Can we get shorter XP potions?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Wiff, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Wiff Elder

    Or at least make them stack with lesson, even if the benefits don't stack?

    I bought the discounted pots a few times when I got my monthly 500 points and saved them for the later levels. Once I realized they don't stack with lesson, I quit doing that and will never buy 4-hour pots again.

    I only play an hour or two a day so if I use a 4 hour potion, I lose 2-3 uses of lesson and actually gain less xp than just using lesson.

    I found some 30 minute, 50% xp pots in my bank that I had apparently "claimed" at some point in the past. These things are great. I would buy more of them if they were available at a reasonable price

    Is there any reason not to give us an option to buy four 1-hour pots instead of one 4-hour pot?
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    QFT. I also play short sessions, so have never bought any of the 4-hour pots.
    Pirlo likes this.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I would love it if all the pots were useable in half an hour increments so a 4 hour pot would have 8 uses. I would buy more exp pots if that was the case because like others I have either short play times or lots of interruptions over longer play times.
    Yinla and Tatanka like this.
  4. Angahran Augur

    Would be nice if you could hand a 4 hour potion to some NPC and receive 4x 1 hour potions.
    Hand in a 1 hour potion and get 2x 30 minute potions.

  5. Nolrog Augur

  6. Wiff Elder

  7. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    They need to move on to more innovative solutions to this.

    Make EXP potions have unlimited durations but have let’s say 100-400 hit counters. Each time you kill a non-trivial mob and receive EXP 1 hit counter is consumed. Once all hit counters are consumed your potion expires.

    This way if you wipe and have to recover in zone or if you need to AFK in a non-buff locker zone or if your group falls apart and you decide to go work on some tradeskill farming gray cons, you’re not losing out on potential EXP.
    Pirlo likes this.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I think the Veterans forum is the better place for that discussion anyways. It is something that all players would be interested in not just the time locked folks.
  9. Sobmre Augur

    dude, pop your potion play your 2 hours, gate to pok and log out saving 2 hours on 4 hour pot.
    log in goto exp zone, play your 2 hours and done............... DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    Peltier likes this.
  10. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    As with many changes requested this is a nice to have but not something I would want a lot of dev time devoted to. BUT if it could be done easily would be nice.
  11. Aurastrider Augur

    Did you even read the OPs comment? If so simple math has failed you. He/she plays 1-2 hour sessions. Lets do a little math here.

    LOD: 30 minute use with 100% experience modifier.
    XP pot: 4 hour use with 10%, 25%, & 50% xp modifier. (there is a 75% with a shorter use but its expensive)

    If the OP plays for an hour a day even using the 50% xp POT they will have achieved the same xp bonus as using LOD. If they play for two hours a day they are basically wasting the first hours worth of experience pot because they could have achieved the same thing with LOD.

    If they use a 25% xp potion they will have to play for the full 2 hours just to achieve the same xp as they would from one 30 min LOD.

    if they use the 10% xp potion they will have to play for 5 hours (it only lasts 4) just to match the same xp gained from a 30min LOD.

    Because they only play an hour a hour or two a day it negates the benefits of using an xp pot over LOD. Why would the OP and others like them ever spend money on an xp POT when they could achieve the same amount of xp or better using something that costs them zero money?
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Not to mention the fact that many people don't want to be locked into grinding for the next 4 game hours. Maybe they'd like to do something else in game.

  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Not many groups last for more than an hour or so there is a lot of downtime looking for groups, unless you can solo or can box.

    30 minute potions sound like a good idea. :)
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Daybreak's logic "may" be that they make more money from people buying 2 or 4 hour potions that may be partially wasted.

    Speaking only for myself I would love to be able to use the potions in half an hour increments. As was said saves popping a potion play for an hour then decide the next day whether I would be better off dropping the potion buff and just doing lessons. Maybe my plans changed and I have less time to play or maybe I get on and after some intense pulling for half an hour just want to chat with guildies for a bit BUT not leave where I am camped and just pull a bit more casually.

    I guess the thing here is to figure out as much as we can the downsides to doing this.

    From various posts it seems that there isn't always a person dedicated to handling the market place side of things so that might mean someone is pulled away from something else. Not sure how much work would be involved in effectively creating new potions at the various percentages to be sold in multiples.
  15. Aurastrider Augur

    Speaking for myself xp puts are basically the last useful item to buy in the store. I would buy them but I am in the same situation as the OP. It doesn't make sense to use them over LOD so I don't even bother. I have dozens of pots collecting dust already but not enough session time to burn them. I do eat the 30 min ones like candy when I get them.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  16. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Sounds like how WoW handles the regular bonus XP, except instead of "hits", there's a base pool of XP that recharges over time, with a cap. So, if you kill mobs which give more XP, you use up more of the bonus each hit. I think this is also how the EQ fellowship bonus works.

    I'd like to see this used for XP pots, and LotD as well. So you can hunt how and when you'd like, but there's still a cap on how much bonus you get.
  17. Fcseven XIII Journeyman

    I agree with this post. 8 hours is just too long. Unless you have an 8 hour play session you would be losing out on lotd. Great feedback.
  18. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    That moment when you buy the 75% 2 hour pop when you cannot manage to spend another minute more than absolutely necessary in ST grinding 109 on yet another toon. Yep...the struggle is real.
  19. Angahran Augur

    Another option is make xp potions act like powersources.
    So, they only count down while you are actually fighting.
    Also, make them last through death and you are good to go.
    Mediik likes this.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    They currently last through death. At least on the Live servers they do is it different on TLP?