Legends of Norrath Ending

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sobmre, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Sobmre Augur

    LON didn't do anything to you! why kill it.

    Just reinvent it and allow player mods to make cards and rewards ect.. like a hero forge kinda thing
    Orbital101 likes this.
  2. Arcainos Augur

    With the news of LON being shut down, will the items be moving to the marketplace?
  3. Riou EQResource

    I think the plan is for you to buy those 999 dbc gamble things to get the items, or buy them in game from people who got them from those
  4. Horathmir Elder

    Daybreak and parent Columbus Nova sun setting yet another asset from SOE, further stripping the value away from what little is left of the company. Then again that is the MOS of Columbus Nova as a venture capitalist. Buy, strip it, sell what little is left to the highest bidder after the slash and burn is over.
    Stune, Rivitt and Hiladdar like this.
  5. Lily Augur

    Do you actually have to claim everything from the claim window, or just redeem everything?
  6. Riou EQResource

    Should be just redeeming it out of LoN
    snailish and Iila like this.
  7. RadarX Augur

    There are no plans to offer the loot items individually. Each LON item has or will become available at some point through the existing Marketplace.
    Gyurika Godofwar, Yimin and Fanra like this.
  8. Vdidar Augur

    So how much longer until they just say no new expansions no support for EQ in general?
  9. Eanelder Augur

    I'm extremely upset about this. I have a fairly large collection of unclaimed LoN items (400+) and finding something to do with them before Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at Noon Pacific Time is unreasonable.

    I have put a significant amount of money into the game, both because I enjoyed it and because I enjoy collecting items like illusions and mounts and now its just going away with very little notification or consideration. Sad thing is they were probably planning this shut down since the introduction of Prize cards in game. Wished they would have shared it back then instead of making it sound like it was a recent decision.

    In my opinion, with this decision being made public they need to change how items are claimed from LoN ASAP. After "Redeeming" the item in LoN, the /claimed item in EQ needs to be changed from the item itself, to the "Prize" version. Giving the Redeemer the option to trade it within game. A large number of the items i have collected are duplicates, and would make sense to re-claim. I don't play alts, so have no need to transfer.
    Rivitt likes this.
  10. lancelove Augur

    Dont be upset! Now the resources they had developing that "card" game can perhaps be allocated towards everquest development! Go Go server mergers!
    Rivitt likes this.
  11. lancelove Augur

  12. lancelove Augur

  13. Siddar Augur

    Are you guys certain the claim window can handle the amount of claims that will be done from LoN?

    There will be people with thousands of claims per account.
    Rivitt likes this.
  14. Caell Augur

    What resources? They haven't touched LoN in several years.

    They should have taken this the other direction and developed a version for iOS and Android, would have been an easy way to make some additional cash and bring new folks into EQ.
  15. Gorehammer Lorekeeper

    Excuse me, but how in the world is it in the players' best interest to close LoN?! There are literally zero upsides for us. I (and others) advised you years ago to release LoN to the player modding community while still being able to monetize it. You elected the path of less money and more player outrage, and now look where we are. Poor choice.

    Since LoN has not had any dev team for a couple years now, are we to assume your only cost for LoN is the single server it runs on? What are your estimated savings over the next 12 months by not having LoN running? (after average losses of LoN purchases is factored-in).

    I agree with Eanelder, Theybreak Games seems to hide their decisions for many months before telling the players, a typical corporate stall tactic that often times defies logic and courtesy. I see NO reason that LoN can't stay open. How many games and standalone apps (for PC and phones) stay open and available FOR FREE for years and years on end, and LoN has to be beheaded as if it's siphoning $1000 a day, despite the fact that it's owned by a rather large corporation? What are those little free developers doing that is so superior to you that they can keep their older games running without issue and you cannot? Perhaps you should research this for the few remaining titles you have left on this planet.

    While the players are in the mindset of closures, can you please tell us the next title/service that is being killed?
    Hiladdar, Oxgoad and Caell like this.
  16. Caell Augur

    I'm at a loss as to how Columbus Nova is making any money off this deal, when they keep killing titles and reducing staff until there's nothing left.
  17. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    LoN reportedly shutting down implies that the monthly 5 free LoN Packs will no longer be offered.

    I feel like the 5 monthly LoN packs was/is a major selling point for non-Krono All Access subscription. For the price for subscription, you can get a shot at loot equivalent of $15 MSRP of LoN packs. This is huge perk.

    Will a monthly claim or grant of x Number of "Legend of the ------" (LoN Prizes) be offered in its place? Since a monthly claim of 5 LoN packs for Debt of the Ratonga, Fall of the Estraim, and Drakkinshard yields at least 1-2 loots - at least 1 "Legend of the ------" prize pack should be offered.
    Rivitt likes this.
  18. Laorne New Member

    I would like to know the answer to this also. I'd be for adding the lon items to the store and paying subscribers get extra station cash to what is currently offered which is 500.
  19. Your_Ad_Here Augur

    From the main post link, looks like they'll put the loot from the packs to be gotten by other means.

    EDIT: From RadarX

    Personally, I think they'll just leave All Access getting 500DBC a month and that's that. LoN loot cards becoming another cash grab like XP potions on Phinigel. LOL
  20. Versifier Elder

    Rivitt and Oxgoad like this.