Agnarr's Irrational Hatred of Boxers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Elentari of Agnarr, Jun 13, 2017.

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  1. Rauven Augur

    TLP servers are the wild west. The only thing holding people back is morality, not rules or policies, or even threats of punishments (which are few and far between and getting suspended for 3 hours while sleeping is hardly a punishment worth noting).

    With that said, if you hate boxers. Do what your morality allows. If you're a boxer being inflicted with wrong doings, inflict them back based on your own morality. That's all that matters.

    Making a thread attacking some groups maturity, manhood, or whatever doesn't have an impact anymore. Society has had a non-confrontational mindset for the past three decades so no one has learned that talking things out is the better solution than simply slapping the icecream out of someone's hand. There's been no consequences.

    So now there's free reign to train, KS, scam, and perform other questionable actions. Only limited as I've said thusfar, by ones morality. Do what you all will.
  2. nestharus Journeyman

    I am ok with boxers. I just won't group with them, join guilds that allow them, or join raids that have boxers participating. They can do their thing and I can do my thing ^_^.

    My problem is that someone boxing can never play their characters as well as someone that isn't. I have tested it myself and it is impossible without third party software. It can't be done. Not going to carry them because they want to be lazy and level/gear 2+ characters at once.
  3. Accipiter Old Timer

    You box on other servers and you follow the rules. But you make the assumption that most boxers on Agnarr are breaking the rules. Why is that? You're just better than the rest of us? More honorable? I just can't fathom such a ridiculous statement.
    Johnwick likes this.
  4. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Good luck with that. Finding groups that don't have people boxing is easy. Don't think I've had one here yet, except one the 2nd day I suspect someone was stealth boxing. Finding a guild that completely disallows it, not so much.

    And you are generalizing. There are some very talented boxers who do the job of every toon they are playing quite capably. And without the use of disallowed assistance. A lot better, I might add, than a great many single box players we have on these servers and manage to not be AFK 8 times an hour.

    And I love that you tried it, with an existing bias against it, sucked, and have concluded that anyone good at boxing is cheating. No, there actually are people who have been doing it for a long time with hardware setups designed for it who are just very good at it. Reminds me of the old pvp thing in other games...Sombody's better than me so they are obviously hacking. Lol

    Personally, I don't box in groups unless it's absolutely necessary, for that reason. Don't feel like I play up to full potential, but that varies depending on class combo. Some it's really easy to box well. Some it's not. Mostly, I find it exhausting and prefer just doing it on camps. And there's no reason to, here, usually. Plenty of people to group with and groups are easy to get and keep filled at most hours. Aside from the constant shortage of tanks.
  5. Machentoo Augur

    Well, if you have tested it yourself, I guess that ends all question.

    I have played with tremendously skilled boxers who have spent years developing skills at boxing, rather than testing it just once as you have done. The fact of the matter is, the best of them could play two toons at once better than 99% of Everquest players can play one.

    Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean it cannot be done.

    It only takes 10-30 actions per minute to optimally play most classes in the early expansions of Everquest, and there are many, many players who can exceed that on two toons at once. For a skilled player playing just one single toon, the vast majority of play time is empty space between when actions are needed. Better to fill that empty space with a 2nd toon, which will increase your situational awareness and keep you focused on what's going on in game, than to spend those extra moments reading the forums on the other screen, or watching videos, etc, which is what most players seem to do.
    Ilshade likes this.
  6. taliefer Augur

    I suspect if most of the influx of players from P99 weren't just abysmally bad players, you'd see less boxing
    DariyaVika likes this.
  7. Throndor Augur

    Yeah it wasn't too rough, but I did do it without any of the gimmicks like puppet strings, or ch clickies. Fungi king was a harder solo. Ended up giving throndor away on p99 to tecmos' cousin when ragefire launched. A solo challenge thing like they have going on there would be cool on TLP.
  8. Rhodz Augur

    A clarification, boxing to avoid the sociopaths...
    Having a hard time believing some of the people Ive run across in groups the last couple of weeks.
    Seen the type before but never in such numbers. *sighs* may be time to just pack it in after all, got too much to do anyway.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    You are a special kind of conspiracy nut to believe that they are all cheating.
    Ilshade likes this.
  10. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Sounds like someone has some beef with p99 and is making a baseless generalization.

