1 disrupting many has to stop (frustrated)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Solkos, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. AngorfLadroTholuxeP Augur

    I will not buy any loot, period.
    I'll use RMTers Kronos to sub my account until my frustration reaches boiling point.
    They will not get another penny from me until they fix the raiding situation and address rampant cheating on this server.
    Please note I have 0 problem with boxing and 99 problems with M A C R O Q U E S T 2

    They are killing off lots of the good community with this.
    Fallfyres and Elkay like this.
  2. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I know this is preaching to the choir (I've pretty much run out of steam for these threads at all because it has become clear to me that DBG won't act in their customers' best interest as long as it goes against their own feelings), these kinds of situations were eminent the minute DBG changed their pnp and engagement rules for group content. I don't really think balance will help in the long run, however, because if they couldn't do it with mages, they would do it with necros, wizards, or shadow knights. Single-player coordination of multiple characters will beat regular group coordination of mixed characters almost every time.

    I think the only real solution for the pickzone abuse is to have pickzone plant you at the zone in. But there really isn't any practical solution for the group content customer abuse that we are seeing.
    Elkay, Jadefox and Rhiyannon like this.
  3. Agrippa Augur

    RMT crews pretty much run p99, having the GMs in their pocket. Is it really that surprising that we see the same happening with DBG?
    frankie78227 likes this.
  4. code-zero Augur

    Camps haven't been recognized on any live server in years. For whatever reason SOE treated the previous progression servers to special treatment with lots of extra GM intervention.
  5. Rhiyannon Augur

    huh? so you wont buy, but you will use their kronos to sub yours? am i missing something here?
  6. Solkos Augur

    I logged off the game after what you call a "DPS race" and what can actually be clearly categorized as griefing. But if they really did go around training, I am a little embarrassed.

    That being said, I am surprised this guy box/bot is wearing your guild tag. I thought your guild wanted a respected image but clearly with the guy in there, a respected image isn't going to happen and I really hope this image will effect your recruiting if it all keeps up.

    Your leadership is well aware that they invited a thug into the guild. Before his invite into your guild, this server has been very respectable between higher end guilds but, when you start recruiting people who were kicked from TL because TL doesn't want to be associated with such a shady fellow who blatantly exploits...there are going to be tensions created that didn't need to be there in the first place.
  7. yupandyupyup New Member

    Simple solution make a list of dee bags, buy lots of krono, wait for a few xpacs then find people on that list and be their out of group puller
    Fallfyres likes this.
  8. Makelite Augur

    You realize that a lot wearing your guild tag use the same box/bot software to kill raid mobs because it's the only way they can be successful? You got a taste of competition, more of that will occur in the near future, you just have to see what side makes more sense. All this holyierthanthou crap is just that, all of us are capable and have done things to the extent of this individual, only difference is that he gloats a bit about it. I only foresee things getting more interesting and can't wait!
  9. code-zero Augur

    Seriously, if training solved the problem that it would be no problem at all. There's a lot of loudmouths going on about how they'll train and yet we continue to see threads like this
  10. Elkay Augur

    Yep, this is the game I signed up for and came back to play.

    Remember, Lockjaw is the better server community and people wanting PNP should start a character there instead of deal with Ragefire.

    I'm pretty much done with this crap. With no police to manage the abusers, the abusers will continue to ruin the community. "DPS race is all that matters" causes nothing but drama.

    If an official server doesn't come online with enforced PNP and anti-griefing measures, you'll probably find me over on P99. They seem to be able to keep the community in line and they're just a small number of volunteers. I think that fact might be what bothers me most at this point.
    Seilan likes this.
  11. Solkos Augur

    Sounds like you are going to be a real piece of work here... Maybe you are just a troll on these forums. I guess things will get pretty interesting down the road. I don't mind a little competition at all.

    As for us using box/bot software in raids apparently you are one who likes to exaggerate things pretty grossly (probably just a troll). The fact that you think we are needing and using box/bot armies to take down the targets we take down is quite laughable. Ask your leader how many mage armies he sees us using. I hear he likes to sit in on other people's raids lol. Yes, I don't disagree some of our members use 3rd party software but we don't use it as a crutch to make up for our inadequacies.

    Although I do not like a couple of these third party software and I have spoken out against them in EQ forums, this thread is about 1 particularly disruptive player who openly uses hacks and violates TOS in other ways too.

    I don't agree with your statement at all about us all doing what this guy does. I think this takes a rare breed to do what he is doing.
  12. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur



    Mayfaire and Rhiyannon like this.
  13. Bumpkin Augur

    Good luck getting a charm off before it dies!
  14. Makelite Augur

    No troll, have little interest tbh until Kunark releases. Will stick to live servers until then but do have friends in your guild since they invited half the server and well aware of what goes on. My point is you can't bash someone doing/using the same mechanisms you are associating with and if you don't realize that then you haven't been there very long. Trust me, I have no personal agenda, just pointing out facts is all.
  15. Solkos Augur

    Yup, we are well aware that friends are in both guilds. Not a big deal at all really.
    I understand your point but, again, you don't get my point that this mage army in question is going above and beyond what is deemed reasonable.

    I guess we wait and see because this guy will get banned. I guarantee it and the fact that you are defending a guy who will likely be the first guy to get 12-18 accounts banned on this round of TLP servers makes me laugh.
  16. Elkay Augur

    I'm not disagreeing that what they're doing is immoral. But what they're doing is boxing, taking a spawn since there are no camps, and winning a DSP race. None of which are against the current rules. They'd be opening a can of worms by banning them and would need to state a valid reason for doing so.

    But I want that can of worms opened. And want to hear the reason.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  17. Diemond Augur

    No they don't, they can ban you for any reason they want, read the rules sometime.
  18. Tintaglia Augur

    I know people have suggested premium servers, a la Stormhammer, but technically, these ARE premium servers because to play on them requires a subscription. We should be afforded even a modicum of customer service, just because we are paying for the access. If it were possible, I would suggest making access only available to people that actually subscribed with real money and not a krono. The RMTers have all the other servers to run amok and propagate their bot armies with krono, why should they be allowed to do it on servers where real people are paying real money to play?
    Artemis-Entreri and Rhiyannon like this.
  19. Makelite Augur

    ^^^ This guy gets it.
  20. Azzudien Augur

    Not against competition at all, and though I don't speak for my guild I can speak to what I have witnessed and I have not been on a raid yet where a mage army was used to kill a target. Surprisingly we actually have tanks that want to die (I mean tank stuff). We actually have melee that want to do damage including the extremely rare rogue class. I find our raids to be a pretty good balance of classes across the board minus rogues, think we only have 2.
    I don't see many boxes on our raids at all as most raids are filled with main characters. We do have a few boxes present if there is available slots open in raid. I look forward to raid changes as I hope the raid mobs become more difficult and have more of a challenge to them because frankly right now a mage army is not needed to kill anything presently.

    To the original topic, technically there are no rules on these servers for the most part but being respectful to other players is always a win. What was described as happening at efreeti is just rude behavior that is completely unnecessary play. Kunark and Velious and all the expansions will unlock eventually, population will drop over time, and hopefully people on servers can learn to become civil and enjoy the game.

    I am having a blast playing and enjoying my time and I have met a lot of people that are enjoying the game. I hope that continues for a long time.