Mischief/Thornblade Random Loot

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MischiefMalt, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    We are in agreement that if you only take 72 people to one raid a week then yes, each member won't see BIS since LDON is only 1 month this time. But if you do things with less people, you should be able to gear everyone up. You were one of the ones that called out "zerg" guilds for 72 manning everything, but now you say you can't raid unless you 72 man everything.
  2. Gnothappening Augur

    I think the main reason most people came was the free trade. The randomized just lures in the entitled crowd that thinks minimal effort should result in maximum benefit.
  3. Triconix Augur

    That's fine. And people who love free trade now have their server. But there's a reason why there's only 1 free trade on live vs the other 10 normal servers. More people prefer regular rulesets vs free trade.

    If free trade was the "death" of everything else, we would have lots more free trade servers and way fewer regular ruleset servers.
  4. Machen New Member

    You realize you can't take 72 to ldon right?
  5. Gnothappening Augur

    I wasn't the one that said it was 72 man zerg guilds wanting to farm loot on ez mode. I mentioned splitting raids in PoP to get maximum gear for guild members. One of the people who earlier complained about 72 raid zerg guilds then said splitting was too hard and they instead did one instance a week with maximum members.

    They could drop raid max to 24 and it wouldn't hurt me as I box 6 and team up with a few other buddies who box and that is how we do our raids. I often raid the bazaar, which is one reason krono jacking up so high so fast hurt.
  6. Gnothappening Augur

    I am curious to see how the next server will go honestly. I know one thing that kept Mangler going was how bad the reporting was on Aradune. Over half my friends left mangler for aradune. After some of the ones who didn't box got reported for boxing, they came back. I think if Aradune hadn't had weaponized petitions, Mangler would have suffered a lot more.
  7. AngryKing Elder

    If you don't think PoP causes the first mass exodus of players due to forcing them to raid 1.5 zones for 4-6 months then I don't know what to tell you. Of course, they usually drop a new TLP around this time as well and there's also large swaths of players that just like to rinse and repeat the classic-pop treadmill over and over, so I won't say it's the only driving factor.

    You seemed to just ignore that I said nearly and not all servers, Mangler is about the only server I'd say that defies that exception. Aradune definitely experience the PoP hangover, but I can't speak on current population as I haven't played there in while but it didn't look good last time I was on. Using Rizlona numbers, although the server is a success with subs and retention, is pretty disingenuous considering 1 person can account for 6-24+ accounts which definitely skew and apples to apples comparison.

    Mischief and TB's ruleset will definitely have a major negative effect if DB decides to go anything close to generic. They won't be doa because people love them some classic, but it'll probably be a one and done thing when they realize they opened pandora's box with these.
  8. Machen New Member

    It did not cause an exodus on Rizlona. I can't speak for the other two servers he mentioned, but Rizlona's pop actually increased during pop.
  9. AngryKing Elder

    Read further down. I think using Rizlona for any type of comparison is fruitless.
  10. Triconix Augur

    What does that have to do with your initial statement and my reply? Nothing. It's a completely different topic. Also, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. My guild raided all 4 EPs + Time weekly and did backflagging of every target at least three times when it was just POP. When LDON was released, we mixed in different ones each week. What you describe sounds like a personal issue. Maybe find a more enjoyable guild?

    You stated Mischief/TB rules are the death of other TLPs. I gave evidence to the contrary. I believe if another server similar to Mishief/TB were released, it will mostly just cannibalize those servers rather than any other, just like regular TLPs mostly just cannibalize the previous TLPs of the same nature. The people who wanted free trade and/or random loot went there. The ones who didn't mostly remained where they were.

    If you're going to respond, at least try to stay in your lane. You're veering off the road with these replies. Aradune's population is fine. EQR reports Aradune as pretty consistently having a better population than TB and it has been that way since TB was in Velious. From what I've seen, Aradune's population saw a rise in GOD/OOW. In my smaller guild we've had quite a few people return to play again.

    There were quite a few threads stating Aradune/Riz were doomed with the arrival of Mischief/TB. It has been anything but.
  11. Machen New Member

    I think Rizlona is the perfect server to show that the problem isn't pop. It's the release of a new server. Since the new servers this year were not *like Rizlona* in allowing unrestricted boxing, there was absolutely no dip in population on Rizlona. I'm sure if there had been a boxing friendly Mischief, we would have taken a hit.

