Server Downtime: Weds, Nov 18 @ 7AM PST

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Morningdew Lorekeeper

    Every day for the next 2 months. Good luck to all of those who play (attempt to play) from 8-12 am pst.
  2. Riou EQResource

    I imagine it wont be until probably 1st or 2nd week of December
  3. Aaliyahkenz Journeyman

  4. Bandien Elder

  5. Leshana New Member

    I think it's that they have to take down the TLP servers, for a patch that doesn't even concern the players there, even more when you have to pay to be on TLP!
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Because only TLP servers pay, your delusional.

    Try as you like there are plenty of other servers that pay. Wait people on TLP bought the Broken Mirror expansion for that nice bag....blame them.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  7. Wizdons Augur

    expansions do not only patch expansions things. sometimes changes are made across the board..

    TLP is the same client as Live and has to be patched.
  8. baenre New Member

    doesn't make sense why they would bring down those servers I must say

    as you say TLP is nothing to do with this expansion
  9. Silv Augur

    It makes complete sense and is explained in two sentences in the post above yours.

    OMG TLP IS DOWN FOR 5 HOURS. This is surely a crisis and deeply cuts into the 3 - 6 months of Kunark remaining (that was finished in 5 days :rolleyes:). In case TLP forgot, the Live servers crowdfunded your little time bubbles and if you want to maintain them / see more you depend on the reluctant donations from the actual masses (ie. purchasing expansions and subs).
  10. Quuq Apprentice

    There's only one thing to do when you think something is a bunch of asterisks, and that's to use the server downtime to set up a TLP vs. Live Thunderdome face-off.

    Two bot teams enter. One bot team leaves. The winners take home a life-sized cardboard cutout of Firiona Vie with Mel Gibson's face plastered on it.
  11. sumoldguy New Member

    Wow, I see a glimmer of brains out there, then a guy like this comes along..
    TLP is forced to pay monthly, Live is FTP... so tell me how live funded our little time bubble now?
  12. Silv Augur

    Gee... please tell me how something that didn't exist paid for itself to be developed before it existed?! That's some awesome logic. TLP people like you are living in some fantasy world where you think the majority of people on Live are F2P or don't make purchases in the market to expand their access. So yes... let's talk about the glimmer, er, sorry- dim brain logic you've presented.

    Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that the majority of Live players pay a sub (and we're not even "forced")! I honestly don't understand how you people are so disillusioned.

    Anyhow, welcome to EverQuest- you must be new here.
  13. sumoldguy New Member

    BY all means go ahead and purchase your bi anual expansion for 20 bux.
    Thank you so much for funding us..

    You realize that most people on TLP have an average of 4 accounts? that's bout 50 bux a month x12 = 600 a year... x2 = 1200 bi anual... woot! thanks for buying that expac, dumb :)

    Whatever would we have done with out you kids :)
  14. Warpeace Augur

    According to this post from the TLP side we are doomed here on the other servers.

  15. Silv Augur

    I'm glad you finally came to your senses and can show some appreciation.

    But really... did you pull these numbers from the monthly DBG financial report? Must have missed that. It also seems math is hard for you.

    Here, I can do this too: I have 6 paid accounts on Live, 3 which purchased the new xpac (one collector + 2 regular so that's $140 just with that) and most of my guildies have 3+ accounts who also got the expac.

    Let's just look at the past two years though for me: (3 expansions at approx $35 so $105 x 6 accounts) + [(24 months x $15)x 6 accounts] + approx ~$150 in SC purchases = oh wow... almost $3000! :rolleyes: So yes, Live does fund your toxic waste dump. You're welcome.

    ps. We don't have bi-annual $20 content releases. Maybe you should learn about the actual game.

    Oh man... that's definitely a sign the game is ending! We can't survive without those subscription fees!
  16. sumoldguy New Member

  17. Dropfast Augur

    OMG! 78 people left! According to sumtardguy's math that's like a billion dollars! The Regular servers are doomed I tell ya! I love this TPL mentality.

    Reality Check > The TLP servers would not exist at all if their wasn't us true players paying for all our accounts for the past 14 years. I've put way way more money into this game than any TLP person has over the past 14 years, So please tell me again how your so special because you JUST started paying for the game this past year while I've been here paying for 14 years.... ???
  18. Silv Augur

    I read if you keep doing that you might be able to knock some sense into yourself. Let us know how it works out. You've still got 3 hours till servers are up!

    Logic has no place here.
  19. Sindaiann Augur

    Hey Silv, you can pay for my account too. I have 4 kids to feed!
  20. Zaviere Augur

    TL(OL)P players have some of the biggest egos I have ever seen :confused: