EQ PVP Big Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hane, Jan 24, 2019.

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  1. norrathWithout order New Member

    I'm amazed by all the naysayers. Speak for yourself when you state no one wants a new PvP server. I read similar sentiments of people saying no one wants Coirnav or that it was going to be empty. Yet I see Coirnav as consistently more popular than Agnarr on a daily basis. Perhaps they'd like to eat some more crow?

    Yes, I'm also not a fan of the current Zek server. ItsF2P which introduces a can of worms in itself.Plus I can see how FFA PvP would be intimidating to the new and older players alike. But its the byproduct of merging all the PvP servers together during a time when EQ's future was looking bleak. I'd imagine the current population there reflects how many former PvP veterans feel about it as well?

    IMHO, EQ's golden age was partly due to the success of Rallos Zek, Tallon Zek, Sullon Zek and Vallon Zek. Hell there was an article I read about how the PvP guilds on Rallos Zek teamed up to kill the Sleeper and how Sony execs reacted to it. Tallon Zek had the best community (Tallon Zek Times) and the powerhouse guild Pandemonium (those blasted panda bears fit right in with all the blue carebears!) Sullon Zek had the infamous Fansy the Bard. And Vallon Zek.. well I'm sure they did something relevant lol.

    For myself, my EQ journey began on a PvP team server called Tallon Zek. Classic Good vs Evil. Probably some of the best memories I've had in EQ tbh. The server focused and encouraged PvE just like any other blue server. But the added element of language barriers and open world PvP encouraged Good vs Evil team work and in-game policing which in turn mitigated some of the PvP imbalances. It wasn't perfect, but it was fun.

    There are so many TLP PvE servers and people complain about the attrition. Hane compiled and brought up many good points. Make the hardcore server a TLP PvP server. After all, the TLP servers did pull people into DBG and away from the servers e.g., P99. I'd hope the PvP TLP would do something similar as well as bring back the ones hoping to relive the nostalgia of EQ PvP.
    ECrack and Brawl like this.
  2. Brawl Elder

    You'll find the majority of naysayers are the same stale forum trolls that continue to spew out the same negative spiel on every thread they can that is related to PvP. It's as if having a PvP TLP server launch would prevent them from enjoying this game.

    Fact is PvP has been in EQ since day one and has always had it's own fan-base and niche - balanced or not, people are aware of this. As the poster above said, the PvP servers drew a lot of attention in their day and it's evident that there are a lot of people that would enjoy getting involved today.
    A year ago someone created a petition for a PvP TLP on a random petition website that had 220 signatures within a week or two - with no advertising on these forums as it is bannable to create such a poll or spread the link here, purely word of mouth from the handful of people that managed to hear about it and spread the link through other channels.

    Some people here are telling others that want to PvP to go play on the current Zek server or R99 - It's the equivalent of telling PvE players to go play on the live servers or P99 blue instead of these new nostalgia-filled fresh and exciting TLPs - Not gonna happen.

    The small number of forum warriors here (that you can find on almost every thread) do not represent our player-base as a whole and should stop acting as if their word is gospel. I always find the best reads here are from players with "New Member" written beneath their avatars who every now and then come out of the woodwork to cut the sh*t and drop some facts.
    Even in this thread, virtually every person that has posted with "New Member" in their name has posted something genuinely relevant and informative in contrast with the names you see here daily, posting replies with such undertones you'd think they were at a menopause conference.

    I have no doubt they will eventually launch a PvP TLP server whether it's in the form of this "hardcore" server or down the track, it's only a matter of time. PvP has a place in EQ despite whether you can handle it or not and if you think there wouldn't be enough players to flesh out a PvP TLP server out you'd be mistaken - and all of them would be spending in the shop, as the OP stated.
    ECrack likes this.
  3. mark Augur

    Go and play eq2 pvp on the test server,if db believed they could make good money out of a eq pvp they would have done it instead of doing a pvp server only for eq 2.
  4. SearingCorpse Lorekeeper

    whats needed for a current PvP (Player versus Player) server is a break from the chaos of server wide PvPing and "starting zone" camping that discourages a lot of new players

    do random zone selection for PvPing maybe twice a day for 30 minutes; this would be the way to go if that's possible, maybe even make it "guild only PvP" and give it a timer so people can't just /guilddisband to avoid a death

    this will be glorious during potential poop-socking events at trakanon if the zone gets selected
  5. snailish Augur

    Some new members are box account #7 that a person doesn't bother to post with until a "new voice in the conversation" presents the impression of wider support.

    PVPers that haven't played EQ in a while, especially the last few progressions may have missed the issues around various forms of cheating and not playing nice. It is not an unreasonable point, or even anti-pvp to say "PVP may be too much customer support nightmare for them to want to even try". After all, no rules Sullon Zek had customer service needs (aka they had to go in an enforce rules).

    I like PVP, played several other mmos just for pvp. Maybe it could work for a Quarm event as a test of the concept? It's possible they do the "hardcore" progression with a PVP component (could enable guild war for example, could make raid zones pvp, etc.) but I wouldn't bet on that as likely.
  6. ECrack Augur

    It's fun to see the same people hitting that like on the "pvp is garbo" replies. Weird, according to you guys there'd be a lot more of you.

    I for one was born and raised on Rallos Zek and still believe EQ PvP was the best pvp experience I've had online, ever, period.

    Because it's unbalanced.

    Because you're constantly looking over your shoulder, or casting see invis, and spamming your "/" to see who is in the zone. Is that infamous deleveled raid geared, epic'd super twinked rogue inmabeli in the zone? Cause if he is you better hide or gate. Lol.

    The OOR healers, the spamming of blind so people couldn't bag their fungi's or shining metallic robes.

