[Please No!] December Server -no box

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by KarmaThaKing, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    The established TLP servers have populations so high that they need to instance zones so I don't think that should be an issue. And using the argument about taking away from existing servers came up when they first created the latest two TLP servers.

    A no box server is a scary thing for those of us on the other servers. Heck I also worry that work on any new server is going to take way from efforts on the regular servers. The more specialty servers there are the lesss dev time gets devoted to the regular servers and I am a regular server guy all the way and a boxer a lot of the time. But I think there is a demand for a non box server.
    code-zero likes this.
  2. Usethekamehamehawave New Member

    I'll play on a no-box server in a heartbeat. OP, the world doesn't revolve around you. There's no point in keeping everyone chained to whatever server you want to play on.
    Terranos likes this.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Bot armies may be worried about who they will sell drops to if everyone else goes to a no box server.
  4. Fallfyres Augur

    Yep. Micro Entrepreneurs heh. Keeping the flow of Kronos up; NOT bringing in cold hard coin.
  5. Pluralis Majestatis Journeyman

    Increased revenue empowers them to hire additional resources to keep the balls rolling. If they choose to do other things with that revenue then nothing is to blame for the spreading thin of resources other than DBG's greed.
  6. Kolani Augur

    Just so you're aware, winter 2015 in developerspeak doesn't mean December. Winter 2015 is a nebulous area that runs into early 2016.
  7. Tulgin Augur

    Regarding your point #1 about revenue, as someone already said generally boxers don't pay for their accounts, so they bring in 0 revenue. Didn't Almar admit to having 30 accounts and paying for none of them? Someone who doesn't box pays more than he does.

    Before anyone tries to argue, no, clicking a Krono doesn't give any money to DBG.

    I 6 box and pay for 2 of the accounts, but I am going to try out the no box server. I box because I feel I have to, l to keep up with everyone else, even as a 6 boxer I feel like a slacker. I need to be 18 boxing really, but can't be bothered.

    So I give up the rat race and want to 1 box.
  8. Vaclav Augur

    From our standpoint no they don't - from DBGs they likely do.

    Most businesses consider "Gift Card" transactions (like a Krono fundamentally is) as nothing until the value is cashed in.
  9. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I'm sure the only thing they have to provide a krono user if EQ happens to fold and someone is stuck with say 1000 of them is.... replacement to be deemed (x) at a later time.

    Then again I doubt "gift card" laws apply to the krono.

    Cal. Civil Code §1749.5(b)
    (1) Any gift certificate sold after January 1, 1997, is redeemable in cash for its cash value, or subject to replacement with a new gift certificate at no cost to the purchaser or holder.
    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), any gift certificate with a cash value of less than $10 is redeemable in cash for its cash value.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  10. Vaclav Augur

    That's part of why I said "like" - its beneficial for businesses to defer income for taxes/reporting income for which is why most do it like I mentioned - "gift cards" under tax law have to have a cash value, which is part of why the Krono fine print states they have no cash value.
  11. Kolani Augur

    The Krono has already been purchased when it's clicked, DBG already has their money. If someone is sitting on 1000 Krono, DBG has already received almost $18k from users. They're the sole provider of Krono.
  12. Tulgin Augur

    Exactly. You didn't give DBG money when you traded plat for the Krono, you didn't give them money when you consumed it either. Could argue that sitting on 1000 Krono is slightly altering the supply / demand, but meh, if your using Krono you ain't paying for your account, simple.
  13. Lotusfly Elder

  14. Friday Augur

  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Actually a lot of boxers DO pay for their acounts at least on the regular servers. Boxers using third party software are the ones who don't play for any of their accounts. Some raiders boxing and not using third party software probabably don't pay for some of their accounts. The main issue I think are boxers using third part software. I run the largest casual guild on the regular server I play on. Boxers in my guild may help offset their subscriptions with kronos but they are not paying for all their accounts that way nor anywhere close to that. Not sure how that goes on the TLP servers though I don't play enough on them.
    KarmaThaKing likes this.
  16. KarmaThaKing Elder

    As the OP of this tread, this was the basis of what I was saying if some folks took the time to understand the foundation of my statements. I just don't want DBG to apply a bandaid and open up a new server just "because of all the bots".... I don't want to be left on Ragefire with all the bots. If they are willing to fix the "bot problem" too then, great...open up as many servers as you want, but I just hope that they fix the problems

    Some good points have been made that, there are enough people on ragefire ( 6 instances worth ), that it may not in fact be that decimating to the population volumes.

    As for me, I dont even purchase krono. I subscribe my accounts by credit card. I don't think this summarizes the boxers. I would venture to assume it does summarize the botters though. I could be wrong... =)...

    Do not purchase krono on the markets and contribute to the inflation / bot supporting.... Go farm your gear yourself.
  17. Vylint New Member

    My problem with the No-Box server is simply this. Its a dream, its not achievable. Even if you set the client up to only run one instance of the game, it won't even make it out of test before someone has a by pass for it. IP addresses you say? Virtual Machines, and proxies, I reply. Its so incredibly simple to get around anything DBG will invest in trying to do that its pointless.

    So what you will be left with is a server of people that are pissed off the anti box format did not work and an over policed population removing the few boxers they can catch. Both of these populations will eventually say to hell with this and quit and the server will either start screaming to allow boxing or die a terrible, horrible, death. This population will look back to the current TLP's they left and many will feel they are "to far behind" to catch up and move off to other games.

    I say go for it, make the no box TLP's.. but you are not going to stop the top tier guilds from trying to cheat the system. Honor is long dead in gaming my friends, if it ever existed at all.
  18. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Why get upset if it's not achievable then you got nothing to worry about?
    I do enjoy people that think "quit before you try" it's a great way to go through life.
  19. Espiritun Augur


    I love this generational thinking "It can't be perfect, so don't even try!"
    as opposed to:
    "We choose to do this thing not because it is easy, but because it is hard"
    Remember when this country was great?
  20. Vylint New Member

    If you refer you two refer to my post, I stated.

    I say go for it, make the no box TLP's.. but you are not going to stop the top tier guilds from trying to cheat the system. Honor is long dead in gaming my friends, if it ever existed at all.

    I'm simply putting it out there, they better seriously consider how they intend to handle the "No-box". The idea of policing IP's and one client system is laughable at best and shows a complete lack of understanding in their dev team at worst.

    I.. Im not sure where you got that I was "worried" either way. But I cant say I told you so, if I don't call it ahead of time.