Not A Bug Dranik's Scar Named

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Dewd, Aug 19, 2022.

  1. KazutoKamikaze New Member

    Well, I guess my specific interest in this bug is that I'm looking for loot from one of the named respawns. The proposed solution of removing the Named targets from the Hunter achievement will not solve my problem.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  2. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    The goal of devs I think was to reduce the number of instances and instances were there to complete missions, not farm XP or loots as per dev(s) so removing respawns blocks farmers from endlessly spinning new instances.

    1) Hey, they're spinning up instances to do hunter

    2) OK lets block named mobs from base seed and only on respawn.

    3) Hey they're spinning up instances to do hunter and now keeping instances open longer due to waiting for repops

    4) OK lets stop respawns, that'll fix em!

    5) <you are here>
    EQbud and Metanis like this.
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    and is also another step in the fail chain that is the knee jerk reaction to instance control.
  4. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    The issue with these particular instances is they provided some pretty reasonable loot, so for the more discreet plat farmer they could be used to grind plat for 6 hours at a time. Now that would require instance flipping which requires slightly more effort.

    I had witnessed a half dozen or more FTP mages flipping these instances for weeks or months on end, I assume this was to stop that. Not that I think removing instance respawns will do anything to stop plat farming other than potentially moving the botters or afk pet farmers to more disruptive areas.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Which is what the devs didn't want years ago.

    They used to spawn on instance creation, but were changed to stop players spinning up new instances if they had no named. Players had to kill mobs to get named to spawn, which made a lot of sense. No idea why they decided it needed to change again now.
    Skuz, Joules_Bianchi, Mukkul and 2 others like this.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    For the same reason they always make sweeping, game-wide changes that nobody wanted or asked for: it's a clumsy, knee-jerk reaction to a problem that either A) doesn't really exist, or B) might affect TLP servers at some point.
    Duder and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  7. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    I am pretty sure it is the reason I posted above... afk farming of instances for platinum. There is no other reason to bother with these instances that are seldom used.

    The issue is the named at instance creation were removed for one reason, the respawns were removed for another reason and there was a large time gap and possibly turnover of staff between changes to not have a grasp of the impact the second change would make.

    What is the lesser of two evils, people respawning instances to get named that drop junk, or respawns that drop vendor trash. Another solution could be go nuclear and make the lockout timers for these instances a few days...
  8. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    For... I don't know.. For maybe 10 years? I spun up Beza instances and 2 boxed level 80+ and towed lower levels around to level them and farm materials for fletching mostly. i used to burn a lesson, spin up instance, start lesson, clear for 15 minutes, then let the instance despawn, then go back for 15 more. EQ had a MUCH higher population and instances were never a problem for anyone. In fact, at that time, the priority was more about isolating beam kiters who otherwise would pull half of Dragonscale Hills / Fort Mech in a pull and actually lag the system out.

    Now a decade later the devs have declared a war on instances and the named, loots and experience in them.

    Guild halls, neighborhoods and so on don't even spin up anymore it just places my characters in the lobby even though they camped in Sunrise or the Palatial Guild Hall.

    For what it's worth, pretty much everyone cites "botters" as the boogeyman here as to why these changes are necessary.

    Maybe deal with the "botters" instead of endlessly nerfing the game for <everyone> because you won't.

    Admit it, it's the botting that is really the issue, not the instances or the experience or nameds in them.
  9. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    This- it just hands botters MORE of an advantage over live players.

    I have never botted anything in EQ, ever. I box, 1 machine, 1 monitor for each of the 2, sometimes 3 accounts I box together and use standard keyboards and have zero 3rd party software.

    I flipped instances for over a decade with no issues ever, no complaints or griefing just to XP alts and farm materials to keep 2 guilds running tribute 24/7 It was never an issue.

    All of this suddenly "became an issue" in light of trying to control botting.


    Botting is the issue, not instances.

    Everyone points at botting as the issue and nerf NOT BOTTERS and pretend they're "addressing the issue" of.. botters, who STILL have a drastic advantage over us actual players of the game.
  10. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    we ask for specifics, because, though it was a small sample, I hit up the achievements, grabbed a random name from it, and on 9/6 within an 8 hour period there were 8 kills of that NPC.
    PatCleric likes this.
  11. PatCleric Healer of Aradune

    @Ngreth: One of these (?)
    [ ] Discordling Hollower
    [ ] Girplan Pathmaker
    [ ] Inky Murkglider
    [ ] Kyv Bowkeeper
    [ ] Silentpaw
    [ ] Ukun Fleshrender
    so many questions... what server(s)? where the 8 kills on. is there anyway to tell if the mobs was spawned on the instance spin up or a rogue respawn? What about the others (say on that day, similar statistic)?
  12. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    (Grabbed this one because it has more info than your earlier)
    Thank you. With this information I confirmed than none have been killed in a while.

    I have no ETA on a solution, but I can confirm that there is likely an issue.
  13. Hotpot New Member

    Just to let you know it’s any group instance in oow as the named can’t spawn on instance start and the instances no longer respawn
  14. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    Here are the names of all of them I know of:

    Dranik Hollows - Watering Hole
    Ukun Feralclaw (53-57)
    Girplan Stonemover (53-57)
    Dragorn Cavewalker (58-62)
    Noc Silentstep (58-62)
    Discordling Collector (63-67)
    Dragorn Quickblade (63-67)
    Girplan Pathmaker (68+)
    Discordling Hollower (68+)

    Dranik Hollows - Fire Pit
    Kyv Blindeye (53-57)
    Swooping Shriekbat (53-57)
    Dragorn Shadow (58-62)
    Yellowfang (58-62)
    Dragorn Firekeeper (63-67)
    Kyv Cavescout (63-67)
    Kyv Bowkeeper (68+)
    Ukun Fleshrender (68+)

    Dranik Hollows - Murkgliders Pit
    Murkglider Lurker (53-57)
    Mischievous Discordling (53-57)
    Girplan Junker (58-62)
    Swaying Murkglider (58-62)
    Frenetic Cavebat (63-67)
    Scuttling Darkrat (63-67)
    Inky Murkglider (68+)
    Silentpaw (68+)

    Catacombs A
    Dragorn Champion Silrom (63-67)
    Rare 2 (63-67)
    Dragorn Marshal Greshka (68+)
    High Enchantress Zy`chia (68+)

    Catacombs B
    Elite Overlord Vijaz (68+)
    High Sorceress Vi`tara (68+)

    Catacombs C
    Elite Pixxt K`illiga (68+)
    Master of the Watch (68+)

    Sewers A
    Craftsman Ferinio (68+)
    Stonefoot (68+)

    Sewers B
    Nightfang Glider (68+)
    Silania Janaid (68+)

    Sewers C
    Dragorn Foreman (68+)
    Ukun Sentinel (68+)

    I don't know the name of the lower level loot droppers (48-52 in DH, and 53-57, 58-62, and 63-67 in Catacombs and Sewers) because no low level players do the instances.
    Venid, Skuz and Mukkul like this.
  15. theonepercent Augur

    Not all of the named are flagged as rares either so when you do come up with a fix please don't just look at the hunter achievements or something to get the mob names.
  16. Mukkul Augur

    The obvious fix is to put OoW instances back the way they were, with respawns. The instances were designed for respawning. Removing the respawns breaks everything.
  17. Soulbanshee Augur

    Theres more of a precidence for killing X mobs in zone to trigger name spawn than repopping instances, Mech Guardian and LDoN for instance.
  18. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

  19. EQbud Augur

    I wish I had known about this bug before sitting in a Dranik's Hollows instance for an hour wondering just how long repops were supposed to take.
    Kyzvs, Graethos, Skuz and 1 other person like this.
  20. Dewd Master

    It's not a bug, its an overlook from a sudden change they made without thinking fully in attempt to punish the afk farmers; but in doing so they punished all the hunter achievement people. The fact that it is still unchanged after 2 months just shows that they are blissfully unaware. If they insist that their change is necessary then they should of removed the hunters from the achievement requirements.