Agnarr's Irrational Hatred of Boxers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Elentari of Agnarr, Jun 13, 2017.

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  1. Johnwick Augur

    Why dislike the boxer?
    You don't have to interact with them.
    /pickone If you have a problem- it tells you this EVERYTIME you log into Agnarr.

    Most people are just mad because a single individual can play 6 characters better than you can play one.
    Pack likes this.
  2. Nuttmeg Augur

    Boxers are like the one bright pink house with a disaster of a lawn dragging down property values for blocks. Wit no HOA or local laws, it's legal... and we don't have to interact with the owner... and he gets to live his own way. ...
    But you bet if there's even a remote chance something illegal is going on, all the neighbors are calling the cops.
    nirriri likes this.
  3. Green_Mage Augur

    It's not actually true that boxing doesn't impact the market. If you were 100% not able to box -- the impact on the value of items would be enormous. People would have to actually work as a team with people or solo to farm. Right now -- most people monopolizing the best camps are boxers -- true or otherwise. This allows them to farm group content on their own for 100% of the profit. It means items are over-camped and over-sold on the market.

    So item prices would actually likely rise without boxing. Not to mention there would be less players very wealthy in PP buying Krono. Krono prices would decrease likely.
  4. Yruc Augur

    Some people also feel if you 2 box in a group, you are getting 2 shares of the loot but not doing the work of 2 (ie they don't believe you can play both characters to 100%) so that is unfair or you get 2 /random at a high ticket item etc...
  5. Pack Journeyman

    I think what most people also fail to understand is that there is a difference between "boxing" and "botting". I think a lot of people just assume since we are boxing that everything is being automated by 3rd party programs, which clearly shouldn't be happening with the truebox. Ive been accused of being a "botter" more then a handful of times since Agnarr opened simply because i came into a camp or zone with my 3box in tow.
  6. Phantom Ghost Augur

    Definition of clueless in action right here.
    Ilshade likes this.
  7. Ilshade Augur

    ok so here is a scenario for you boxer haters -

    So it is ok for non boxers to exploit an npc that can't move but can be charmed at low levels and double hits in the 100's - the non boxers sit there while someone pulls the whole floor of guards to their charmed npc and it kills all 10 mobs in under 3mins and rinse and repeat. (remember no risk to the group and they couldn't do this without the npc = exploit )

    Then these non boxers see a box crue on the top floor pulling guards and say "we own the place" then train them until they leave cause ya they are boxers and botters and well we are the good people they are the bad -

    then they go back to exploiting...

    lol yes non boxers ya they got the rights???

    and the idiots that say boxers have advantages - WRONG - only advantage they have is TIME - they save time cause they always got a group - the the ones that usually complain are so bad at the game no one wants to group with them and that is the real reason they cant find groups it's not the boxers fault

    also math people - 6 people non box or 6 characters boxed still costs the same to buy spells and equip them both equally - the point people get upset again is time - none boxers waste so much time finding group and the boxers don't waste this start up time each play session

    so in the end the haters are hating on boxers because they have more time on there hands - period - everything else is exactly the same for a non box group and a boxed group - also remember is a game and people who want to play it the way they want to pay to play it just like everyone else - so everyone has equal rights - next thing they going to say is gnomes should be take out of the game....

    now we all know there are bad apples out there but both boxer and non boxer non one can help this..DBG??? - people please vedio these people and send to support to report them pls pls pls
  8. Amygdala New Member

    Here's an idea. Make some tlps truebox and make some one IP per household, this would eliminate a lot of fussing on both sides. Seems like a rational thing to do. Then again, I haven't exactly seen a lot of rational things the past few years in this game.
  9. Baldur Augur

    I have played on Ragefire and Phinny releases and I can tell you it was the same on both of those. It was worse on Phinny because a lot of people thought True Box meant no boxing like some do here.

    All I can advice is that as expansions release and the world gets bigger and the population gets less, or people just log on to raid, the boxing hate gets less. So if you can stick it out, it does get better. Classic is the worst because it's the most crowded.
  10. Chuuk Augur

    Traditional minded people get mad when others do things which are "legal" but perhaps not included in their version of "the spirit of the game" to gain an advantage. Whether or not they are justified in their thought is subjective, but that style of thinking can apply to a large portion of the anti-boxing crowd.

    Additionally, I think the amount of flame a boxer gets is directly correlated with the size of their box-army and what they are trying to do. The majority of the time you see people complain about being griefed is because they are running 5-6 toons in a highly competitive zone. Unfortunately, in classic era, there is pretty limited hunting grounds from 40-50, so just about every boxer is going to be in a competitive zone at some point.