    Bards snaring rogues in the middle of a zone and just dot/kiting them to death.

    Fact is most of us who still hold hopes for the TLP PvP server have a ton of friends who we try to recruit for the carebear tlp's and all of those friends always reply "I'm good, but let me know if a PvP one comes out."

    And if you think a large majority of EQ's loyal population wouldn't flock to a red server, even if it was for the first month or two, you're sadly mistaken.

    Anyways, in before the same 10 people tell us for the 10,000,000th time on the forums that EQ PvP is trash. Hi Crayon123
    Brawl likes this.
  7. ECrack Augur

    Who was the first server to take down Kerafyrm again?
    Brawl likes this.
  8. Speaker of the Mouse New Member

    I am all for a TLP PvP server since it will concentrate the biggest a**holes in EQ in one place, keeping them off the normal TLP servers.
  9. Crayon123 Augur

    Good point, keep all 50 of the people who actually like PvP in EQ on one server and let them rot just like Red 99.
  10. Stagentti Augur

    But they don't want a server where people leave after the first month or 2?

    There's a big dropoff at a certain point on TLPs. Are people less likely to drop off if PVP is added as an element? I would think so, since that adds another element of 'frustration' for people who already quit.

    It seems like they are trying to tailor these two servers to keep people playing longer.

    I don't know. I could very well be wrong. But it does seem to me that the PVP element being added in will draw a big crowd at first that very shortly afterwards gets frustrated and quits after the novelty wears off.

    P99 has that PVP server but isn't it free (I've never played P99)? Are those people willing pay $15/month?

    People go wild complaining about griefing, training, imbalances, etc as is with PVE. That would more than likely explode (especially on the forums) if you could straight up kill each other without repercussions.

    And no. I'm not some PVP hater. You can check my post history.
  11. mark Augur

    yes make the hardcore server pvp and watch it die now i have played on the same tlp for years and everyone i met that went red regreted it and rerolled blue,if you want pvp its not eq,eq2 has a pvp servers tlp in beta right now go there.
  12. ECrack Augur

    This is 100% due to PoP+ expansions. Mainly LDoN was the killer for Rallos Zek. Because the ability to pk someone and loot one of their items was a huge draw for adrenaline junkies. When LDoN came out and you could augment all your gear to make it no drop, the ability to loot an item became non-existant and effectively killed pvp.

    Additionally the Plane of Knowledge and Nexus were safe zones. Safe zones also were a huge contributor to the death of pvp.

    So in reality, if they did do a TLP PvP server, it would have to either lock out at some point. Honestly if they don't do the item loot route, they could lock around LDoN. But anything beyond that point and I'll concede that the PvP aspect of the game becomes too broken to enjoy.

    That being said, if they did 3 month unlocks. It'd be a solid year of spicy pvp.
  13. ECrack Augur

    Literally world's worst argument. I played Red99 on release and it was amazing. What killed the server was the atrocious exp rates, not the pvp. Everyone came for the pvp, and left for the exp rates.

  14. ECrack Augur

    Again, another inaccurate statement. Go figure, hi Accipiter.

    The top guild on Rallos Zek was Ascending Dawn. The entire server was like 90% anti-pk's and the server worked together politically to keep pk's from griefing and getting out of hand. The reason? If you were an and gained a reputation as such, you were shunned. no one would group with you, guilds would disown you in fear of retribution.

    But pvp still happened. Raid targets were still battled over. There were still pvp guilds with this reputation, but they couldn't contend with the other anti-pk guilds.

    And let me define anti-pk. It doesn't mean those people hated pvp. It meant they liked killing people who liked killing people.

    Get it?
  15. Crayon123 Augur

    So let me get this straight.

    A TLP server with an expected lifespan of less than a year, due to LDoN ruining PvP. With higher exp rates, because PvPers can't and won't be inconvenienced with lower XP rates like Phinigel and Coirnav had. Where we can expect EQ's loyalists to "flock" back to this PvP server for maybe only a couple months.

    You sold me as an investor, where do I sign?
  16. Bolten_DA Augur

    I imagine a PvP server would just be filled with people training each other, fearing mobs aggroed on other people, and do it all while having 3rd party cheats. Do you realize that you can do this on the current TLP servers? I guess the only downfall is you cant do all this and then finish off the player when they are at 5% yourself. I mean it does cut down on bragging rights. You also cant log on your super alts and grieve new players to get your kicks. This would be today's PvP.
  17. ECrack Augur

    A TLP PvP server would be amazing.
    Crayon123 likes this.
  18. Tomar Journeyman

    I feel like they jumped onto Zek not the original PvP servers.

    I'm there now. Its in beta so little to no exp for PvE. You can only level up by PvPing. I see guilds PLing each other to get to the top of the leaderboards. I'm in foreign territory out there getting ganked by 2s and 3s which wouldn't be so bad if the exp wasn't so atrocious or if it wasn't EQ2... But you saying go there is like me telling you to get your next TLP PvE fix on EQ2.
  19. ECrack Augur

    Here I'll just reply to the only part of your post I read, like you obviously did to mine. Cause you definitely missed the part where I (and many others on this thread) pointed out that the population polices its own. There's politics in EQ PvP servers.

    There are repercussions. Ones that the carebear servers cry about all the time but can't do anything about except spam petitions to the GM's. That's not the case on a PvP server. You and your guild can happily take care of a couple griefer's and bring them street justice.
  20. ECrack Augur

    Even though you're Crayon123, and your stance is obviously anti-pvp cause you're a through and through carebear. I'll entertain you.

    How is Agnarr doing?

    Add PvP and that population would be even greater. Because the lack of progressing to the next expansion wouldn't be stale due to the fact that you still have PvP to keep your interest.

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