Game is headed into wrong direction

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by quakedragon, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    do you want to test beta this time round ?
  2. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    0% interest in its current state
    4.20% interest if I can refund the expansion
    6.9% if Beta was free.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Seems like you have no interest in participating in beta even if it was free.
  4. Randomized Augur


    Don’t worry, I’m picking up what you’re putting down lol
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Skrab plays with stats like devs play with Wizard's hearts.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    To be honest though, aren't invented stats the new currency of the TV and internet age? Those who promote their stats the loudest and longest get believed. Reality falls by the wayside and truth gets sent to Shadowhaven waiting for a rezz that will be long in coming.
  7. Dragnath Elder

    Why is it that the official EQ forums consists mostly of posts complaining about EQ? There is lots of stuff out there to do if you don't like EQ.

    I don't have it in me to read 9 pages of this but for what it is worth I think the current state of EQ is great, especially considering this is a game that has been continuously expanded for the past 22 years.

    Kudos to the Devs keeping the jalopie going, keep up the good work.
    Szilent and Duder like this.
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    SKs are one of the top 3 broken classes in this game, and that isn't changing anytime soon. I still think Paladins are better at (raid) tanking than SKs or Warriors. But in terms of group tanking, yeah SKs pretty much rock the game.
  9. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    If you talk about anything positively and mention how fun it is, it’ll be nerfed (except SKs).
    Dragnath and Szilent like this.
  10. Bigstomp Augur

    Don't ruin my forumquest.
  11. quakedragon Augur

    One other thing is the game assumes one size fits all.

    Classic EQ, you had multiple paths, good evil neutral
    Today's EQ, it's everyone forced to good.

    Lame to be an evil class these days, nothing going for you. I bet even in the newer Neriak 4th Gate, even though you're evil, the dark elves still attack you because it forces you to be on the good side even though you're clearly evil.

    Even WoW, they don't force everyone to one side, they still hold true to the classic game visions of alliance vs horde.

    If anything hurt EQ is it didn't stay true to its classic game's vision of good vs evil vs neutral.
    The big reason why WoW is still doing good is because alliance vs horde, the only difference between EQ and WoW (both old games, both similar playstyles) is that WoW still has Alliance vs Horde going on while EQ everyone is forced to good side. It threw out the vision and went into a different direction.

    People like to say GoD is when people stopped playing EQ, well GoD is when everyone was forced to one side. You could say PoP started it, but it at least laid it out like there was still a war going on.

    So wrong direction is
    1. Everyone forced to one path (good path)
    2. Lack of wide level range zones
    3. Lack of it's ok to solo (don't have to be a boxer)
    read the wikipedia it says
    - EverQuest: The Scars of Velious was released on December 5, 2000. The expansion focuses on high-level content (levels 35 and up)
    - The Shadows of Luclin was released on December 4, 2001, a year after the second. The expansion focuses on high-level content; it provides a number of zones meant to be used by large groups of players and a number of extremely powerful monsters to fight. The game includes many zones in which players of all levels can experience, several raid encounters such as the Lord Inquisitor Seru, and a high-end raiding zone, Vex Thal.
    - Depths of Darkhollow the new zones and missions are intended primarily for characters of level 45 and higher.
    - The Buried Sea The content is intended for characters of level 55 and higher.

    Since 2009, its 2021 now. so 12 years of.
    Expansion zones designed for players 5 levels away from whatever the max is.
    0% zones for those 15 levels away from the max.
    Why couldn't Eastern Wastes (ToV) be for 100-115, entry zone casual entry? No, instead it has to be rough and tough, if you aint 110 don't even think about it.

    How has EQ been doing since 2009? Playerbase getting any bigger?
    Maybe need to do something different, focus on mid to late game more than 0%.

    Why on earth do they make an expansion no level cap increase, then make all the content 100% for the max level? Mid game??? Does it even exist anymore?

