DBG has suspended Overrated guild members for not complying with a player-made rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Voide, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Auraphex New Member

    Glass houses, etc. Plug your first post (or anything you've written -- you could use a work email if you're employed) into a grade level calculator. It might be an enlightening experience! I'm here to help.
  2. PlaceholderName_01 New Member

    It's like the giving a hall monitor a firearm and a license to kill
  3. vaio007 Elder

    Hopefully being [correctly] banned for breaking the rules was as enlightening for you. :oops: Maybe you can help yourself to another hobby for 7 days.

    Having a super low IQ means you struggle with comprehension despite the text being readable (re: everything you've posted). The fact that I can construct readable sentences isn't a glass house, it's a sledgehammer to your would-be attempt at coherent thought.

    The message still stands. Anyone with functioning vision is aware from simply reading the thread that you knew exactly what you were doing and chose to do it anyway. No one is fooled by your bewildering intellectual circuity. Suck it up and troll at your own risk because apparently they will act on it. Is that a low enough grade level for you to comprehend or should I get out the red and yellow cubes? :p *Fisher Price school bell rings*
  4. Auraphex New Member

    The lady doth protest too much. Move on, you don't have an original thought.
  5. Zhutuak Augur

    This, this out of everything else that has been given as a reason as to why isle 1-4 should be rotated is really the only good reason as to why this should be done. However, at this point in time, two if the most notorious mage box teams are MIA, Tulkas and Smooth. Besteva and Tuddadar are around but at least Besteva gives out rots and both try to work with others to preserve themselves somewhat. I know there are many other mage crews, I just do not know of any actively competing for anything other than Hate/SolB efreeti/Rokyl/Phinny.

    I would suggest we push for a vote provided the no bot/box server happens. If it does, I would like to see LJ become the hybrid server with no 3rd party. Allow transfer to Ragefire for 3rd party users, Rage can always xfer to LJ for whatever reason and the no box/bot server will have its own player base. This could solve some issues, like on LJ you would no longer have mage armies competing for spawns, just boxers like myself who actually do the work.

    This being said, I keep saying open PART of sky, not the whole thing, through the qualifying mob. If it actually gets to the point that a small group (guild or raid) is able to accomplish isle four and feels they can actually kill rotated content, then it will be time for the rotation to revisit if there will be a mandatory number of members to join the rotation or not. I understand why you might, to make it as fair as possible for everyone involved in the rotation, makes sense.

    Opening isles 1-4 helps others w/ differing play styles experience the content while still having that same content plus additional available to the more serious raiders. It is more fair for everyone and the various play styles.

    This is why people are not cooperating with you, there has been no compromise or any sort of movement towards this sort of solution.
  6. Zhutuak Augur

    Sorry, in the above post it is obvious I do not know what I was talking about w/ Rage -> LJ xfer. That obviously can not happen. I have been reading some since I have posted, apparently some of the mage boxes have already moved to Rage?
  7. Croak Augur

    It is nothing to do with IQ but access to information

    The rotation guilds are acting on information like this shared in a private thread

    Posted late 20th August PST in Rotation Council private thread
    Lets see where that nugget of very important information is posted for everyone to see.


    Oh whoops, it looks like that particular piece of very important information that the rotation guilds are using to "execute" guilds has only been posted once.
    Where, in this thread after the suspensions happened, by me!!!

    Where should it be posted? Maybe right at the top of the Lockjaw rotation thread


    There are a ton of other snippets that are only eventually appearing on the forums when something extreme happens - sometimes they appear as images so they are not searchable.

    And there are a lot of snippets of conversations that repeat and clarify certain things, so maybe I may be able to find a later version too that has been posted somewhere, but none appear in the first post of the rotation thread.

    Maybe the rules are obvious to you because some of the rotation guild members have passed on some of the rotation rules to their members.

    The expectation of a GM being called via petition on any other servers is for it to be at least not worse than calling for "Judge Dredd" - at least some modicum of taking a situation at face value based on the law, though that is worst case, all GMs I have encountered have been really fair and understanding.
  8. Porygon Augur

    If you were looking for something, that was announced in the past, where would you go...


