Unlock Polls on TLP in October

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tudadar, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Puurfectly1234 New Member

    The vote to unlock early will pass this time around because all the casual people already left due to the toxic environment. Just look at the tunnel in EC. its empty.
    Agrippa likes this.
  2. Semah Augur

    Odd. I'd have said that 6 weeks makes sense for LoY, but nothing else? I'm not sure why 3 month kunark must necessarily mean 6 weeks later. Very confusing, and very limited options.

    Also too bad the system doesn't allow multiple options. That way we could get a lot of different options and select the ones that we'd be happy with.
  3. Hasty Blades Journeyman

    I'll agree with previous posts. Opening kunark 1 month early isn't horrible as long as it doesn't lead to the old slippery slope and end up opening too many later expansions early. I was always a proponent of setting Lockjaw at 6 months and just leaving it. My preference would be open Kunark on Jan 1st, Velious July 1st and just keep rolling them out in that pattern accordingly. The mini content adds like LoY and such throw them in after a couple months.
    Simone likes this.
  4. Zublak Augur

    Please keep in mind, a lot of players also coming Ragefire did not come here because it was 6 month lockouts for Classic. Some of us did not want to open other expansions early. Personally I prefer 3 months Classic and 3 months Kunark with 6 months up to GoD and then 3 month GoD and up. I also wanted to continue playing with my guild and friends who had planned to move. So you do not know what other people are thinking. I can think of 30ish+ players that have already quit because they're bored with Classic. Some may come back in Kunark, others may have already found interest in another game.

    I for one am very excited about finally having a chance to move on from Classic.
    Korzu likes this.
  5. Vlorg Augur

    remember some of the stuff after GoD ( for the few of you who plan to play after GoD anyway) are pretty small ( 6month per expansion back then).

    Just think of prophecy of Ro... you arn't spending 3 months in that...
  6. Korzu New Member

    I voted yes on the Kunark vote on Lockjaw. This vote really needs to pass.

    If you're thinking about voting no, consider the state of the server and economy. Lots of players have stopped playing or moved to RF. Top guilds want to kill each other. Prices on most items have free-fallen over the last 2 weeks. Now, consider the state of the server and economy if the vote fails!

    Prices are already slipping even more with the threat of Kunark in 10 days. I've seen more big-ticket items for sale this morning than the whole of this last week because people are panicked that the value of their items, instead of slowly falling over the next 7 weeks, may drop off a cliff in 10 days. Consider this slide, then imagine what the economy going to be like for 6 more weeks after the slide.

    How many players who voted yes are going to play for those 6 weeks if the vote fails and Ragefire is going into Velious?

    If you think the state of LJ is bad now and may be bad for the next 7 weeks, if this vote fails it'll be much worse than if we never had a vote at all.

    Just food for thought.
  7. Druss New Member

    What a joke. I feel like I wasted my time signing back in to everquest. The server was advertised as progression with a set voting period. I paid money to have it that way. Now because a bunch of people have no life outside of EQ and want to 'have it their way' all of the content is now being rushed to release? @#$% you and #$%# your desires. It's not a race, there is NO PRIZE at the end of this rat race. And if you want all the content there are a few FREE servers that can do it for you. To say that you will lose players if they don't hurry releases is a lie. The people maxed out will come back at release and play it 24/7 until they finished all the content, then start whining again for more attention to their OCD issues. Addicts will always come back for more trying to fill the void. Period. I want the option of playing through at a rate where there are still other people in the zone. The biggest draw for a lot people in EQ was the community including the one outside of your circle of friends. Yes there are contested spawns, yes it sucks sometimes, but it is also some of what made EQ rewarding. If I wanted to be spoon fed I'd be playing WoW, maybe some of you should go there.

