/repeat.

    Blightfire Moors has a bunch of level 10 or so destructible mushrooms near the Sporali cave. There's a spot you can stand in and you can target/nuke a dozen or so of them every five minutes. Bonus of being able to get a bunch of Shrooms done at the same time. It still takes about 36 hours to finish Table Flipper, but you have zero chance of dying. Again, a macro keyboard and a good book/lots of TV shows to watch help a ton.
    Ishtass likes this.
  16. Jyve Augur

    I wish I'd hit LDon's earlier to get golems/holgresh/manticores in one run rather than run around trying to get them in other places. As said above, aggro range is good so at modern levels, can grab the entire zone and aoe/riposte them down easy enough (and/or a tank merc).

    Got the first bunch done, but now I'm slowing down a bit and letting them just come (and opening the skulls when nearby). Just so annoying to have done so many LDoN's to finish them off not long ago for completeness, THEN doing them again for the slayer! Least still get a few PP out of it.
  17. Ranpha Augur

    Finished them all about a month ago, here's what I remember:

    Infinite Golems: Ring event in Kod'Taz
    Infinite Goblins: DoN: Guardians of the Sand

    Swordfishmermaid: Mermaids on mermaid isle in TBS (5 minute respawn, large aggro)
    Gods: Plane of time clears, until you catch Vallon or Council up
    Tableflipper: Several good suggestions already, not all spots work (DSH spider cocoons don't work). I did most of it in Nektulos Forest (cocoons there do work).

    Also a nice area to work on multiple achievements at once in Steamfont Mountains infront of Minotaur caves. The newbie area in this revamped zone spawns so fast, I couldn't keep it cleared. There's harpies, clockworks, elementals and I think aviaks.

    The ones I focused on (as they seemed hard to get due to mob rarity):
    Drawing Life From a Stone (1000)
    Swordfishmermaid (5000)
    Your god has found you lacking (100)
    Planes, Trains and Element-iles (5000)
    Tableflipper (5000)

    For the Progressive achievements I just went wherever needed. Some tips:

    Manticores - Eastern Wastes (kill in the eastern area and they will spawn, can be combined with Kodiaks, Bunnyslayer and Spin me Right Round)
    Evil Eyes - Some ring in Arcstone has 10 or 12 of them nicely lined up, can also do Riftseekers there
    Sphinxes/Hands - Plane of Mischief has these
    Efreeti's - Jewel of Atiki
    Tentacle Terrors - Crystal Caverns
    Gargoyle's - Velketor's Labyrinth
    Ishtass likes this.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Bloody Kith for a lot of the playable races. All LDON's are a good source of a lot of slayers. Hardest one we found was Sokara (or however it is spelt) FOS Hatchery area & inside hatchery for this one, clear outside zone in kill the ones which are up, kill golems to make more pop, rince and repeat until done, 50 doesn't sound a lot but it takes a couple of hours due to lack of spawns, if you haven't already done it get your iksar updates at the same time.
    Ishtass likes this.
  19. Ranpha Augur

    Oh yes, Sokokars were annoying too. Need 25, did that in 4 or 5 respawn cycles in old field of bone.
    Ishtass likes this.
  20. Talif Augur

    Manticores can also be done in EF LDoN. Nice if you still need a dodge aug, as well.
    Evil Eyes are in Guk LDoNs while you're working on your Gutkan (can't do these for the 10 for People Person, though, have to hit up the guards for those).
    Sphinxes in PoJ prison cells, tons of faction free player races there, as well.
    Nice cluster of hands in Veksar in the NE corner of the zone.

    Cubes you can do in Icewell (the underground caves in Thurg.
    Wood Elves (the only race that isn't well represented in one of the many other areas, though there's a couple in Bloody Kith). Hit the bandit camp in GFay-8 or so up a cycle, 5 min respawn. I've also heard Sister Island is good for them, as well.
    Ishtass likes this.