    Interesting, in the NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS section, I found this.


    That alone. Even without sifting through 100 pages of bs, gives you enough information to know there's a rotation. It's even still on the first page.

    You could have then asked in general chat a simple question about the rotation. Or sent a tell to anyone in FL, AD or MM and I'm sure they would oblige you and explain anything you needed.

    While your arguments are good, they don't hold any weight. Everything you say is to try and make it look like we secretly put this together to specifically hurt smaller guilds.

    You're wrong, plain and simple.
    Simone likes this.
  9. Croak Augur

    Ok so lets do a mutual deal
    • I will never lead a "guild" in the Lockjaw rotation - that includes alliances / open raids etc that might qualify
    • I will never take the role of the main mediator in a rotation dispute - I may be willing to help break the ice, explain rules, and attempt to stop any infraction etc, or be brought in as some kind of expert witness/consultant/oversight, but never as the official mediator.
    • I will never seek for myself or accept any power such as a vote on the rotation council on Lockjaw, either in a permanent or temporary position
    • Term of this agreement 5 years from date of signing
    • This is a mutual deal and both signatures are required

    Penalty 20 krono

    /signed Croak

    Are you willing to sign the same?
  10. vaio007 Elder

    More nonsensical babble over a non-issue. Troll and break the rotation, get suspended. Make a note of that in your little notebook. :confused:
  11. Croak Augur

    Yeah they knew there was a rotation, but they didn't know how exactly it applied to them, and what immediate punishment would befall them if a GM is /petitioned citing the rotation.

    • It is not sticky
    • Ragefire doesn't have this problem
    • 100s-1000s transferred from Ragefire

    You don't have access to the discussion thread - some of the intent to use the hand of god in all situations is frightening.

    Petitions are only meant to be for extreme situations, not for the only form of punishment for non-rotation members.
  12. Steampunk Augur

    The first thing you idiots need to do is look up the definition of "mediation".
    Nowhere does it say anything about compromise or bargaining. Requiring some arbitrary level of neutrality is stupid. There is merely a non-involved third party coming in to give the offending party one last chance to back off on their own before having to call in the officials. If the guild which is on the rotation should be willing to make some compromise or bargain, then bravo to them for being the better men/women. They are under no obligation to do so, however, nor is the third party under any obligation to request it.
    Simone likes this.
  13. Steampunk Augur

    B*llsh*t. (c)

    (c)opyright 2003 Penn & Teller
    Osgz likes this.
  14. sleka Lorekeeper

    Actually, it is. By the people for the people unless you pretend the government isn't made of people.
  15. Croak Augur

    Even the rotation council leaders don't know the rules and how they have actually been enforced

    As far as I am aware, no one up to that point in time had received a 7 day ban/suspension that was sustained for more than a few hours.

    Snubs only received an "MM" suspension, overturned
    Zhu only got 3 days suspension
    I have not seen it mentioned anywhere how long MM officers/leaders got before it was overturned
  16. Hendar2 Augur

    DBG can base the length of the suspension on whatever factors they want. Copping an attitude might influence this. So I have zero problems with a 7 day (vs 3 day).

    Mediation did occur. The offenders were politely notified of their transgressions, and given the chance to back down. They had an option at that point (which is more than occurred when I got a parking ticket the other day). They made their choice. At that point it was clear that nothing more could be done -- unless someone thinks that another 40 attempts at talking are going to have any effect. A petition went in, and CS acted.

    This is hardly a heavy-handed nuclear scenario. Such a case might have been made if a guild noticed the offenses and immediately petitioned.

    Oh and '3rd party' seems to be confusing to some. DHS was selected because it wasn't their day in Sky, and they weren't killing stuff. Their sole obligation (IMO) was to make sure everyone was aware of the rotation, and had a chance to back down. That's it. No making brownies or singing around the campfire. I'm satisfied this occurred. I'm also satisfied that the offenders were aware of the rotation before the petition went in, and had a fair chance to back down.
    Simone, Crystilla and Steampunk like this.
  17. Porygon Augur

    DBG doesnt post how long someone's suspension is. There should be no reason that the "Council Leaders" as you call them should know it was different from the threat of a 7-day suspension which was originally stated. This is a moot point, and you know it. You are grasping for straws to continue to hold up your argument.
    Simone likes this.
  18. Steampunk Augur

    Doesn't matter. Both the scheduled guild and the third-party guild gave them the facts. They said they understood, they didn't care, and it didn't apply to them. If, instead, they had decided not to be d*ckheads and gone and done something else then nothing would have happened. I suspect that the it was the quality of their response that prompted the 7-day suspension, instead of a lesser one.

