Sense Heading - Progression Server Changes

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roshen, Apr 29, 2016.

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  1. Trackanon Elder

    I like this idea a lot.
    Finchy and Caroo like this.
  2. Weebles Augur

    Finchy and Caroo like this.
  3. Glowerss Augur

    Merging GoD and OoW is still a horrifically bad idea, and I still feel some clarification or reversal on this decision would be good sooner rather than later. There are still a great many people who are very anxious about this and would appreciate knowing sooner rather than later.
    Finchy likes this.
  4. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    If DBG sticks with the normal Velious Time Frame, and adds the extra time before PoP entirely to Luclin (and abolishes the GoD+OoW abomination) Phinny would actually be a server that I think I could convince many of my friends that stopped playing to return. I know quite a few that loved the Vah'shir race and would come back if they had time to catch up and actually experience the content before rushing on.
  5. Weverley Augur

    I'm pessimistic about people who quit at the first snag.Don't see people like that staying in the long term. As soon as content gonna start to be a bit difficult i see them just leaving again.
  6. Finchy Augur

    1000% this.
  7. Finchy Augur

    it's not a "snag" it's removing one of the greatest expansions from the server. I've been loyal to this game for over 16 years, i've seen more "snags" than I can count and i'm still here. May want to revisit your choice of words there.
  8. Weverley Augur

    The question is how far into easy mode will it take to keep people playing. Those that have already quit because they couldn't continue the grind past the low 30s might be people who are use to get everything into a silver platter.Everquest even if they remove PoTM might not be friendly enough for them.
  9. Machen New Member

    I am still playing on Fippy after 5 years, hardly the kind of person who quits at the first snag. And this is not the first snag.
    Finchy likes this.
  10. Nolrog Augur

    IMO, the real issue isn't how long we'll be in Velious or Luclin but the idea to open GoD and OOW together. I think that's a terrible idea and trivializes GoD; people will go right to the OOW trials and getting into Anguish and maybe raid GoD once or twice for a few best in slot items.
    Finchy likes this.
  11. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    6 months of PoP. Don't forget 6 months of PoP.
  12. TowerDefense Augur

    I really dont mind 6 months of pop. It will give me time to actually make an alt.... maybe... probably not.
  13. Finchy Augur

    I don't recall Roshen saying 6 months of PoP....i see people suggesting it instead of other options...
  14. taliefer Augur

    from the sticky: On Phinigel, twelve weeks after Planes of Power & Legacy of Ykesha unlocks, Lost Dungeons of Norrath will open to players. Gates of Discord and Omens of War will be twelve weeks after Lost Dungeons of Norrath.

    ldon is apparently worthy of its own 12 week session, but GoD is not. cause logic
  15. Realitycheck Elder

    You'll have plenty of places to level/farm too because the server will be dead just like Fippy was after 4-5 months of raiding PoTime until their eyes bled, too.
  16. Finchy Augur

    ahhh thats what they are referring to...yeah makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Let's all just forget about one of the best expansions in the game for no justifiable reason...
  17. Adonhiram Augur

    Just out of curiosity, I remember PoP progression long time ago (on AB server) to be tedious long and difficult for an average guild, why was it significantly quicker on Vulak and Fippy ? Because people already knew the raid strats and the game mechanisms ?
  18. TowerDefense Augur

    Yes. The fights are very easy nowadays, i would imagine with instances, you would see quarm killed by the end of the second day.
  19. TowerDefense Augur

    Except on fippy you were still competing for mobs if you werent yet in potime. You would be amazed how long a server could last when theres zero competition needed between guilds.
  20. Adonhiram Augur

    Ok, makes sense, thanks )
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