Bristlebane raid night lag

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Robnie, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. kroag New Member

    The lag is horrible on Bristlebane i stopped playing after this new expac launched due to not being able to play my class to its full potential, due to discs not firing mobs not behaving properly and events not working. I would love to come back but not interested until something is fixed
  2. Randel Flag Elder

    This is for real and needs to be taken care of!
    Duder and Gabrieles like this.
  3. Demiie New Member

    fix it , its worse then they say
    Duder and Gabrieles like this.
  4. Time zone Journeyman

    THIS IS JUST RIDIUCLOUIS, as a main healer I cannot keep my tanks alive, because of lag spikes, crashes, zone mechanic crashing the raid. I took me 10 full mins to load into the raid instance. I had enough time (while loading) to go Pee, get a drink, and make a sandwich before I landed. Then the raid crashed which set us back 30 mins. This is happening nightly around 4 PM PST till about 6PM. then it just stops. look into this, because my money does not pay for "dial up" in this day and age
    Duder, Gabrieles, Justyse and 2 others like this.
  5. Tyreel Augur

    Having a 19 second delay between hitting enter and having guild chat messages appear server side also makes handling loot a S*** show. We are choosing which events to do based on how bad the lag is. We are stuck with maybe we can attempt some achievements on raids nights following patches. Due to the crashes and extreme zoning times we are forced to choose T1 Maidens Eye raids every Sunday the worst night for lag. It would be nice to just once see how the Aten Ha Ra raid is intended to work with out zone and/or script lag.
    Duder, Gabrieles and Randel Flag like this.
  6. Whulfgar Augur

    Yall raiding on potato comps? :p
  7. Allayna Augur

    Same comp from when I raided on Xegony. My ping is actually lower as I'm on the West coast now.
    Gabrieles likes this.
  8. Emilari UI Designer

    Do you consider a PC running an Intel I9-9900 CPU, NVIDIA 3060 with 64GB of ram a potato? I can run brand new games just fine without lag. It's not my ISP either.

    I play regularly on multiple EQ servers, and Bristlebane is the only one I have regular issues with.
    Unitystands, Duder and Gabrieles like this.
  9. Thraine Augur

    dont feed the troll
    Gabrieles likes this.
  10. Emilari UI Designer

    But what if they turn into a bunny, like Disgruntled Boawb? :p
    Justyse and Thraine like this.
  11. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  12. Nudia Augur

    We've been dealing with it for some time, it's just gotten markedly worse recently. Beyond that, what's your point? It needs to be fixed both on BB and FV and anywhere else that their product is absolutely terrible as a result.
  13. Tadenea Augur

    BB lag been on going for few years, its just been getting worse and worse to a point people are at a breaking point
    Gabrieles and Bartleby like this.
  14. Ozon Augur

    Fenthen likes this.
  15. Proximoe Elder

    This reminded me of a Tommy Boy quote for some reason.

    If ya want me to take a dump in a box and mark it confirmed i can do that, i got spare time.
    But for Bristlebanes sake, for Firiona Vie sake... you might want to think about fixing your servers
    Gabrieles, Justyse, Fenthen and 3 others like this.
  16. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    This is universal, though to varying degrees week to week, server to server, raid team to raid team.

    Mechanic/Spell/Serverside lag has been in continual retrogression since like 2018 or earlier, exacerbated with higher performing raid teams where a greater degree of operations/second are taking place. Some degree of consequence is due to shared hardware across servers/instances and shared raiding times amongst the most active guilds. I believe Bristlebane currently has 3 Guilds that raid on Sunday? This will contribute to the issue, but even on servers with only 1 guild raiding on a Sunday I've experienced fairly bad lag (not as debilitating though), it's all highly variable, and nobody seems to have an answer to what all contributes to it nor what all they've already done to try and address it. It's doubtful we'll see any solution to this in the near term imo, I doubt anything will help outside of actual material hardware investment in the matter, which doesn't appear to be of vested interest to the company. The best any of us can do is consider raiding a wider array of days/times, lower the amount of event processing we tax the servers with (Swarm pets, procs, etc) or simply slip into the void of blissful depression.

    Xeladom, Jondalar, Gabrieles and 4 others like this.
  17. Ozon Augur

    Unfortunately Lag isnt some zero sum game where if BB has lag, FV has none, so yeah its totally ok for BB or FV or CT or Xeg or any server to make it known what the situation is.

    Also potato~
  18. Verily Tjark Augur

    It's been so bad for so long that I just assume it's "working as intended" now.
    Gabrieles and Fenthen like this.
  19. Neale Povar Lorekeeper

    I pretty much only keep my character up to speed and raid

    if I couldnt raid because of lag id leave the game for sure
    Gabrieles, Bartleby and Fenthen like this.
  20. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Anniversary starting up cranked up the lag to 11 as well. It's more people, more instances.
    kroag, Gabrieles and FawnTemplar like this.