Wizard ToV Raids

Discussion in 'Casters' started by kizant, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    I don't know all of the ones that are procs, but it looks like 10% or so of your damage is proc based. Am I reading that right?
  2. kizant Augur

    For a long fight it'll be around 35% but closer to 50% during burns.
  3. Cicelee Augur

    That cannot be. But I think you and I are talking about two different things, which is my fault for not being specific.

    It looks like your DD proc augments from weapon and the four/five evolving items are combining for about 10-15% of your overall damage. I was surprised, if this is true, that that number is that high.

    Now granted I do not have any evolving DD proc items, only a couple older ones. But I know my current Volley, under a burn, can do 6 million. I do not see all of my procs doing that much damage on a single cast to equal half or all of the one Volley. Maybe wizards are different, or maybe we are talking about something different with regards to procs.

    I am looking at proc augments FWIW...
  4. Sancus Augur

    That only happens once per burn cycle if Beguiler's Synergy and activated Chromatic Haze line up for Volley. Every other Volley cast during a burn does significantly less than that, so that's a fairly bad comparison.

    And kizant was talking about procs, i.e. spells that have a chance to cast on spell casts or melee swings. Sympathetic augment procs are a relatively small subset of procs.
  5. Bederper Journeyman


    Thanks for posting these. Super interesting. Question on both the 483s Griklor and 2120s GD parses, it shows you casting Wildether Barrage 14 and 26 times respectively, but I can't see them in the represented in the damage breakdown. Is it because they fall below the 1% threshold or not parsed for some reason ?

    I see too that your weave is more 'short cast'. Have you tested using another Ethereal in place of Flashbrand in real world raid conditions?
  6. kizant Augur

    The second breakdown I posted did show Chaos Incandescence and Hoarfrost Cascade. Wildether doesn't actually do any damage itself since it casts one of three other spells. That said, they usually are pretty low in total damage since I don't cast wildether very much and most the damage comes from the additional procs you'll get from using it and not the spells themselves.

    I use a second Ethereal with ITC but that's usually about it. The problem with using a 2nd Ethereal instead of an instant nuke in your non-ITC rotation is that you'll end up with a lot less Claw casts and Claw is just too important to risk doing that. And three Ethereals in your ITC/burn rotation is only viable if there's basically zero lag and you have a great ping. With most our raids I'm pretty positive it would work out poorly.
  7. kizant Augur

    Here's another Restless Assault if anyone is interested. We only had like 28 or 30 people so the time is a little longer. Burns were worked out a little better this time though.

    Combined (77): a restless dire wolf in 1930s, 15.10B Damage @7.82M, 3. Kizant +Pets = 1.18B@629.65K in 1868s {7MG}
    Drogba and Renotaki like this.
  8. Renotaki Elder

    This was the first week I got a parse I consider to be pretty good on Great Divide.

    /GU Combined: Narandi the Restless in 1301s, 902.7m @693832 | #1 Renotaki + pets 843.7m@(652.6k in 1293s)

    Had a good running crit rate (we have a good amount of rangers). We didn't split raid this so lag could have been less. In all honesty I think i could have done better with Covenant Fulminations and (slightly) better with situational nukes. Will be nice to see these parses next week once Faycites get into game.

    Also, can we buff Banestrike please? :(

    kizant likes this.
  9. kizant Augur

    Nice! Our split didn't have any other wizards so I didn't have to go through the trouble of trying to time alliances lol. Next week should be pretty interesting. I made my new types 18s after raid today as well.
    Renotaki likes this.
  10. Renotaki Elder

    I wish I was at the point to get my 18s lol it'll be a bit longer for me. Seems reminiscent of last year in a way
    kizant likes this.
  11. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    I just have the new type 18 casting ice aug (the 6th evolve is where you really start to feel the grind), but from tonight's T1 ToV raids:

    271 Hits, 5028 dps … max hit 230113 … total damage 12.93M

    Was resisted 19 times (which seems about the right-ish for the other cold procs I'm using … do not have the ToV 2h yet).
    kizant likes this.
  12. Mookus Augur

    So, are wizards balanced now?
  13. kizant Augur

    T2 Event 1:

    T2 Event 2:

    T2 Event 3:

    Combined (46): a restless shadowbone in 695s, 4.02B Damage @5.79M, 1. Kizant = 307.12M@463.22K in 663s

    Combined (49): Otdd in 824s, 7.78B Damage @9.45M, 3. Kizant = 421.33M@585.18K in 720s

    Combined (14): a shrouded bat in 725s, 10.42B Damage @14.37M, 4. Kizant +Pets = 459.73M@647.50K in 710s {MG}
    RPoo and Sancus like this.
  14. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Nice videos as always Kizant … although I almost got motion sickness from 2.1 ...

    MS ToV run from Sunday can be found at:

    ...but it's a pally filming so the perspective is not that of a caster. You can watch our glorious wipe of T2.2 … before we finally figure something out.

    Sort of getting back to the purpose of the thread … wizards raiding in ToV and what we are seeing. Not having a bard for just about all the expansion runs (and pretty much just always) means that I see different things than those with bard, chanter, druid adps … I have no idea what being under quicktime on a raid is like for example. But in case there are folks lurking for tips, here's what I've come up with so far raiding in ToV:

    -Mana usage … not a real issue in ToV. Some raids have mana drain effects, but you can stay on top of them pretty easy.

    -Claw counts pretty much tell the story of how your wizards will rank comparative on the parse. Those with too long a standard rotation will tend to have fewer claws … and lower dps.

    -Standard rotation of ethereal, claw, instant (beam if 2+ targets) will take you a long way. Vortex has its place. Covenant has its place. But if you are not rotating those 3 spells 90+ percent of the time, you are probably short changing yourself. ITC as Kizant mentioned above changes things a little.

    -Most of the raids are poor for picking your perfect burn spot. So burn early and often and don't worry about the perfect fit. Being on the same page as your group mates is still good though.

    -Getting those 18/19 new casting ice augs (and the old ones from TBL) is good.

    -Meleeing whenever possible matters. Personally, I hate the idea … but I hate low parses more. So I'm on the mob's backside hitting him every time I can. And those 18/19s assaultings help as well. NET matters.

    -Beaming matters. If there are two mobs you can hit (or more), you should be using beam rather than flash. It's also good if your guild gives extra dkp for killing your guild and raid leaders while charmed.

    Overall, our numbers have improved and I think we've opened a gap on mages a little. But if necros can get a full burn or multiple mobs, hard to touch. And when druids get everything lined up … woah … some very impressive numbers. But monks and berserkers are still overall better (at least in our guild).

    I'm sure the new bp I got this week will push me over the top though ...

    At least those are my thoughts atm.
    Micaiah, RPoo and Daedly like this.
  15. Daedly Augur

    When considering raids with lower DPS output, do any of those general statements you made change much or at all?

    I am not very familiar casters ADPS relationships and group make up, so I have a question. Let's say 1 raid group has 3 mages and no wizards and then a different raid group has 1 wizard and mages. Would it makes sense, overall, to move the wizard to a group with mages?

    Lastly, I realize group make up and melee vs not doing so can skew this, but what proportion of your casts are generally Claws?
  16. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Sorry, missed the first question there somehow...

    ...lower dps output guilds should definitely be making sure that wizards have claw on cooldown always. The refresh proc and the twincast proc from claw are huge for renewing mana and increasing dps. It really depends upon how badly your wizards are hurting for mana … the new ethereals are mana hogs if they are trying to cast too many over other spells. Wizard's covenant is probably the least mana efficient of all the covs … so if your wizards are trying to push heavy covenants, you might easy back on that a little for mana savings. But in lower dps guilds, sticking with ethereal, claw, instant is still the best way to go IMO.

    Wizards generally don't give much to others in caster group (synergy the one exception) but can generally benefit from all other caster classes.

    Wizards and mages should be mixed in general … there should not be a wizard group and then a mage group (it's for the wizards mainly since the wizard synergy proc is non-fire spell add … which are not cast a ton by mages on raids...except on Doomfire). Necros have great synergies for both wizards and mages as well, but don't care about druids and usually want IoG a little later than the wizards/mages … so it can be a tough fit sometimes. All of this depends on your raid force makeup of course (and your best performers, if there's drop off).

    If you are looking at cast counts and remove adps, melee procs, forces (our aa nukes) and lower element casts, a great ratio of claw to remain spell casts would be about 25 percent. Anything under 20 percent, and I'd look further at what the wizard was doing. Looking at my numbers, I was right about 22 percent over our entire ToV clear on Sunday. I could have done better, but overall the 3 highest claw numbers were the 3 highest wizards on the end damage parse.
    Daedly likes this.
  17. kizant Augur

    Here's another Tserrina raid. We were doing the one achievement and had bats respawn so it took a little longer. Still managed a decent parse though.

    Combined (21): a shrouded bat in 1248s, 13.02B Damage @10.43M, 1. Kizant +Pets = 620.50M@504.06K in 1231s {GMG}
  18. Evurkvest Augur

    What parser is that Kizant? The one overlayed in the vids.
  19. kizant Augur

    It's just one I made. It doesn't support old parses and doesn't have a lot of gamparse features. Not a whole lot of people use it.
  20. kizant Augur

    Here's T2 after the recent changes.

    Combined (54): a restless ice shade in 897s, 4.05B Damage @4.52M, 1. Kizant = 341.64M@400.51K in 853s

    Combined (46): Pelpa in 1055s, 9.06B Damage @8.59M, 2. Kizant = 637.08M@629.53K in 1012s {GM}

    Combined (17): a shrouded bat in 920s, 10.39B Damage @11.29M, 4. Kizant +Pets = 434.01M@487.65K in 890s {GM}

    Obviously, I miss a lot on the first raid. I was probably around 6 or 7 going by other peoples' parses. I know some people have been posting theirs lately without realizing how much they actually miss.