1 disrupting many has to stop (frustrated)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Solkos, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. Solkos Augur

    I will start off by saying this guy I am focusing on in this thread boxes up to 18 players at once (that I know about) and has already run into the ban hammer at least once, possibly twice, on Lockjaw so far. It is obvious he is pushing his limits with game hacks and other TOS violations. I am pretty sure he is just taunting GMs at this moment with his antics.
    I can't mention his name or his guild (I am rather surprised his current big name guild picked him up after TL asked him not to wear their tag anymore due to his behavior) but, he is the guy that was killing some big raid targets on the Lockjaw server, with 1 other person, until he got himself banned for multiple days.

    Here is what happened last night (keep in mind last night is not an isolated incident):
    Last night in Efreeti camp he trains in with 12 of his boxs, along with any mobs his picked up on the way, and says something along the lines of
    "this camp is mine"
    "Be ready for me to wreck your night"
    "I need EXP, please train me"
    After he stole the camp by casting all 12 mages at once on the Efreeti, he continued to taunt the folks in the camp by means of shout and ooc. He was probably reported by every single person in the group but this isn't the first time he has been reported like this.
    This all is a clear violation of the TOS and I am just getting sick of this stuff not being taken care of. This is not what I came back to EQ to experience. I am NOT threatening to quit like some other people on these forums do but. I must say I am very frustrated this particular guy or other bad apples like him are not permanently banned yet.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  2. Bumpkin Augur

    sounds like you lost a DPS race (which is allowed - this is how the devs said they wanted the server to be run) and are salty about it.
    Ferry-Tunare and Elkay like this.
  3. Makelite Augur

    Can't steal something that doesn't exist, he brought more dps than you. Get over it and wait for /pickzone.
  4. HahnHighnoteEQ New Member

    It's always fun when you see Saklut self-destructing for attention.
  5. Arrk Augur

    His $ outweighs yours... DBG doesn't care.. they have direction to only care about the bottom line.

    That is why they canceled the PNP, to save money. That is why they have been making a lot of the decisions lately they way they have.

    $ > all
    Xanadas likes this.
  6. Zublak Augur

    The quoted person just likes to come on the threads and instigate problems. I'd ignore him and just keep reporting players that grief you.
  7. Canik Augur

    And thus we have the death of the new TLP servers. When one player is ruining the experience of others, it is a problem. If nothing is done, players will leave. You can /pickzone every 5 minutes. So can he.
    Gimple likes this.
  8. Rhiyannon Augur

    /start sarcasm

    but... he pays for those toons! he has the right to play too! you're ruining his rmting and playing by being there! camps don't exist! boxing with 3rd party software to control them all is legit!

    /end sarcasm

    with all the kronos his type has... he'll just do it again and again...
    Gimple likes this.
  9. Hateseeker Augur

    How does a mixed-class group NOT lose a DPS race to someone that has 6 of the class that Daybreak refused to balance? (not counting the raid balancing they are about to do)

    Note that in no way am I commenting against the DPS racing rule or boxing. Only balance.
    Brogett and Rhiyannon like this.
  10. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    If noone bought stuff for kronos and ridiculous prices, they will ALL leave.
    Boycott the freakin farmers already you sheeples.
    Wyxx, Warpeace, Fallfyres and 4 others like this.
  11. Makelite Augur

    Don't blame the players, blame DBG, it's their rules. DPS wins, sucks when you can't own every mob right?
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  12. Tintaglia Augur

    Balance in my eyes, is not remotely controlling 12 versus six single-controlled characters. This statement has nothing to do with boxing, as I am boxing a second account.
    skattabrainz likes this.
  13. taliefer Augur

    All you can do is /report the chat harassment.
  14. Makelite Augur

    So if 12 real players came in and done this, then it's ok? Mages are out of whack, DPS wins, broadcasting is allowed....take advantage or cry about it, DBG obviously has made their decision on the subject. Not saying I support it but that's where the chips have fallen, and trust me, a lot of people complaining about this individual use the same tactics to kill raid bosses.
    code-zero likes this.
  15. Bumpkin Augur

    Well, you always lose it. That might be why that dude made mages and not a bunch of rangers, rogues and warriors. It's also probably why he rolls into that camp with confidence he can take it, because he knows he can out dps anyone else who shows up.
  16. Arrk Augur

    Charm the mob... and have the mob kill itself versus other mobs...

    No one gets the loot....
    KingOfPepsiMax and Sygny like this.
  17. Solkos Augur

    The point in which this guy engaged our whole group in /say is the point of which this situation went from just a DPS race (which we will never win verses 12 overpowered mages) to a matter of griefing.

    Also for those who keep saying just /pickzone, remember that Efreeti is in Naggy's lair which means there isn't multiple instances yet.
    Gimple likes this.
  18. Goodnews Augur

    I agree with the item boycott. Simply do not buy the high end loot. We have 6 months to gear out and enjoy doing so. Addicts are selling to other and potential addicts. Resist the urge and decide to just enjoy the game, gearing up as you level.
    As far as your actual post, I agree its a poor decision to allow that kind of behavior.
  19. Dotster New Member

    Then after all this your guild runs around training level 25s in other zones to make up for the fact you lost a dps race...no pitty bro and I hope it keeps happening over and over and over. After your guild set out to train anyone with the same tag as the person you lost a dps race to, I am now motivated to level up and take everything from you.
  20. Makelite Augur

    Ah, so his words hurt your feelings then? That's the issue? To me it seems he was just stating the obvious, his team will out dps yours, therefore, mob will be his, train him, and he will just kill it all, if you stay, you will just be frustrated by the outcome.

    I'm not trying to be a d!ck here but you are literally complaining about someone following the rules and telling you so.

    Edit: And I didn't tell you to use /pickzone, I said to wait for it to be an option.