    On another note, you and your attempted power-brokering and muck-raking have used up all the patience I have allotted for that kind of nonsense, so I am putting you on ignore. Not that I think you care, or that I care whether you care, but just to let you know that I won't see any response you dream up for this.
    Simone likes this.
  19. Gloom Journeyman

    I Croak, I'm done with you.

    Another person that doesn't understand facts when they are presented.

    I seriously wonder if you ever have kids, and your wife gets the ultrasound and it's a girl (i'm assuming you're a guy, it takes pretty big balls to be THIS stupid publicly, and constantly), what will happen? Based off your responses:

    - Can I talk to the girl and tell her she has the option to not be one while she's inside my wife's womb?
    - I didn't want a girl
    - I wasn't told the chances I could have a girl
    - You are lying that it's not a boy.
    - I would like to step in, and demand that I get to pick that it be a boy

    You're lying in your own post to try and back track. Let me help you on your points.

    - Yes they knew there was a rotation (See "I don't adhere to your rotation")
    - Yes they knew EXACTLY that it applied to them. (See "This rotation is enforced by dbg and the last group got suspended"... "Noted")
    - Yes they knew what immediate punishment would befall them (See "Last group got suspended")

    They were literally given every opportunity here to play nice, and didn't. Again, you're grasping for evidence now. Seeming to pull stuff out of thin air that never happened, and there are LOGS to prove it.

    Just. Stop. Embarrassing. Yourself.


    I'm pretty sure everyone on this server is done with you at this point. Good luck finding anyone that takes what you have to say seriously, I know I and a vast majority of us don't.
    Simone and Porygon like this.
  20. Auraphex New Member

    Our position is that we know there's a rotation, but we're not interested in participating in it. We were aware of the drama between FI/MM, but as everyone knows, that got quickly reversed. There's a post on the forums that says they'll enforce the rotation, but it also says in the EULA that DBG doesn't intervene in raid/group disputes. In classic EQ, there were rotations, and sometimes people would ignore them and sometimes this changed the lay of the land. I saw this happen many, many times and SOE never intervened. So who knows? We knew there was a risk of this happening and we decided to take that risk. (In the greater scheme of things this risk is essentially nil.)

    As an aside re: logs, it's worth mentioning that I probably should have screenshotted/logged everything that was said to me, because a lot of the logs being posted are missing some lines that, you know, would make the other guilds involved look a little more hostile and crazy.

    The elephant in the room from our perspective is that most smaller guilds would love to do Sky and could easily do islands 1, 2, and 3. We had a wizard parked up in Sky intermittently for a few weeks prior to going up, and we observed that those islands (particularly the first island) are rarely cleared and often simply skipped.

    Full disclosure: we had been going to Sky for weeks before this and no one seemed to care. Island 1 is easily clearable with 3 or 4 players and spawned probably 90% of the time. A lot of guilds and groups would love to do that content -- just go up and kill what other people aren't killing for a chance at loot -- but they're worried that they'll get banned. If anyone is nodding their head with a "Rotation #1" foam finger on their hand in reference to this, I doubt we'll ever see eye to eye on this, but I have talked to a lot of smaller guild leaders that feel that they're stuck.

    But enough about me.

    I feel really bad for people that take part in the rotation that come here to defend in when they aren't even getting their Personal Pan Pizza out of the deal. You too can break free from the bonds of Stockholm Syndrome. Please contact your GM and ask if you can be signed up for the Pizza Hut® Personal Pan Pizza™ Krono Konversion Program (PH®PPP™KKP.)

    Here's a diagram to help break up the wall of text:

    Protocol and chris_the_mage like this.