Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Ddezul Augur

    That's why Rizlona was so nm.
  2. MileyVyrus Augur

    OP isnt wrong here, there was a LOT of good ideas in Oakwynd... The lockouts not being account wide, the heirloom passing via shared bank... DPG hit a home run in that column, with a system that encourages people playing one toon... 3 toons.. or 6+ toons reasons to burn through 1-50 multiple times an expansion.

    It engaged people, kept them playing... If your mage is going to be reborn a warrior, it was fun to have that mage collecting warrior gear and no drop weapons. a vast majority of gear that rots on regular servers has a reason to be looted.

    But mostly it kept us engaged. It gave us a reason to gear out multiple toons (or teams). No matter how you play eq, Oakwynd found ways to keep people around until the next expansion dropped.. Sure the dupe stunk, the AA bonus modifiers were borked, and extra coin drop in POP was... wildly tone-deaf and became a punch line with the dupe-destroyed plat economy.

    But ya know what? Who cares. The BEST part about Oakwynd (and Vaniki really, since its nearby) was DPG went way outside the box and came up with some AMAZING ideas... and some bad ones... But collateral damage is fine when striving for greatness.

    Its fun to be negative, but if we taunt and giggle the shortcomings of the game we love, we need to man up and actually acknowledge the achievements. Oakwynd birthed things we never had on TLP.. Vaniki turned us into tactical lemmings and challenged us to zerg anything we had the patience and tactics for. And Mischief reminded us that EQ could just .. become Diablo on the loot side because why not? Nothing spreads out a population like random loot, it solves so many more problems than it creates.

    If DPG decided this was the best time to pit random loot against a vanilla server and see if vanilla classic is still viable, lets let em. Sure most of us are preparing for Teek (and Kunark! dont forget day one Kunark!), but maybe we find out a huge population just.. likes vanilla ice cream. We still got something wild to play, so whats the harm?

    That said, if they wanted to make Teek an Oakwynd clone with Random Loot, well, heck, that'd be a lotta fun too. :)
  3. Sanduleak Journeyman

    I really wanted to play on Oakwynd because of that exp bonus for alts system. That was a good idea, maybe it needed to be boosted a little bit. I don't know. I had a big career move at the time, and couldn't afford the time to play.

    That's something I'd like to have added to an otherwise pretty basic TLP, like Tormax. As someone who always ends up having 2-3 alts on any MMORPG I play, it's a huge W for me.
  4. AzzlannOG Elder

    Ol Reliable. Everyone who doesn't like the thing I like is toxic.
  5. omgomg Lorekeeper

    oakwynd had a great rule set that got destroyed by the dupe
    clone it, bump the xp some, and fte is actually quite good after some time
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  6. KobalWR Lorekeeper

    It's funny, isn't it? Griefers like to say that camps don't exist, aguing that Verant, Sony, DBG or DPG never recognized them. They don't care the vast majority of people have been respecting them for 25 years. They only worry about what could have them suspended or banned. If it's "legal", they'll do it. Morality doesnt matter to them.

    That being said, most people actually still respect camps. Sadly, we tend to mainly remember bad experiences and one griefer could ruin a whole day of respectful interactions.
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  7. dotard New Member

    Should be advertised as Oakwynd clone, minus the plat dupes…yet
  8. TheChosenOne Augur

    that ruleset is devastating for toxic guilds and krono farmers.. they love kill stealing and saying "THATS THE GAME! OUT DPS US TO STOP US!"

    now its making more sense.. ive been away from TLPs for 3 or so years, just hopped in to see whats what and still have people krono lording lol
  9. TheChosenOne Augur

    probably the same people that krono lord so they can afford rent for their poverty apartment
  10. xxar Augur

    I did and it's easy to beat the automated bots on FTE , there was a intentional delay. I suggest learning skill cast timers , 0 cast abilitys and items exist. I constantly beat them almost 9 out off 10 times, that is exactly why I want FTE , I expect automated bot crews at specific camps like circlet of shadows. I have at least a chance to beat them , compared to non FTE systems you lost already.
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  11. coltongrundy Augur

    They didn't. Tormax is a yelinak clone. I'm just confused about why they talked about aradune for a yelinak clone.
    gnomesteve likes this.
  12. Basak Augur

    This is false. At least in terms of Bergurgle. I can't count how many times a mage came in as I was camping Bergurgle and somehow get FTE before it became possible to engage. Having said that, I had that experience on just about any other server so FTE really made it worse to get this drop, it was also often than on other servers as I had the DPS to out DPS them on other servers a lot of the time. But, despite that issue I am fully for FTE as it is one of the best mechanics they have brought to the game.
  13. Kahna Augur

    I mean, that is literally the same thing I did on non-FTE servers and I never had any trouble beating the mages on a necro. Don't know if you can call this one an FTE win.
  14. Sheila Elder

    No idea. Likely because they didn't want to focus on Yelinak but just focus on Aradune. It's hard to believe that they didn't spend more than 30 seconds and discuss specifically WHY Aradune was as successful as it was when it launched. GM enforcement, that barely materialized and only lasted a short period, was just a huge thing for a lot of the people that played there. No mention of that. Not to mention the timing could not have been better with lockdowns.

    Honestly, I think just about anything they do to change Tormax will make it better, it's that bad right now. FTE. Perks. I mean, reducing XP might even drag some people to it. Heh.

    I'm really hoping that the disappointment has been felt by DBG and that they genuinely try to do something considerate for a 25th Anniversary server. It might be better to just make an overflow server of Teek that they plan to merge to Teek at this point. Teek is gonna be a great queue the first two months.
  15. xxar Augur

    Not all classes have the same damage output , lets say warriors on a warrior item based mob vs a mage. How does the warrior win exactly? At least in FTE environment , the warrior has a chance to compete.
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  16. Kahna Augur

    And? I was talking about a specific scenario dealing with mage bots trying to farm CoS's and competing with them on a necro. It isn't hard to do on either server, and so is not an FTE win. I literally said, "Don't know if you can call this an FTE win", Because it is easily doable in either version of the game. At no point did anyone bring up warriors. (And the warrior still doesn't have a chance, pets can aggro faster than players can, assuming the mage is paying attention and not a bot.)

    I don't care about FTE one way or another, though I do prefer a server without it, it wouldn't break my heart if servers had it. This case though, not an FTE win.
  17. xxar Augur

    The difference is the warrior can compete vs the pet ... and no , there engagement time is not faster.

    I know this for a fact.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  18. Shalom Quillmane Bane

    We haven't actually seen the rule sets yet though, maybe there is something interesting Tormax has to offer. I mean, I doubt it but....I'm being positive?
  19. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    While copy-pasting of a prior server is a lazy zero-effort move for the 25th anniversary that should have had some real special-sauce added copying Oakwynd would have been a lot better than copying Aradune.

    2024 TLP = Year of Darkpaw is Darkpaw putting its feet up to rest regarding TLP design.
    OldTimeEQ1 and Tyranthraxus like this.
  20. Kahna Augur

    We have seen the rulesets. It is a Yelinak clone. Plain old vanilla TLP server. They aren't hiding some special feature from us.