New players - pick a knight if you aren't a boxer

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Time Burner 2, Feb 18, 2016.

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  1. sojero One hit wonder

    Quickest casting hott, good agro, decent heal, low mana cost. Great spell for when others are on cooldown or need to conserve mana over admonish.
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    Ok heres the thing about Push Mechanics its based on the damage of the hit.

    I can channel a 1.8s cast group heal with 10 Lblues on me, it doesn't mean i Can channel it with a single 70k hitter on me.

    Infact in the latter scenario its unlikely i will channel it ever.
    Elricvonclief and Xanathol like this.
  3. Brohg Augur

    1.8 sec cast group heal is not intended for use with a 70k hitter on you. This fictitious scenario confuses no one. Channeling a 0.25s agro or 0.25s self heal spell, on the other hand - probably not subject to the same interrupts, since melee rounds are ~2s apart, eh? Let's keep the conversation above board.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    I have been interrupted casting a .5s cast heal as well and .3s cast. Also I was using my example to explain how Swarming is different than Main tanking. And my most useful heals are closer to 1s cast which is easy to have land in the middle of a mob round, Which results in interrupt.

    Edit: also yes melee rounds are roughly 1.8s apart or 2s whatever, heres the thing Trying to fit in HOTTS or Lifetaps between GCD and casting sufficient aggro means I cannot "time" out or count out the rounds So every heal i need gets cast during a the magical 1.8s of lull in damage.

    Furthermore Paladins have no .25s cast aggro So i am not even sure what your referencing. We have 1 instant: Force of Disruption, Everything else is .4s or higher.
    Elricvonclief, Xeladom and Xanathol like this.
  5. Zarzac Augur

    Thanks, I've been arguing this for SK's for a decade, I don't think the dev's share your logic. That, or they don't think we should life-tap while tanking.
    Elricvonclief, Xeladom and Xanathol like this.
  6. Nightops Augur

    healing and utility and DPS....oh my. (if anyone gets that word play, you grew up up in the 80s in the western PA area).

    But anyway... you make it sound like paladins are doing all 3 of these at the same time... but wait.. isn't healing considered a utility when the class is a hybrid? wouldn't casting spells for additional dps be a utility also since the majority of dps comes from our weapon? So I guess it's down to just 2 now. But wait.. healing and dps at the same time... hum ?!~@? Maybe I'm just doing the whole paladin thing wrong... when I focus on healing... I know the floor drops and my dps sinks. The same thing seems to happen to my healing numbers when I try to focus on dps via spells. But I guess I'm doing it wrong and should listen to what the warriors believe paladins can do all the time, at any time.
  7. Dre. Altoholic

    You're 80 years late on that one.
    Your inference is not my implication.
  8. Brohg Augur

    You mean with the buff taps? Yeah, if a fight's going longer than their buffs last there's an issue for SK. Fighting spells should be castable in fights. Shaman Lion buff had this issue basically forever, until their "dicho" replaced the spell line.
  9. Mistatk Augur

    What you don't seem to grasp, is warriors cannot back out from a fight and cast buffs. or cast heals. or heal themself. Or cast dps spells. Warriors can only tank, so with the knights tanking equally to them, there is really no reason for a new player to create a warrior now. But yes, i grasp a knight gets to make trade offs on tanking/healing/dps'ing, but warriors don't make a trade off they are only able to tank. Anyhow, now some knights will say I just don't get how "any of this works".
  10. Gr8fuldave Augur

    Good grief are y'all still arguing about this? Let it go and move on!
  11. Zehn Lorekeeper

    Thought you established this a long time ago. There is no reason for you to play your warrior anymore, even though, according to the freelance website (well 90% for the last 90 days), you haven't missed many a raid tanking with your warrior since you created this thread. Pretty sure you said a couple of times you were off playing a paladin now, right? So what's the truth? Here's a truth. Some people just want to tank, they don't want to back off, cast buffs, cast heals, or heal themselves. Some do it so they don't have to deal with so many moving parts. You stand there preaching the game has changed, and it hasn't changed one iota, for any tank playing the game. All this thread has the capability of doing is screwing the game over for the lesser geared, or group play only paladins/SK's. Adding the stances did not improve my raid play, my raid role, or my group play.

