Why we should stop boxing on Mangler

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wisp99, Mar 17, 2019.

  1. Machentoo Augur

    Not after truebox, it won't. Plenty of people with six computers.
    code-zero likes this.
  2. Sturn Augur

    I don't think you have the authority to make such a statement. I've never boxed however I am glad boxing is allowed because I realize that there would be no current EQ or TLP opportunities if the boxers hadn't kept the game alive for so long. I'll take an EQ server with a truebox code over no EQ because no boxing is allowed.
  3. Madae Elder

    I can make whatever statement I want, with or without your approval. It's an opinion, not unlike yours, and we all have them.
  4. Eangel Elder

    You do realize that there is no such thing as a camp in EQ, right? 6 individuals should be able to compete for mobs against a 6 boxer...So why not encourage more DPS races rather than complaining on the forums(general statement, not specifically you) about something that can be resolved in game, 6+ being a totally different matter. Lumping anyone that boxes into the same category as Krono farmers or boxers that are running more than one group is ridiculous.

    As far as Kronos go, they have their pros and cons like any other system out there. They are not duped so every Krono out there has to be traded, RL money from daybreak or in game trading. I completely agree that if there wasn't a market for purchasing gear for Kronos, then we wouldn't have a lot of these problems so stop buying what they are selling. It's hypocritical and self serving. While you anti boxers are at it, be sure to not accept buffs outside of your PUG, never know who has been playing with their filthy boxes to gain levels.

    @Devs can we get a Red B on their armor if the character has ever been boxed? We really need a way to be able to identify who needs to be reported for legal, but unwanted activities.
  5. Machentoo Augur

    Bottom line, boxers want to play on TLP's too. You don't get to say we aren't allowed.
  6. Madae Elder

    Perhaps you didn't read my post, because I don't have a problem with boxers most of the time. 1 is fine, 2 is relatively ok, any more than that and you are on my shitlist. If you're one of those people, I have zero respect or pity for you, and if this were my game, you would play like everyone else or not play at all. That is a sacrifice I would willingly take. I suppose you should feel lucky that I'm not DBG and they let you get away with it.
  7. Machentoo Augur

    I read the part where you said boxers don't get to play on the TLP's and we should go find a server with mercs. That's all I needed to read.
  8. Madae Elder

    Then you missed the entire point of my post and you should maybe stop commenting on things you clearly don't care to thoroughly examine and understand.
  9. Machentoo Augur

    Nah. You specifically called for players like me to be straight up banned. You can piss off.
  10. Madae Elder

  11. Lion of God Elder

    I'm boxing on Mangler. Na na nananana!

    QQ about it. Let me see those tears!
    Nessirfiti and Machentoo like this.
  12. Lion of God Elder

    What is your ingame name by the way? I want to make sure I blacklist you and never group with you.
  13. took2summit11 Augur

    Wow, not even sure where to start here. I’m guessing you’re the kind of person that debate political topics<- lol had to edit this as these forums auto edited me to “I need a hug” (either pro or con) with your friends until you have none left, and also go into Vegan restaurants and demand everyone eats meat, or vice versa depending on what you believe in? Absolutely ridiculous arguments you have going here, mate. There’s 7.5 billion people on this planet and all think differently. I’d suggest you get comfortable with that fact or life will continue to be miserable for you.

    Also, how do you define “play like everyone else”? I would guess close to 50% of Everquest population boxes. So which side is the wrong side? My opinion, neither are.
  14. Madae Elder

    All these dense people that can't read. And I thought Everquest players were supposed to be aged and mature. Weird.
  15. ShivanAngel Augur

    TL:DR version= You are wrong for playing the game differently then me.

    That is literally all you said in that entire wall of text.

    I 3 box because playing ONE toon in classic EQ is incredibly boring. There just isnt enough to do on every class except maybe chanter, bard, and shaman.

    It is also really fun doing 2 3 box teams with my brother, Its a blast to see how much you can accomplish with just 2 "players" and downing tough group/raid mobs with your little team. That may not appeal to everyone, but it appeals to me way more then playing one toon.

    Honestly if it werent for boxing I probably would have stopped playing after fippy. Sorry my little hodge podge of nerds is a eyesore to you, and makes you rage every time you roll into a camp with your "real" group of players.

    Not to mention, without boxers this game would feel even more empty. Tons of people 2-3 box, I used to just 2 box with my bro, we would grab 2 dps and head out. I bet you every krono I have that those 2 dps were thrilled to be playing with 2 2 boxers instead of sitting in LFG. Not to mention half the time they didnt realize we were boxing until we said something about it, point being, in classic EQ, probs until OoW+ a single player can play 2-3 toons just as well as 3 players playing 3 toons if they have done it a while and have the muscle memory/macro's set up properly
    code-zero and took2summit11 like this.
  16. Machentoo Augur

    We can read just fine. Stop pretending you wrote something different than what you wrote.
  17. Madae Elder

    Listen, Machentoo. I'll spell it out for you again;
    I don't have a problem with boxers. No, I don't want boxers banned. No, I don't mind them playing on Mangler. What I DO mind is the group of 6 Mages locking down camps, killstealing groups and otherwise having no reason to exist but abuse the market and other players. THAT is what I said and who should be banned, and you are getting bent out of shape for literally no reason because you refuse to take the 1 minute to read and understand what exactly I said with my post.
    Block me if you want. I really don't care. I wouldn't group with you anyway because you sound like a huge baby.
  18. ShivanAngel Augur

    I also really dont get the personal vendetta so many people have against boxers. I have been boxing since VELIOUS in 2001..... It wasnt rampant like it is now, but it was a real thing. In PoP in the 2nd guild to clear time on Fennin R0, 3 of the clerics in our CH chain were boxes.

    Boxing always existed, and was always popular amongst those who could do it. It just wasnt as obvious.

    Yah these people suck, and I am a boxer. Not the ones that are in a camp before you, cause thats life...

    I have run into the teams that constantly just broadcast a nuke across 5 mages and a cleric and take your mob, and there is nothing you can do about it.

    However these players arent the norm among boxers. I bet you every other group you see has a 2-3 boxer in it. It is that prevelant. We are not all horrible, its just the few that make everyone hate us.
  19. Machentoo Augur

    I will remind you what you ACTUALLY said, since you seem to have forgotten:

    That's me. I don't lock down camps or kill steal groups, but I do box six and don't need you.

    And this is exactly why I box six, so I don't have to group with condescending like you.
  20. Kittany Augur

    I'm going to have to put the brakes on this statement right here because it's just one big insult. A coy insult, but an insult regardless.

    And if you want to make assumptions (Remember the old saying about assuming? Makes an A out of you and me), I personally don't care for the mass boxers. And I don't box myself, although I do have that choice.

    In using your logic, I must be extremely jealous because I work on an average of 10-14 hours a day, often away from home for two weeks or more at a time with only a couple of days off. While I am away from home, I play EQ on a gaming laptop using a mobile connection.

    Could I box? Sure. I can very easily run 2 or 12 VM's on my machine and do it that way. But I don't want to. Nor do I want to lug around 2 or more laptops/desktops to facilitate said more acceptable form of boxing.