    So, no, POP does not cause an exodus. Releasing a new server does.
    Treage_Imminent likes this.
  12. AngryKing Elder

    It's funny and ironic because you actually veered into my lane and misinterpreted what I originally said and somehow made it into mischief rules set killing normal rule set servers. I actually don't have any care at all what happens to your present and/or future servers.
    Here's the quote, which is referencing raiding 1.5 zones for 4-6 months -

    "I do not understand how people think restricting time loot to time/ele is interesting. EVERY normal server you are stuck raiding time and the occasional elemental. This setup, while being stuck in PoP for way too long, is widely known as the beginning of the death of nearly every TLP. Raiding 1-2 zones for 4 months is not fun."

    The discussion in this thread was about PoP tiers/loot distribution on mischief/tb and not mischief killing Aradune. If anything, I agree with you that the more options players have the better which is why people lobbying for loot rules to be as close to Aradune/Riz as possible is dumb.
  13. Triconix Augur

    If your guild only raids time for 4-6 months and nothing else, that sounds like a personal problem. My guild, which is pretty casual, raided all EPs and Time weekly as well as doing multiple full backflagging runs during POP. When LDON was released, we rotated pretty much every single LDON raid multiple times into the weekly schedule.

    Again, if you're only raiding 1.5 zones for 4-6, that's a problem with the guild leadership and their laziness. Maybe find a new guild?

    However, it's not like anything pre-EP is super enjoyable these days anyways. Players are so OP compared to 2002 that everything before EP just absolutely melts in seconds. Even with EP and beyond the things die so much quicker than they used to. From an enjoyment standpoint, the only thing that Mischief solves is giving the possibility to give people good loot while doing mind numbing raids like Grummus, which makes the events slightly more enjoyable, but not by much because I don't play exclusively for loot.
  14. Kahna Augur

    Hyperbole again?

    I never said how many people were in our raids. I never brought up how many people were in the raids at all. The answer is rarely 72. I also said we raid twice a week, not once, with an optional off-night raid. I am also perfectly okay with not getting out of the expansion in full BiS. I greatly appreciate that my guild doesn't waste time with split raiding. It is annoying and time consuming and with PoP the way it is in the time it would take us to split and reform and kill through the easier mobs at half the speed we are capable of we could just keep a regular raid and go kill two mobs.

    I was wondering why you were arguing to make things easier, under the guise of making them harder. Because that is what you are doing.

    Smaller pools=easier to get the loot you want.
    Larger pools=harder to get the loot you want.

  15. AngryKing Elder

    It was a personal and guild problem before this server because locking people in PoP, Ldon, and LoY was ridiculous. But now with the faster unlocks (pop should still be 2 and ldon 1, but beggars can't be choosers) absolutely no reason for me to find a new guild when the current loot rules give us incentive to raid nearly all the content PoP has to offer while still effectively progressing our characters. Sort of like what your guild was doing, except a much better payoff than just getting our 3rd and fourth alts back flagged.
  16. Elite_raider Augur

    Aradune is a dead server almost isn't it?

    The reason why Rizlona is still high population is because it allows for easier boxing then Mischief, if Mischief had allowed easier boxing Rizlona would be dead to.
  17. Elite_raider Augur

    Nah, the only entitled crowd here are the zerg guilds that remove any risk or effort from encounters that on top of that demand that they get biz loot every kill. You're projecting your own bad traits on to others again, time to take a look in the mirror.... ;-)
  18. AngryKing Elder

    Gave me a good chuckle where he tried to signify Aradune is healthy by comparing it to a server that would be merged right now if they weren't milking it for transfer fees and in that doing server merges seems like quite the task for db.
  19. Machen New Member

    Sometimes it's a problem with content, too. There aren't a lot of options in Omens of War/DoN. You've got ~5 months of raiding anguish, Vish/Yarlir, and mpg trials as your options.... The situation is much worse than PoP/Ldon. Guild leadership can't fix it, no matter how good they are.

    There's a reason the 70 stretch is pretty brutal.
  20. Gnothappening Augur

    Not at all.