    With great contempt,

    Not an OCD gamer
  8. Eliseus Augur

    If your entire guild wanted 3 month lockouts, you should of gone to ragefire.... period. There is no and/ifs/whats/buts.
    Yinla likes this.
  9. Zublak Augur

    Sir, I came from Ragefire.
  10. Zublak Augur

    I have a life outside of EQ. I voted yes for early Kunark. Thank you for your kind words of judgement however.
  11. Nemesis New Member

    Gulfein and his merry band of modest man tried to steal from the rich (FI) but because the rich had too much deeps they gave up and decided to steal from the poor instead (other guilds).

    Gulfein claimed his actions against the poor were warranted because the poor failed to rise up against the elite (FI).


    1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
  12. Jaxarale01 Augur

    Seriously... every freaking thread you guys bring your dumb into... enough is enough already.
  13. Porygon Augur

    What does this have to do with votes for expansions.
  14. JustAQuestion Elder

    yeah could we go back to the OP?
  15. MMOer Augur

    I left RF because I didnt want to be on a 3mo server. Could care less about Kunark or Velious. Just dont wants steamroll through all expansions and every poll I see put RF majority wanting 3mo expansions after kunark and LJ wanting 6+ months per after kunark.

    IMO they were idiots for starting with Just classic.
  16. Simone Augur

    Many of us like classic. If a server isn't going to start at classic then I would prefer one that started at Luclin so we would at least have aas so that it wouldn't be so easy to max out exp.
  17. Tris Augur

    the vomunity is not realy toxic though. Considering we are on the internet, i would say most are very well behaved.
  18. Zublak Augur

    This was also one of the deciding factors for me as well. I have thought 3 months of Classic was plenty a the current rate of how easy it is to level and gear. However, I didn't want to be on a server where all the expansions time frames were cut in half. I wouldn't mind 6 months of a few expansions. I was very optimistic that LJ would get out of Classic before 6 months. So I hope the vote passes. Personally i hope we see another vote after about 3 months of Kunark. As for the rest of the expansions up to GoD (aside from the obvious ldon/loy) 6 months would be just fine.
  19. Tudadar Augur

    I think if this poll passes and kunark unlocks early then all of the other expansions will unlock early as well ( if given the poll ) minus GoD I believe ( too many will want to stay in PoP I think )

    If the majority votes to unlock faster ( and its a legit poll and not shady ) I dont see the majority not wanting to keep going. Nowadays with all the upgrades etc expansions and even levelling are finished super fast.

    When people realize theyre 60 ( after probably at least one dbl exp in 3 months ) and theres nothing to do but try to farm kronos theyll want velious.

    I expect a few guilds to fight over trak/vp
    VS/sev second tier that guilds will want to kill
    Gore/Talendor probably not too contested or sought after

    Vox/Nag I expect to go to box armies
    Inny not sure if too many care about inny
    CT Not sure what will happen to CT possibly box armies that couldnt get vox/nag level up and try to farm CT or guilds mobilize it but dont think it will be waited on unless box armies.

    Velious adds no levels/AA People love velious because of what it was back in the day but I dont believe it will keep them satisfied for long.

    Luclin has AA's but people will want PoP

    PoP I think could last the entire six months but dont see more then this lasting.

    Guilds really have a huge chunk of the vote. When a guild is blocked theyll just hope to open the next expansion so they can do the old content with an advantage that they probably need ( either from levels or spells or gear or AA's )

    The problem with pre server polls is most of the people that vote on them quit very soon into progression (within the first year I would say) and people that actually play them want something different. Progression servers lose pop every month with people quitting and then it becomes a boring wait for the next progression server. I doubt more then a few hundred people plan to see this through to current and when a new one is launched because thats what tons want and it makes DBG a ton of easy cash then lots leave the old one for the new.
  20. Poydras Augur

    Yeah you like grinding oot goblins for a week on the same little island for each char you level up? Personally I was sick of it before the server even opened.

    I don't think he was saying he or everyone else dislikes classic. Just that there's only limited content in it. These servers launched with huge enthusiasm and excitement, Daybreak needs to keep that going. These polls are them trying to do that. Though I'd rather they did it other ways personally.