Twisted legion????

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bagel, May 28, 2015.

  1. Frenzic Augur

    I will say this, that if you saw any SK's warp to Sev in front of your eyes, you had to have warped too. Also, i got to Sev when he was at 91% health, running with Bard speed. Its not like he instantly died lol.
    Although, I do belive Tullian may have gotten the servewide.[/quote]

    I was in a bard group and was one of the first 5-6 players in the zone. I can only assume the sks that warped ran with sow or some other slow movement speed. There were other people there with bard speed as well, so that was legit.
  2. Ceffener Augur

    Instance raids, make loot no drop, and have weekly lockouts. All guilds wanting to raid get to raid. All guilds wanting to compete for server first get to compete.


    Only thing you lose is KSing raid bosses and single guild domination...
    Seilan and Warlorf like this.
  3. Detheb Augur

    When you say "All guilds wanting to compete for server first get to compete", you mean "All guilds that cant mobilize or come up with pre-expansion plan, still have a chance against those that will"?

    I dont mind instancing raid content if you're talking from a loot standpoint, but if you want to throw the competition word in there, you're doing it wrong. Instancing is basically the anti-competition.
    Maxium Dualblade and Fallfyres like this.
  4. Jezzie Augur

    I think it's been shown that it's possible to instance the raid content. Not sure how much it soaks up in the way of resources but with the unexpected boost to revenue I'm hoping it would be worth it.
    How about instancing raids 2 or 3 months after an expansion unlocks to allow for competitively farming gear?
    Then after instancing lower tier guilds will be able to get geared up and may show some interest and enthusiasm in competing after an unlock.
    I believe somebody has suggested this idea in the past.
  5. Detheb Augur

    This is actually a decent idea. I want some competitiveness going around. I expect that a few guilds will rise up before too long and take charge, but helping others get to that point wouldn't be bad. The only issue would be, how would you be able to restrict access to specific things(Must have X thing done), and also prevent guilds from cascading instances(6 mages per instance with 6 real people. Guild could get 6-7 Instances easily).
  6. Jezzie Augur

    I've never seen an economy like this one where level 20 items are selling for krono. Things seem a bit crazy in-game right now.
    If raid items are selling for upwards of 6 months game time then sure, there's going to be some serious exploiting going on, something the staff will have to get a handle on. I'm sure they didn't expect a BABs to be selling for $17.99, I know I didn't!
    Maybe things will straighten out soon when people realize they can actually get into zones and get the drops for themselves.
  7. Numiko Augur

    just because someone is asking for a Krono does not mean they are getting them for those items.. some guy today in necro chat auctioned a Harvester for 2 Krono ... everyone laughed at him.
    Jezzie likes this.
  8. Ceffener Augur

    The goal of becoming server first is a competive race. Yes only highly mobile and dedicated guilds compete in that, but like I said if that's what you want to do, then you still get it.

    Your trading the competing over what guild gets loot and turning it into one over speed. While allowing all guilds to participate in raids and aquire loot.

    Let's look at the game everyone plays, or makes fun of...but it's #1 in $. In WoW a raid patch comes out and guilds compete to become world first and server first. Like Twisted Legion a world first guilds gets threw the raids and finished all content in a week or so.

    That's the main competition.

    On the other hand I'm in a guild, we get 20 people on 6 hours a week and do the exact same raid content as them. Why? Raiding is fun and challenging. Getting gear is fun and rewarding. In WoW you have every guild wanting to raid logging on and doing so (with weekly lockouts per boss and all loot is no drop). More people logging on = more $$$.

    In classic EQ raiding 1 guild can lock down raid bosses one multiple servers. Any other guild that wants to raid is SOL. People not logging on, because they have cleared all content but raids = less $$$.