    You really don't know how any of this works. Your like a little kid screaming because only you can wear red, and didn't realize red should be available to anyone who wanted to wear it. All this thread is showing is that people will no matter what you do, how you do it, or why you do it. You'd if we all gave you million dollars in 5 dollar bills because the suitcase was too heavy. Not one solution offered up on this site is worthy of your consideration, short of taking something away from the knights. Why is that? All the while, real warriors are busting their trying to help defend you, and add real ideas to this thread, and your useless additions are all about me, me, me.
    Nightops, Xanathol and shik like this.
  12. Mistatk Augur

    Lol. Paladin says why is warrior complaining that paladins got copy pasted warrior stances. What are you even trying to say? that warriors pick warrior cuz they dont feel like having the burden of being able to heal people. How about this, who I am, or what I do, or what class I play, has 0 bearing on whether the tank classes in EQ are balanced or not. Your just another con artist trying to pull the wool over everyones eyes. You dont want to discuss whether copy pasteing warrior stances onto knights is a good game balance design, so you try to make it about the individuals bringing up the issue. Yeah, there is 1000 different ways they could boost warriors to make up for this imbalance, for years and years warriors have been suggesting ideas, you know what we got from all those ideas? STANCES. and that was all. So please dont even pretend like you understand the situation. Aren't you the clown who said you don't care if all warriors quit eq, it doesnt affect you one bit? Do i need to find what you said and quote it directly. Your here to do nothing but try to change the topic off whether or not this was a good change to the game. Luckily people as a whole are not that dumb, and even people new to the situation quickly figure out what is going on here.
  13. Mistatk Augur

    Maybe you should consider they are trying to salvage the warrior class that they play, and that nobody cares about me. Lol "real warriors". So, I'm not real enough to feel this was a poorly done change? lol . Your a troll not even much worth responding to. If what you feel is this was a well done change, and that the classes are in balance, then state that, instead of making your petty little personal attacks.
  14. Triconix Augur

    We do?

    Field Protector is really only useful for the MT which benefits 1 person at a one and the odds are it's the warrior casting it. Maybe if warriors were grouped with off tanks, but that's fairly rare. So we're talking about a "group" buff affecting maybe 1-2 people at most.

    Imperator's Command - 1 of every 3 minutes. It's nice but it's not really all that beneficial besides tanks for the hp/ac. The 400 mana regen and small endurance regen is ok, but there are stacking limitations so it's not like healers get the full 400 mana regen benefit.

    Imperator's Charge - If you're using Command you wont be using this. Plus this gives about a .1 sec cast time benefit to my necro whenever I use it. Again, almost useless. It does nothing beneficial for melee if they have any form of haste on which is like 100% of the time on raids and 99.99% in groups.

    What are these many buffs that we get besides these three?
  15. sojero One hit wonder

    there are 2 imperator's, and field protector and ac aura. That is more than sk gives to their group. We have an ac one that doesn't stack with yours and our epic. I did forget that the 3rd imperator is on the mob. Also just because it isn't useful all the time doesn't mean that it doesn't count.
  16. Makavien Augur

    Buffs are buffs not really utility debuffing cc things that other classes do that you can do outside of tanking is utility we cast these while tanking to tank better or to dps better both already within our class design. Utility - useful, especially through being able to perform several functions.

    We don't perform several functions we perform 3.
    Your utility is fd pulling and cc via snare .Unless you want to count all your debuffs?

    You also realize you can use 1 of the 3 every 3 minutes and they last 1 minute right?
  17. Zehn Lorekeeper

    NO, I am the clown that has said since his first post, I am going to play a paladin no matter what they do to the class, and will play it even if all the warriors decide to quit playing. Learn how to READ. I played a paladin through Kunark when the only way you could get a group as a paladin was if a WARRIOR was in the group and could tank. I will play a paladin EVEN if they take away the stances you seem to think I am embracing. I don't give up on my class just because it got nerfed. Zehn's birthday in game is March 25th, 1999. I will ride out whatever waves they throw at me, just like I have since the game released. I like challenges, apparently you like being spoon fed your ability. LOL .. I dont know what going on? You're promoting giving up on your own class, and actually telling people not to populate it because your butt is hurt. All because you seem to think you are losing something because someone else gained. According to your logic, Donald Trump is no longer filthy rich because Bill Gates passed him up on the Forbes list of people with the most money.

    I will say it again, it doesnt affect me one bit ... I will play a PALADIN in whatever state DBG puts the class in, I wont about the end of days, and will just trudge forward like I have since day one. Stop putting words into peoples mouth because you feel you have some enlightend sense of reason on the subject. SO I WILL SAY IT AGAIN .. I WILL NEVER RE-ROLL MY PALADIN, EVEN IF ALL THE WARRIORS QUIT. This is the 3rd time now I've tried to make your thick skull understand. I never said I did not care if they quit, I said I am going to play a paladin even if they all quit ... DO YOU GET THE DIFFERENCE?

    I will save you the time, looking for the post. Did I say I really don't care what happens to the warrior class? Yes I did. But you don't seem to be embracing what happened to mine either. Did I say I was going to play a paladin until the game sunsets? Yes I did.

    So I will ask, where did I say I don't care if they quit?
  18. Sindaiann Augur

    Lets hit 100 pages of incessant horsecrap!
  19. sojero One hit wonder

    You forgot kiting!
  20. Nightops Augur

    guess you didn't get the sarcasm.
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