Can't create a character + login queue

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MaestroM, May 24, 2017.

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  1. Tudadar Augur

    You guys are ruining the launch giving people a chance to freely level up for an advantage and artificially keeping everyone out. Open the gates.
  2. Gemini Syringes Augur

    There are dozens of anwers IN THIS THREAD. You enter the queue. You click OK or you don't and you wait. When it's your turn you'll be taken to in. ROCKET SCIENCE.
  3. Turkeygoblin New Member

    Can you explain the queue process please? Do we hit okay to the box? How does it work? because the time is a lie. People have been waiting for 30 minutes when it said 1 minute, so if people are getting in, who exactly is if not the people that have "1 minute" queues???
  4. Nas625 Lorekeeper

    the bottle neck is in character creation..hmm wonder if next time they could open creation days early let people make chars then launch day comes boom no idea anyway
    snailish and Dulu like this.
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Nobody probably knows. I did a test I was spamming play and my friend was waiting in that 1m queue.... we both are waiting.
  6. Rouan Augur

  7. Fethos Lorekeeper

    Answers from people who don't actually know, and are just guessing. All it takes is a single red post to clear it all up. Sorry, but my experience with people posting "answers" on forums aren't actually true
  8. Galleyan Augur

    Conjecture from players is not equivalent to an answer from a dev on how it works. Go away.
    Seres and Fethos like this.
  9. Sniggz Elder

    More like Neverquest! Amirite?
  10. HoodenShuklak Augur

    That's a good idea...

    Let folks create their char 24 hours before launch. Frankly I didn't NEED to play right away I just wanted a certain name which is, undoubtedly, for sale now on playerauctions and ebay.
    Thewiz likes this.
  11. Dulu Augur

    Or sell tiers of entry.

    Like, 2 hours early for 50 bucks or something. 10 bucks for an hour early. 5 bucks for 15 minutes early...
  12. yerm Augur

    This is the exact opposite of crying wolf. The wolf has gotten in and killed the sheep so many times you cucks are like "this is normal sheep die all the time who cares" but hey... some of us kinda care.
    Jeffrey Lebowski likes this.
  13. Karthor New Member

    When I planned on p00ps0cking today, I never anticipated it would be for the login screen.

    Consider the practice run a success!
    Miasaou likes this.
  14. cilution0 New Member

    As the cap is raised, is that allowing people in the queue in, or people not yet in queue? :|
  15. Nas625 Lorekeeper

    we need faster posting here more whining and complaining please i have popcorn LOL
  16. Ellis Elder

    This doesn't answer if when you click "Play Everquest" and get an updated wait time, if that bumps you to the back of the queue, or if you're still in your initial place. Yeah it'd make sense, and we'd like to think that you retain your spot, but no dev post has stated this yet and assuming that assumption.
  17. Flea Lorekeeper

    queue is now 19 minutes.... so can i play or no?
  18. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Happened to me too. Created toon and timed out entering the world. Tried going back in and it timed out booting the toon from the world.
  19. meanstreak311 New Member

    when are you guys going to raise the pop capacity? any idea?
  20. Fethos Lorekeeper

    still sitting with my 1m box up.. 45 minutes later
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