- Now Tracking Epic 1.0 Server Firsts

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Machen, Mar 4, 2016.

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  1. Crackers Augur

    Actually EoE wasn't 2nd guild per Phinny Kills. MIM was.

    I can agree with most of your power rankings Grug, except for EoE. You give them entirely too much credit. They haven't even beat MotM Gore yet. They don't belong in the top 5, let alone being in the same breath as AoS, MIM and OGC.
  2. Vaclav Augur

    With *'s and whatever - 100% cleared VP tonight for IV. Not that it matters for official tracking.

    With some modicum of luck on tooth count this Sunday split VP might be plausible next week.
  3. Dranix Augur

    I'd like to talk more about this, can we get some more details here?
  4. thisguyisnotreal New Member

    Heh, So IVAS couldn't down Hoshkar and Nexxona until after other guilds killed those significantly harder bosses. EoE had to have a group of AoS come in to help them down VP and they still can't seem to down Gore.

    Seems to me that your rankings are pretty off there Machen. It shouldn't go by who killed PD by date (considering the only reason IVAS beat MiM and Resolute is because they raid on Tuesday and MiM/Reso raid on Thurs) and then they couldn't even down Hoshkar and Nexxona, but somehow they are better than both MiM/Reso? lol. If you want to look at Epics IVAS got 0 and EoE got 1.

    If you go by the dragons that are actual somewhat of a minimal challenge then the rankings of guild strength really should be closer to: AoS, OGC, MiM, Resolute, IVAS, and EoE.
  5. Vaclav Augur

    By the same token as the rumored "AoS helping EoE", IV was one of the only (or maybe the only?) guilds that didn't receive free Trak teeth to help get bodies into VP. Do you see any of us seriously lobbying for adjusting rankings of those that benefited lower? No - because that would be stupid and petty.

    Machen bases his "rankings" on things that can be easily verified - the serverwides. Everything else could be mucked with very easily by opinion or dishonesty.
  6. EQvet Elder

    I heard there were just as many AoS as there were EoE in EoEs first VP raid, not just 1 if having even 1 non guildie isn't shameful enough lol. Sup EoE?
  7. Glowerss Augur

    As far as I can tell (and I'm sure Machen will correct me if I'm wrong), but it's less rankings and more just sorted stuff by who killed what on what dates. Based on past statements, I don't think he's particularly concerned with "rankings", but rather historical data.

    OGC also farmed all their own Trak teeth.
  8. Dranix Augur

    That would be rather amusing. Wasn't EoE talking all sorts of about how great they were and how they'd beat so and so into whateverzone training, stealing, and acting like general bags to make it happen?

    I mean.. if they went that far and weren't even able to do it themselves I think the irony would be so delicious .. I might just have to die. I dont think I could go on the rest of my life unable to experience something that wonderful for the first time again.
  9. -wycca Augur

    We've done all of that, multiple times, probably with a few people less too - it's pretty common for us, so we don't think of it as anything out of the ordinary. I'm glad you're proud of your accomplishment though - grats.
  10. Dranix Augur

    I can look at it a lot of different ways and the vast majority of them say you're wrong.

    I honestly have nothing but respect for OGC on this server. Its previous iteration was a different story but you guys have done extremely well. I think Velious will tell a different story but you guys are solidly number 2 right now.
  11. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    Poor guy doesn't realize that was done before he even had his first VP raid.
  12. Tulgin Augur

    Any guild that killed open world Trak should be removed from the leaderboards, because it destroys balance. It's like having a 100m sprint race with 1 player representing each guild, but one guild has 7 players in the race. Remove and Ban.
  13. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    Where did all these rumors come from? EoE has never had AoS members on our raids.. ever. EoE has beat every boss with Motm. EoE doesn't care what other guilds think about us. We're a tried and tested TLP raid force, we're on a casual server, being casual. Just so happens us being casual ranks us higher then some others being hardcore. /shrug. Do you really think we haven't killed motm VS just because we didn't bother to get it updated? just like gore?
  14. bodes Augur

    You had two trak kills (3/11, 3/18) before the PD kill. People can either believe that you had multiple AOS groups in raid (as confirmed by multiple sources in your guild) OR they can believe that EOE suddenly became good enough to do 20 man VP.
  15. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    I'd like to hear from your sources please. My source (me) is confirming no AoS has ever been on any of our raids.
  16. Ducreux Augur

    First I'm hearing of AoS raiding with EoE. I'll stab PD for you if you guarantee me a robe though. ;)
  17. Wintermalo Augur

    Having 7 more people in the race doesn't make the other runners slower tho. What a terrible analogy.
  18. Vaclav Augur

    I thought so, but wasn't 100%.
  19. AnonFrog01 Journeyman

    Lol. This thread is hilarious. Can you make it so phinny kills compares size too?
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  20. bodes Augur

    The entire point of Phinigel was to make open world raiding an irrelevant side show. If you wanted anyone to be impressed by your batphone response times you should have gone to Ragefire instead. They have a competitive open world environment someone might be impressed by mobilization, but you certainly won't find that here
    Zhuge Liang and Finchy like this.
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