    The gameplay and individual classes are just too simple to prevent boxing. Removing /follow and all macros might make it annoying enough that some people might think twice, but you will still be able to do it with enough effectiveness.
  11. midlifedwarf New Member

    Women play this game too you misogynistic piglet.
    Ilshade likes this.
  12. Tinytinker Augur

    It's fine not to like boxing. Just don't be a jerk about it and stalk other people. One of my guildies said he had an anti-boxer call him a Chinese ch*nk plat farmer and keep tabs on him. Every 15 minutes they sent him tells giving him a play by play of what he was doing.
  13. Warglory New Member

    Boo HOO Neckbeard
  14. Warglory New Member

    He is going to cry i think i was the one that messaged him tired of boxing neck beards taking every single mob and then also charming more for pets be a normal human and play one class maybe 2 but to run programs and 6 box and tell me i have no life.......irrelevant
  15. Warglory New Member

    when you can tell all toons cast and move at same time he isn't doing that.
  16. ayoforYayoh Augur

    I don't know the OP personally but its the same guy that plays the victim every single day that i see him text pvp'ing in OOT.

    At first i assumed just like he claims that the entire server has the irrational "Hate" for boxers. Then after i start soloing OOT a few days i notice that any and everyone he comes into contact with sparks up controversy.

    Then i notice all his mage boxes spam blasting any and every mob other people are kiting.

    You DO have the right to box..but if you think that gives you the ability to straight KS people and act like a every day then yea....i can totally understand why so, so many people throw shade your way on a daily basis.

    Just need the white knights of the forum to defend you because all those dudes you over in game seem to be taking their own action against you. either way its all good popcorn time for me while i'm medding mana back.
    Your_Ad_Here likes this.
  17. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    I like to box for specific things, most often camps, sometimes PLing. But I would absolutely jump at a chance to play on a no boxing server. Most especially if it had krono disabled or, at least, functionality to move krono on and off the server, and I would be happy to pay a ridiculously high premium sub fee to do so.

    But the fact remains, even true box servers allow boxing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply mistaken. And anyone who thinks boxing reflects on the ethics or playstyle of the person behind the toons is also mistaken.

    Boxers are just like any other player. Some are ethical. Some are not. It's just a different way to play the game.
  18. Reht The Dude abides...

    Broadcasting is not allowed, but boxing is allowed, and broadcasting does not mean they are circumventing truebox code with VMs or by some other means, they could be boxing using multiple PCs and broadcasting to multiple PCs.
  19. Alandros Elder


    As people pointed out "True Boxing" is indeed allowed. I fully quoted the FAQ for the server so I thought it was quite clear I was referring to boxing from the same machine. To be clear the rules are clear that it's not just boxing on the same machine that's not allowed

    • Not Allowed on Agnarr
      • Playing multiple characters at the same time from a single computer
      • Using 3rd party software
      • Any method to send one key press to multiple characters
    • Not Allowed on ANY Server
      • Unattended Gameplay: Any method that lets a character take actions while you’re not at your keyboard
      • Playing on virtual machines
    So yes if you use a separate machine per account AND you don't use any 3rd party software to assist your gameplay AND you use no method to send one key press to multiple characters AND you use no form of "Unattended Gameplay" to take actions while you're not at your keyboard AND you play on no Virtual Machines (a bit of a shame on this one since though I don't do it I'm sure there are those that run a Windows VM on a Mac to play).
    I started playing in Beta and I started boxing probably 2nd-3rd year. I have commonly boxed since, currently running a 4 box (sometimes a 5 box) and probably going to expand to a 6 box soon. I have no issues with boxing in general as should be clear. Personally I think boxing saved EQ, especially before mercs were introduced (though boxing + mercs is pretty awesome once they came)
    With that said I follow the rules. I am sure there are some true boxers here who follow all those rules, I would guess the majority of boxers on Agnarr are breaking the rules. I don't support cheaters and I never have.
    I also happen to be someone who tries to follow etiquette. Something that the majority of the playerbase followed when this game launched. Such as not KSing and being against those that did/doe (you could earn a rep for doing this and there were consequences to such a thing with a game that requires grouping to accomplish much or most of the game).
  20. Ilshade Augur

    Hey how do you tell this when the GMs have posted they can't confirm this ???

    Are you one of those i know everything and no one knows anything people - so what i say is correct and write

    lol - yes brown cows give chocolate milk too...
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