Add Undead Dragongut Strings to non-UDB Trakanon Please...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Soon, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. GhostbustersII Elder

    It isn't a contest but honestly the bard epic is on par with most epics out there. I can honestly say that the bard epic is fairly balanced and in the mix with most epics out there.

    The folks are trying to make the bard epic go into the Easy category and I just don't agree with that. Maybe double the spawn rate of the BG and UDB would be ok but making UDB/BG spawn in instances or making Trakanon/ct drop the pieces they used to would make both epics some of the easiest epics to get.
  2. Tierdal Augur

    But we should get buffed cuz we underpowered still, right? :p
  3. Bewts Augur

    So when is DBG going to start selling level 60 heroic characters with epics on the Care Bear Server?
    GhostbustersII likes this.
  4. GhostbustersII Elder

    I am all about balance.

    I think the epics that are handed to people should be made a little more difficult and the ones that are extremely tough could be toned down a bit.
    I don't think someone who has a middle of the road difficulty epic should be starting a forum post to try to make their epic faceroll easy.

    It's the same way I think about classes.
    Getting a mez that could mez level 57s (or higher) would help to balance out who can actually CC in a group and not force every single group and their mother to get an enchanter in their group for CC in higher level camps.
  5. GhostbustersII Elder

  6. Mysteweave Lorekeeper

    I would say druid is easy. VSR has never been -that- hard anywhere ever. Faydedar is spawned or real world or instanced, so got no competition there really. Only really hard bit is getting a jade reaver. Honestly. I'd rather do druid epic like 20 times over the enchanter one any day of the week. I've done druid epic twice and neither time felt that it was exceptionally 'hard' or even medium hard. Though the corrupted/tainted seahorse is a pain in the , its the only one of those that causes a problem due to its location and difficulty of getting people to go there, and it sucks to solo.
  7. GuardDorko New Member

    I think the biggest thing with UDB is that he only spawns once a day and guilds with bards who already have all the guts from him are just spawning him for more chest pieces everyday.
    Soon likes this.
  8. Spooky Augur

    Exactly. NO other epic fight that is contested in open world like this has that problem. It really isn't comparable to any other epic and the people who are doing so don't understand the issue.

    This absolutely needs to be addressed. There have been a multitude of posts on this issue and I demand that a developer/CM responds.
  9. Soon Augur

    As soon as someone start to sell the perma-camped strings for 20kronos.
  10. yerm Augur

    Bard and wiz epics actually involve reasonable competition and teamwork-involved fights. Enc/sk are just bs bottlenecks. Others are just pure raids, or camps, or otherwise a time=epic formula. Bard and wiz are the way all epics should be.
  11. Soon Augur

    Tell me how bard epic can get into the easy category by adding the strings to real Trak.
  12. GhostbustersII Elder

    So the same way the warrior epic is "easy"
    Warrior epic requires 3 dragon scales but the scales are so easy to get on this server and there are so many of them around that they are a non factor.
    The Backbone isn't hard to get you can 3 man him. It's probably one of the harder things to get if you don't consider you had the last 4 months to farm it.
    The Guts are a non-factor since they are all solo content and no major very long camps there unless you get extremely unlucky.

    So there is a non-factor, something not easy but from an easy mob, and another non factor.

    Than there is UDB. They only truly tough highly contested thing in the epic.
  13. Pseudofate Augur

    Shaman epic is clearly the hardest. Everyone everywhere has ADD nowadays and you have to sit still for 30 minutes.
    Rhiyannon and Vaclav like this.
  14. Soon Augur

    So, from your logic, Mage, Cleric, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior, Necro, Ranger, Druid, Pally, SK, Monk epics are all easy, because there is no truly tough highly contested thing in the epics. So am I too demanding to get bards fixed to be similar to others?
  15. Kiani Augur

    Not if you do the cheesy faction shortcut.
    Vaclav likes this.
  16. Kiani Augur

    He can actually spawn more often, but yes, he can be farmed like this for Trak BPs. The original intent for having the undead bard version drop a BP was to provide a reward/incentive for helping bards with their epics.

    I posted in another thread a suggested solution for this.

    - Remove Trak BP drop from undead bard triggered Trak. Add blazing armour of Fennin Ro items instead (like the drops from Ragefire, ixiblat fer) as incentive rewards instead.

    - Put the extra BP back on the normal Trak, and instanced versions. So the real, hard Trak drops 2 again.

    - Increase Trak spawn timer slightly, to be in line with other Kunark dragons. (Not relevant to the thread in hand, but to balance out the numbers of BPs entering the world through non instanced means).
  17. Soon Augur

    Just now. 5a.m. EST, Five individuals the spawn of UBD. And if it spawns, they will still need to wake people up to mobilize and kill it. This is beyond ridiculous.
  18. -wycca Augur

    I've got good news for you and everyone else talking about UDB spawning only once per day. Guess what? He spawns 2x/day on average on Phinnie. :rolleyes:
    GhostbustersII likes this.
  19. Spooky Augur

    So the people without jobs or families or lives can farm him for their friends who do.


    Where does that get the rest of us?
  20. Gemdiver New Member

    Buying and farming krono to pay people for your epics I presume is the DBG-preferred response.