    Also the solo game? Does that exist?
    One of the things this forums like to tell others "Start boxing"
    If this game is going to go the "Start boxing" route, they mine as well make boxing UI

    Back then soloing, especially kiting monsters was fantastic thing to do. Nowdays, 'monsters give little to nothing' is the motto, 'quests/missions is where the xp comes from'. I don't ever see people kiting anymore. Everyone "Start boxing" that is left, and "Start boxing" is really tied down to the chair because you have to perform everyones actions, you can't just click and wait anymore, "Start boxing" is click click click click, no wait or thinking, you should always be clicking. They aint going to do stuff themselves.

    Maybe just maybe, if they don't want to make a boxing UI, they do automate button, the game plays your character/boxes for you. You tell the game just like a merc, have me as agressive dps, have me as aggressive heals, game does all the work for you.
    MAYBE just MAYBE you can do offline option or swap option on one account.

    I mean if they going to keep making content "Start boxing" then they should make boxing easier for those that box.

    If you ask me, go back to solo content is totally fine/great option. (Right now its just great for raiders and people already end game, if your catching up, this is a bad option)
  12. Randomized Augur

    You're wrong on every aspect.

    1) Not everyone is forced to one side. Good vs Evil still exists. Make a Dark Elf and walk into Felwithe for example. Still there. And it's always been that every race/class was able to group together for the same story line.

    1.1) WoW is the same way. Doesn't matter if you pick Horde or Alliance, you do the same story line and work together to end a common foe.

    2) GoD and people "being forced to be good" isn't why people stopped playing. The Raids were atrocious and between GoD and OoW, those expansions were dubbed the guild killers. That's where/why/when people stopped playing.

    3) Wide level ranges - that's because the game started off with a max level of 50. And then 60 in Kunark, skipped Velious and Luclin, and then 65 in PoP, skipped Ykesha, LDoN, and GoD, and then finally 70 in Omens. Up through PoP, the game still had that new car scent. It was still growing and attracting players. But after a decade, the game peaked and plateaued and it wasn't bringing in new players. So the focused shifted on the current player base, which had max level characters. Zone level ranges got shorter, but progression got longer and harder as did mobs and the list of AAs kept growing. It was no longer about leveling up, but increasing your characters power on the top end.

    4) Solo'ing is still a very capable thing. It's actually easier to do now than it was in the past - those same classes that solo'd in the past have an easier time doing it now. It's just easier to box, because it was faster to group. Boxing isn't the solution for not being able to solo. Boxing is the solution to groups with a declining player base.

    5) They're not creating content made for boxing. Boxing is a player base concept and solution.

    6) Please stop talking and complaining. You haven't said one thing right in any of your complaints.
    Celephane likes this.
  13. suinegEQ Elder

    Anyone that puts random bold words/sentences into their post or underlines is not someone that should be "speaking for the community".
    Stymie and Act of Valor like this.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You have no idea what you are talking about, to get some of the quests in 4th gate you need to be in DE illusion, you need to have worked with someone in Neriak to get that, illusion.

    DoN you had good and evil alignments, but both sides came together for a comon goal.

    Play the game and see how these things play our rather then posing false information.

    I can use large font, underline and bold text too.
  15. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    To be honest, leveling through 110-115 within a reasonable timeframe requires you to beat quests in ToV, soloing(or moloing) those quests as a kiting class(like a wizard) is very difficult. In earlier expansions you could actually kite your way to max-level. This is much harder nowadays.
  16. Randomized Augur

    Wizards as a whole need to be looked at and over hauled in general, so I'll give you that much. But Necro's and Druids do just fine. Mages and BSTs are seen pet tanking in molo situations in ToV.

    Granted a few classes have it a bit harder than others. Rogues, Berserkers, Wizards for instance come to mind.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Maybe just show common respect for all and that would be enough?
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Words are all about how they are used and disrepect can be to a person or group of folks. Some may feel calling "you" grandpa (depending on the context) to be derogatory to older folks in general. I see no problem with others being offended by the usage and calling it out whether it bothers you or not. *shrugs*
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Dear DPG, please continue making content for the "majority" of players so that we can keep having a game to play. Whether that ends up being too easy or two hard for me personally is irrelevant".
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Interesting comparison to WoW and probably why extensive testing for months isn't done. They put out a lot of expansions.