    It's been a while, but I played on p99 pretty solidly for about 3 years. Just like the pvp server I played on, it's a really interesting playerbase. On both you get the normal mix you would get on every server...newies, casuals, hardcores, everything in between. And on both you get a noticeably higher concentration of complete nutcases and some of the best EQ players you've ever seen in one place. A lot of seriously pro players on p99. More than you will find per capita on one of these servers, for sure. Remarkably, so, really.

    They just have some catching up to do when they come here because a lot has changed. That has nothing to do with player skill or knowledge of the game.
  11. Throndor Augur

    I prefer to think of them as staring through the screen, mouth-breathing, and drooling on themselves. But, then again, I'm an :)
  12. Hadesborne Augur

    OK, yeah and that's why we see so many boxed necros out there. Because people are soo good at it..
  13. Tinytinker Augur

    Some of the P99 players I've met are pretty skilled. It's the drama and bad attitude P99ers like this Tiggles guy who turn me off.

  14. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    The best insult thus far was when a 2 boxer thought he was just taking a camp from my single enchanter than I came with 4 extra guys and he told me damn cheating boxers..... :D
  15. Throndor Augur

    Hehehe, yeah. They love the concept of might makes right until you show them mightier makes rightier
  16. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    OMG full 5 min bellylaugh.

    It's been years, but I used to group with that guy. Seeing him come up in this thread was totally unexpected and that quote is classic. He seems to have a penchant for going on little vindettas like that. Guy is hysterical. That's exactly what I was talking about. Welcome to p99.
  17. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think it's funny to see so many people bashing boxers, when all the harassment/kill stealing/pick farming which I have been on the receiving end of has been from single, high-level toons. A bard who fansied himself to be more than he was. More /pick farming mages than I can count. Coming from a live server, I had no idea just how harsh the TLP/p99 crowd was. Unlike the communities on live servers, where bad eggs tend to weed themselves out, Agnarr's population seems just as cruel and immature as any video game community out there.

    The fact that almost everybody runs /anonymous is telling. Somebody in every group is complaining about something that recently happened to them due to another player, and it's almost always due to overcrowded camps, the archaic "NBG" loot traditions, and /pick exploitation on Agnarr.

    I think we should be looking to solutions like private /picks and removing the ability to switch /picks faster than respawn timers. Everybody wants their own Frenzy camp or assassin/sup camp, so just give it to them and stop the fighting that causes so much hate in this community. Make boxers irrelevant, make them a non-issue.

    I feel like some of you old guys want to make up your own rules and force everybody to play by them, seemingly in an attempt to make a "level" playing field that you will excel on. But a core point of EQ is that it is always changing and you need to adapt and grow. Boxing is evolution. TrueBox is climate change denial.
  18. Phantom Ghost Augur

    After extensive "testing", I have come to the decision that someone playing two characters can in fact play better than someone playing one. Even with the hurdle of using miltiple computers and having to not press the same keys at the same time.

    I see a few reasons not to box.

    1. Cannot afford to.
    2. Are not skilled enough.
    3. Do not want to hook up another computer, but can afford to.
    4. Mommy and daddy told you $15 a month is all you get.
    5. Pressing 4 buttons is too difficult.
    6. You cannot figure out that truebox means one account per computer, not person.
    7. You choose not to.

    Either way, all of those are your choices. Except of course your parents telling their 30 year old son he cannot have $30 a month until he can buy kronos.
    DariyaVika likes this.
  19. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    I'd be all about private /picks. But it's never going to happen. Mostly because the devs have pretty much stated they want to avoid that. They say it's because they want to preserve as much of the open world aspects of the early game as possible while still accommodating the crowds because the sheer numbers on these servers would make the game unplayable without picks, if I recall correctly.

    The cynic in me wants to think it's more about preserving the rarity of certain items because it feeds the krono economy. You will notice in the cases where there have been problems amongst players over overcamped items their solution tends to be nerfing the drop rates instead of making the items themselves lore or another more sensible solution. After 3 TLPs, I'm reasonably convinced that everything always points back to krono sales.

    Plus there's a small but sizable enough segment of the playerbase that would scream bloody murder about it.

    It would fix so many problems, especially for the average casual player, though.
    Orxbane likes this.
  20. taliefer Augur

    not at all, i never played on p99. but the amount of misinformation and unwilling to listen to players who actually know how works on these servers is mind numbing, on top of the flat out bad play.
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