Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Weathervane Journeyman

    Uh, I get my information from knowing how VMWare works. Virtual machines are, in fact, entirely separate environments from the bare metal tower/server that they run on. If the programs in question work across virtual machines they would work across physical machines as well...

    Literally everything you've set forth in this scenario reinforces that Truebox is not a solution to cheating/box crews/behavior you don't approve of on your Truebox server.
  2. Soriano Augur

    I have said for the year I have been back that True Box does nothing...And it does not...

    We disagree on how VMWare works...
  3. Rothj Augur

    I'm pretty sure a lot of people on these forums don't really understand what they're asking for. I think if dbg made a "non truebox server" to shut these people up that would be good, but a truebox server is necessary to stop the game from becoming totally degenerate. People will always ask for easier, faster, more efficient - that doesn't mean that it results in something BETTER. It's like people are obsessed with making eq easier when the original point of the game was that it was hard(not that it's hard now, but at least try to keep the illusion going a little bit).

    I also wonder what the consequences will be if teek is so popular that random loot is just the new default, forever. Is that just a better version of eq once the novelty actually wears off, or in 3 years will people miss actual eq? People should ask themselves why they're even playing in the first place and not playing another mmo.
    KobalWR likes this.
  4. Basak Augur

    Except that the evolving is a core of the rule-set. Just like free-trade and random loot is for Mischief/Thornblade so it should not be used again so soon.

    Bonus XP for max level (aka Legacy System) and FTE are not a part of Oakwynd's rule-set, Oakwynd was just used as a testing ground for those systems.

    As much as I like Random, I do not want to see this going forward. And I dislike free-trade, I consider it one of the worst mechanics in the game.. Not to say others do not enjoy it and they should be able to but I know I am not alone in not liking free-trade and those of us should be able to enjoy servers without free-trade. As for no-trade, I believe most everything should be no-trade, but again, as you say, I know there are people that believe otherwise and being a minority I doubt I will ever get an (almost) everything is no-trade server.

    Except you did disagree that it's a unique rule-set at the very start of this very same reply, lol.
  5. Zansobar Augur

    Mischief was the most popular server in EQ history and it took them 3 years to figure out they should launch a second one. DPG aren't the sharpest tools in the drawer, so I don't think Teek (Mischief) will become the new norm even though it will be at least 10 times more popular than Tormax.
  6. omgomg Lorekeeper

    if tormax was an oakwynd clone with some additional xp bonus, it would be long term viable
    MileyVyrus likes this.
  7. Rothj Augur

    You say that like it's just stupid to not give people what they want all the time, but the entire point of my post was there is nuance and most of the forum dwellers don't understand the consequences always. The question I had was this - is the mischief ruleset just BETTER, forever, or is it interesting because it's novel and makes the game easier in the short term? Is making loot easier to obtain going to make people lose interest in the game over time once they realize everything has less value?

    You can technically make games easier and easier, take less and less time, but for me that makes them a lot less interesting pretty quickly. I mean if eq launched in its current state with all the "modern additions" back in 1999 I doubt I would really care much about it.
  8. Kahna Augur

    Mischief is the only server in the history of TLPs to make it as far as HoT and still pull off high population. It's been 3 years. People still love it. It has held people's interest better than any other TLP to date. Your question has been answered. It actually is better/more fun for a large segment of the population. It shouldn't, and won't, become the standard. Lots of different people play EQ. They should all get a spin at the wheel.
  9. Zansobar Augur

    Mischief is just better, forever. It has nothing to do with it being rare. Look at FV, most pop server on Live for at least a decade or more.
  10. CdeezNotes Augur

    Fv is the only FT live server. Of course it'll be's literally the only option. The collective population of non FT servers absolutely dwarves FV.

    It's like saying the Cowboys are the best NFL team because it has the largest fandom versus any other singular team. Sure, but all 31 other teams fanbases are a super majority over Dallas.

    If they released FT servers every single year, you'd see the same thing you see now. Smaller peak populations, rerollers, emptier older servers. DPG diluted their product amount a dozen servers.
    code-zero likes this.
  11. Soriano Augur

    People playing on other Live servers are not there to avoid Free Trade. for 7 or 8 years the only Free Trade Server had a limitation of one character per account. People on other servers are there because it was the server their friend played on when they started. Many started based on the server name they liked best .The concept of one character was not overly popular even among the role playing crowd. Few thought it was good to not allow someone to play under a different name. when a new account was easy to create. So it was just another failed attempt to force a concept that was not popular or needed.