    Yes there was a time when 12 hour spawn camping and KSing raid bosses was a thing. 4am phone call because Naggy just popped. Maybe this is the world EQ players want to return to. I personally would love to enjoy the classic feel of EQ but ALL the content. Raids are a large portion of the game and keeping that to select people is a major bummer.
  9. Grish Augur

    My post was based on experience, not what if's. TL was indeed much stronger early, it had a huge zerg force. Just like it does now on Ragefire. You had 3-4 times the numbers of any other guild on Fippy and it is the same now on Ragefire. Lets not make it sound like TL was some amazing guild because they were far from it. They were a guild with more members with more time on their hands than any other guild. That was the only thing exceptional about them.

    They were a giant guild, hence they won more encounters. A + B = C.
  10. Teylk New Member

    Your post obviously isn't based on experience because it is completely inaccurate. TL had approximately the same # of members as Citizen and Armageddon did on Fippy, in classic. You saying we had 3-4 times the amount of any other guild is wrong. The fact is, TL mobilized faster than other guilds on fippy which is why they got the majority of the kills.
  11. Banuvan Augur

    HAHA Frenzic! The fact that you are willing to throw 9 SKs and 72 people at naggy shows you are out to absolutely deny people raid targets. Same in CT. There is no other question then you guys are doing it just because you can. The proof is in the pudding good sir. TL is nothing but a zerg who is out to deny as much content to people as can be and your definition of effort is to zerg and HT mobs to death giving nobody else even a possibility for a raid mob.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA that you actually think this is some form of competition at the level you guys are willing to stoop to.
  12. Jamz Augur

    Watch out boys, he's going to blow.
    Frenzic likes this.
  13. Zert Journeyman

    got all these ppl crying about targets but ive seen naggy and giants up last 30-40mins.
  14. Banuvan Augur

    Sorry the rest of the server doesn't have hundreds of people in their guild so they can sit a full raid at every spawn to "compete" for the mob with TL. Silly us for not even wanting to be close to the same lowly level that TL thinks is required to have skill and talent zerging and HTing a mob to death.
  15. Gregolo Augur

    Guy shows up to a tennis match without a racquet.

    Tells people that a racquet isn't something he'll stoop to using.

    Watches people play tennis with jealousy and ire.
  16. Banuvan Augur

    Well see, you ask for a doubles match so people show up on a 2 person team and you put 18 on the court against them and call it skill and say they don't want to win or they woudl put forth the effort. There is no changing the fact that while we all suspected TL of doing htings like this and that everything that has been said is balogney this just proves the point and drives it home. You guys aren't there for competition. You are out to deny people all access whatsoever to raid mobs.
  17. Jamz Augur

    The only difference is the raid window supports 72 people where the tennis court only supports 2 (on each side).
    Frenzic likes this.
  18. Gregolo Augur

    Irrelevant. Nothing stops you from forming a bigger group with other like minded people. We're not bringing 500 people, you don't need to either

    Solo - Group - Raid - Alliance

    Pick where you stand, get loot appropriate to that force.
  19. Bumpkin Augur

    I'm pretty sure they are just there to kill bosses and collect loot. Their purpose isn't to deny it from others, it's to obtain it themselves. Unfortunately for others, this means that if TL gets it they don't. So I guess they feel denied.

    I don't see why you have to make TL out to be bad people because they use abilities that the game has made available (like harm touch). If they are saying negative things, being rude or things of that nature towards other, then I can totally understand why you would be upset with them. That is just uncalled for. But them killing bosses is kind of why they came together as a guild so I don't understand how people can be getting upset about it.
    Frenzic and Gregolo like this.
  20. Eldrian Augur

    I just don't understand all the hate towards TL or any other top guilds killing raid targets. If you are of the level and experience that you want to start raiding there are a few options that are much more productive than whining. First of all, if you want to raid top end, try joining a top end guild. Raid guilds have a high turnover and almost revolving door recruiting. If yo say "Hey I love my guild and could never leave", ok fine so either join or start a raid alliance. If you really have the time and desire(and ability) to do top end raiding on any server then there are ways to do it. If however you just want to half azz your way through and complain because someone has a shiny and you don't, then I guess continue to troll away.
    Frenzic likes this.