Paying fans need a quick and fast response to this ONLINE Pandemic!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pwetti Durn'Stwung, May 28, 2020.

  1. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    The last we heard from any developer was yesterday. Much respect for all the team does for sure! I can't understand why there was not a plan B. Think of it millions of people now not working/unemployed at home. People who played this game in 1999 in its infancy NOW have the opportunity to relive that awesome moment as close as possible to the experience they first logged into EQ.

    We last heard from a developer a day ago with no update since. I'm not sure Darkpaw understands the gravity of the situation. I can send you links to fans that have prepared for this moment once it was announced. I am considered a essential worker and took 5 days off to play and now the game has turned into a 10 hour and 22 m logging game and I'm not talking timber floating in the water game. *RIBBIT* At least that would be somewhat entertaining than this.

    The EQ community of paying loving players *Not playing mind you * customer base of the game demand that we are heard and that action will be taken in a quick and fast manner. Developers please feel free at the very least communicate with us of what your thought process and plans we can schedule our time accordingly around your planning. One thing is for sure this is bringing back old memories of waiting for hours for the server to get back up for that I thank you!

    1) I have many suggestions...Open up another server then combine them if server population drops. (For those that oppose) This is a different situation and circumstance now that can continue for months
    2) Let us start our characters on Rizlona server and then allow free transfers when server population stabilizes.
    3) Kick AFK players but we all know the trick to that so its a moot point.

    My friends and those who have loved this game dearly as I have.... please post YOUR suggestions here. More importantly LIKE and comment so we can hopefully get this issue expedited and heard by the DEVELOPERS. Action need to be taken now by the community as well as the developers.

    Thanks everyone for their time and patience on this matter at hand.
    Scipio5 and Xondor like this.
  2. Healiez Augur

    Or wait a week and there will be little to no queue, like every other TLP that has launched.

    I get what you are saying, I do, but all your suggestions have been tried in the past and are short term fixes that drastically effect the long term health of the server.

    IF I was confident that 1 would actually work and they would successfully merge the servers at an appropriate time I would be all for it, but if previously TLP's are any indication this never happens.

    2. wont happen because they are 2 different rulesets, TBH if I could start on rizlona I 100% would, I would 6 box, farm a ton of items with said 6box, then funnel it into 2 characters to transfer to Aradune and if multiple people did this it would destroy the economy.

    3. This honestly is what needs to happen, there are work arounds as you said, but I really dont think a huge percentage of the playerbase would use them.

    It sucks, but it is necessary to put up with a week of grief for the long term health of the server, I promise
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    I agree 100% what does everyone else think? Please comment?
  4. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Healiez thanks for your response I respect that. Keep in mind this is a different era atm. Many people who could not afford to take time out of their day now have that opportunity they thought they would never have until maybe they retired to rejoining EQ again. It's not like we are all working. If that was the case your comment would hold true merit. We need a response and we need someone to put their man pants on and tell us! We at the very least need know have some input from the developers...I'm sure you can agree with me on that point!
  5. Healiez Augur

    That is completely fair and for some reason communication has NEVER been DBG's strong suite in my opinion. Not condoning it, just making a statement.

    I agree these are different times, however 2, 3 or 4 months down the road when everything is back to normal, and the servers are dieing we are back to square 1. That is why I am saying lets please think of the long term health of these servers.
    Pwetti Durn'Stwung likes this.
  6. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Agreed! Now can we please get a respond from the developers! EVERYONE lets let this thread blow up in the hopes we can get a response from DGB !!!!
  7. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Dreamweaver can we please have an update to the current ONLINE Pandemic. I foresee 200 members falling into unconsciousness waiting to log in. I feel 300 or more cases of eyestrain. For the love of God I will not comment on the possible death of stress related cases concerning this online pandemic. Please DEVELOPERS help us!!! We need you and respect the work your doing! Communication is key in any relationship right? Talk to us....speak to us.....we support you by playing and paying....respect us and talk to us!
  8. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Can I get a hell yes and likes please on that historic comment!
  9. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

  10. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

  11. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

  12. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    You are correct sir! I think they are blocking other forum users responses?
  13. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Next TLP? They need to fix this one first THIS is a once in a lifetime opportunity DGB is missing on the Corona Virus stay at home pandemic. They are not in it for money because they did not capitalize on it. Furthermore they don't even care to respond to the current ..what I like to call "Online Pandemic"
  14. That0neguy Augur

    By once in a lifetime, you mean until 12mo from now when the next one launches?
    Pwetti Durn'Stwung likes this.
  15. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    heh maybe correct That0neguy!
  16. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Waiting in queue time should give that character 100% exp bonus for the time wasted waiting
  17. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

  18. Fraggly Augur

    I'm not saying you are wrong but it is still shocking people take time off from work given the track record of servers launching. Unless you are 24/7 to get in and stay on it would probably be way more beneficial to take your 5 days off next week.

    IDK what the pick threshold is for the newbie zones/towns but if every single person trying was able to get in getting anything done would be crazy. They might be throttling.
    Pwetti Durn'Stwung likes this.
  19. Pwetti Durn'Stwung Elder

    Dont buy anything from cash shop you will have to log and get in the 2 hour loggin
  20. HoodenShuklak Augur

    People called us haters in another thread when we said taking off work for launch was a bad idea...
    Pwetti Durn'Stwung likes this.