    So not sure why you seem to feel the need to try and make it sound like Non Free Trade is favored way of playing EQ?

    But the difference in the numbers of all other servers vs Firiona Vie does not point to that at all.
  12. code-zero Augur

    I see someone coming up with what they think is really harsh treatment of <cheaters>

    Currently if someone is banned that account can no longer be accessed. All names of characters there are locked out on that server, all items are stuck there as well including Krono. No deletion necessary

    The other issue is that players all really suck at spotting actual cheaters. Oh some are pretty obvious or so you'd think then you find out that it's a crew in a sweatshop somewhere most of whom don't speak the same language as everyone else.
  13. spud89 New Member

    Please give Tormax Teek rules, but without truebox. Posting here because it seems like a few earlier threads were consolidated into this one at some point and maybe The Powers will read it.

    Tormax isn't working in its current form. It's been almost two weeks since the announcement and there's only two (2) guilds recruiting for Tormax. In comparison, there's sixteen guilds recruiting for Teek! It seems like there's a lot more demand for an additional version of Teek without truebox than there is for yet another Yelinak adjacent server.

    Or if you're super attached to Tormax in its current forum, maybe add a third server that's Teek without Truebox to spread the population of Teek out a little (reducing queues) and to satisfy the community that wants to box in the early expansions. It would reduce the boxers playing on Teek and make the people who are fiercely against boxers less grouchy. It's been four years since we've had a non truebox server and we're all itching for another shot. I think the existence of the server would benefit everyone. Thanks for reading!
    KobalWR likes this.
  14. Atomos Augur

    I mean originally expansions lasted around a year, but TLPs last 2-3 months. If you wanted things to scale properly with the length of the expansion bosses should be dropping 4-6 times the amount of loot but we're only getting 2x. Regardless, I think it makes perfect sense for drops to be more common on TLP.

    Time consumption is unrelated to difficulty. Everyone has different amounts of time to spend, and the amount of time people are willing to spend sitting in a chair staring at a screen playing a video game is different too.

    IDK it's kinda weird that you mention that you wouldn't like EQ in 1999 if it had all these modern additions, I'm assuming you don't play now then? And EQ isn't difficult anyway so yeah if you don't care about playing a difficult game I guess you definitely aren't playing EQ.

    Also there is already a massive amount of boxing going on on Truebox servers. Removing truebox won't make it different enough for it to matter.
    OldTimeEQ1 and Sheila like this.
  15. Weathervane Journeyman

    This would be an acceptable compromise. Tormax in its current form lacks the 'spice' to compete with a Mischief recycle and using it to cater to the boxing community that hasn't gotten a server since Riz seems like an easy fix.

    Similar to you I'm really hoping for any kind of dev response to this thread as the choice to use resources standing up a server that will not alleviate the congestion on Teek and is not interesting in its own right just doesn't seem to make sense.
    dwiguslowater likes this.
  16. KobalWR Lorekeeper

    Indeed! Make Tormax non truebox and everybody will be pleased, even people who dislike boxing.
    That won't stop boxing on Teek, but it's a start.
    Sheila and dwiguslowater like this.
  17. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    You can't realistically think bosses need to drop 4-6 times the amount of loot to scale.Even if they drop the standard amount of items it's more then you ever saw on live. Why? Read on friends..

    Luclin example...
    OG timers were usually 7 days +/- 12 hours on the window. There were no instances. In that year of Luclin there were usually 2 or 3 US guilds and 1 Euro guild competing for VT mobs. With major variance like that - you often would go and just get 1 or 2 maybe 3 mobs. Maybe get lucky a mob spawns when you are clearing to another mob or while fighting it. etc etc

    Just the fact that you get to kill a mob every single week already = more loot in 3 months then you would have gotten in 1 year of Luclin OG.

    Reality is - 90% of the population never even got into VT in era. EP's in PoP were similar. Why? Because it was easy to block Rallos and Emp. I know my guild got into VT in era just 4 months before PoP and we were 2nd on the server.

    As to the point you are making...yeah double or triple loot is good and should be normalized. 4-6x loot? Nah that's ridiculous.
  18. Sheila Elder

    Well FAQ just launched and no changes were made. Really shocked, but meh. See you all next year!
  19. Zansobar Augur

    I might be dead by then.
    Sheila likes this.
  20. Sheila Elder

    You won’t get to have the pleasure of my posts another year then sorry.